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Do you have an ironing board?

69 replies

UselessFecker · 02/06/2023 10:37

Rarely use it and it's taking up a lot of space in my small home. Should I chuck it? Is there a smaller alternative?

OP posts:
Willmafrockfit · 02/06/2023 10:39

i store it behind the sofa
i use it once a year

Neverinamonthofsundays · 02/06/2023 11:20

Yes. It has a lovely grey cover on it and makes a lovely ornament in the utility room. The iron is blue and makes the most amazing sculpture right beside it. One day I might take them out and see what happens....

YellowHatt · 02/06/2023 11:22

I found out I can iron on a towel on the kitchen counter on the rare occasions I do actually iron. So I send the ironing board off to the charity shop!


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CurlewKate · 02/06/2023 11:25

If you don't iron, charity shop it. Mine used to have a lot of use when I had kids at school. Now it lives on a hook behind a door and DP hauls it out once a week to iron himself a few shirts. I haven't used it for 6 years.

Wyndam · 02/06/2023 11:32

I've got a little table top one which fits down the side of the drawers but it has a hook on it so it can hang in a wardrobe. The only reason I have it is for small sewing projects but before this I used a towel on the table which did just a good job for the once or twice a year I needed to iron something.

ComtesseDeSpair · 02/06/2023 11:33

We have one that belongs to DH, which was originally in his flat and which he insisted he used all the time and insisted on bringing with him when we bought our place and moved in together. That was four years ago and it’s never left its spot down the side of the wardrobe in the spare room where it lives folded up.

You can get little folding worktop ironing boards which are easier to store and more practical if you only iron the odd item occasionally.

VivaciousRadish · 02/06/2023 11:34

We’ve got a little table top one. I think it was £4 in ikea. It’s only used for craft!

dontgobaconmyheart · 02/06/2023 11:39

I don't use it at all. DP uses it once a week to iron his work shirts so it doesn't see much use. We shove it in the cupboard under the stairs so it isn't in view. On the rare occasion I'd like an item ironed I just put it on his shirt pile and he'll do it.

I did debate getting a garment steamer and getting rid of thr iron/board but having not tried one I didn't overly want to waste the money if they aren't any good or ended up taking longer than just getting out the iron.

TheFormidableMrsC · 02/06/2023 11:40

I don't understand how anybody lives without an ironing board! However, my daughter lives in a small flat and they have a table top one that takes up very little space.

teenagetantrums · 02/06/2023 11:42

Yes it lives behind the bedroom door...l don't think we have used it in the last 6 years but DP insists we need it. I have no clue where the iron is though.

Paperlate · 02/06/2023 11:43

I think there's one in the back of the under stairs cupboard. It's never used though. On the rare occasion any of us iron we just use a towel on the kitchen counter.

BanditsOnTheHorizon · 02/06/2023 11:43

Yes you can get smaller ones that you can put in a table

fancreek · 02/06/2023 11:44

No, I have a little heat proof blanket/mat which is designed to replace an ironing board. Just use it on a table

halfsiesonapotnoodle · 02/06/2023 11:45

No, I use an ironing heatproof pad on a table as I live in a flat. Lots on Amazon. Rolls up v small.

reluctantbrit · 02/06/2023 11:51

Yes and it's used around once a week/every two weeks. I hate unironed T-shirts so in Summer I use it more as in winter.

CosmosQueen · 02/06/2023 11:56

Yep, and it’s used regularly. I love wearing linen and cotton and I actually quite enjoy ironing. I also iron bed linen because nothing is nicer. I’m retired so time generally isn’t a problem!

TheMildManneredMilitant · 02/06/2023 11:57

I have one and use it OP. If you don't then there's no law against binning it. But tbh I'm mainly here for the 'what on earth is an ironing board' comments.

SuperbSummer2023 · 02/06/2023 12:00

TheFormidableMrsC · 02/06/2023 11:40

I don't understand how anybody lives without an ironing board! However, my daughter lives in a small flat and they have a table top one that takes up very little space.


when I was doing some work in the house I put the iron & board up in the loft.

that was several years ago!!

I do miss it, but only for tea towels & pillow cases. They stack so much better if ironed!

clothes, I spin on 800/1200 & I hang very carefully on the outside line, so they drop the creases. My clothes are very casual, even for work (not in an office), so mostly t shirts. Yeah I'd probably look a little more 'put together' if I ironed them, but meh, it very very really matters. They're smooth enough I don't look like I just rolled out of bed.

Stratocumulus · 02/06/2023 12:01

CosmosQueen · 02/06/2023 11:56

Yep, and it’s used regularly. I love wearing linen and cotton and I actually quite enjoy ironing. I also iron bed linen because nothing is nicer. I’m retired so time generally isn’t a problem!

As above from @CosmosQueen
I find ironing a soothing occupation. Something good on tv and away I go.
Im also in love with my kitchen broom and garden brushes. I love sweeping and find that soothing too. 🙄

Sissynova · 02/06/2023 12:14

Yes. I have a skinny tall cupboard that we built for it so its nicely tucked away.
Don't use it weekly but I would never get rid of it. I have a steamer but some things need an iron to get them crisp.

Littleguggi · 02/06/2023 12:15

Mine is out constantly because I use it daily, I don't understand people who don't!

BarbaraofSeville · 02/06/2023 12:26

I don't understand why anyone irons any more. Once you've got dressed and gone anywhere whether it's by walking, driving or public transport, your clothes will look the same whether or not they've been ironed. If not, you're washing/hanging them wrong.

We got rid of the ironing board when the cats destroyed the cover and I also realised if anything ever needed ironing, it could be done on a towel on the kitchen island. This has happened less than once a year for the past decade and most of that was when I was shortening curtains and wanted to make sure the hem was straight.

illiterato · 02/06/2023 12:37

Yes. Lives down the side of the wardrobe in DS’s room. Gets used a few times a week- I have someone come and do it though- I’m totally useless. I also have a commercial grade iron.


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caringcarer · 02/06/2023 12:38

I've got one but since DH is WFH it only get used once a month for a shirt for him.

stayathomer · 02/06/2023 12:39

Had 2 at different times, never ironed. I would LOVE to be a person who irons but I really amn’t 🙈

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