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A day in Amsterdam with the kids

16 replies

Nutellaonall · 15/05/2023 09:32

Off on holiday to the Netherlands and thinking of stopping in Amsterdam for the day enroute. If you had a day ( a short one we will have a two hour drive after that) what would be your top things to do. Our kids are 9,7 and 5 years old.

OP posts:
Bonbon21 · 15/05/2023 09:35

Placemarking for inspiration!

Phos · 15/05/2023 09:36

Vondelpark is good, there's loads of space to run around, several play areas and you can rent skates as well. Boat trips on the canal are always great and my daughter who is 6 really enjoyed the open top bus tour.

frozendaisy · 15/05/2023 10:00

Nemo science museum

Boopear · 15/05/2023 10:06

The science museum is great. Also suggest just a basic tram ride.. cheap and exciting for small kids! Tram no 2 takes you from Centraal Station (which is just across from the science museum) through the main squares/canals through to Museumplein which is close to the Vondelpatk. Try and find them a pancake house as well to eat Dutch pancakes 😀

codegeass · 15/05/2023 10:08

The Amsterdam Madam Tussauds museum is pretty cool - there was a lifelike Spiderman model last time I was there (4 years ago...), they might've added some more superheroes since

Nutellaonall · 15/05/2023 14:24

Thanks, great ideas. Can anyone suggest where we could park?

OP posts:
Franklyfrank · 15/05/2023 15:26

You can make your own personalised chocolate bar at Tony Chocolonely (pick your own flavour and toppings, wrapper colour and a message/your name printed on it), on the main drag from centraal station to Damrak.
Going for a small boat tour also nice, or if they're big enough rent a water bike. Museumplein is fun if the weather is nice with water play, playpark, etc.

Bakingdiva · 15/05/2023 15:30

You could probably park at Schipol airport, that's just a single train stop to Centraal station

LondonMummer · 15/05/2023 15:33

I blog about Amsterdam for kids and have some posts that should give you loads of inspiration. Let me know if you have any questions once you've had a read

crackofdoom · 15/05/2023 15:34

I don't know for Amsterdam in general, but a good general strategy is to take a look at the public transport map and pick somewhere easy to get to at the end of a metro/ tram/ suburban railway line.

crackofdoom · 15/05/2023 15:35

^sorry, that was for parking.

MrsTerryPratchett · 15/05/2023 15:36

Mine loved the Rijksmuseum.

AnathemaPulsifer · 15/05/2023 16:43

Get food at a branch of FEBO, lots of coin-operated doors with food behind. We loved it.

51Pegasusb · 15/05/2023 18:10

I agree about Nemo, lots of fun.

Parking- depends on which direction you're coming from?
You can use the A10 ring P&R's bijv- Sloterdijk of P&R Zeeburg (Tram 26 to CS)
Or I tend to dump the car at Breukelen train station and jump in a train there. (on the A2 just up from Utrecht) its free parking.
Avoid parking in Ams if possible, is expensive, busy and the public transport is good enough that you can leave your car outside the city.

51Pegasusb · 15/05/2023 18:13

@LondonMummer what a lovely Blog you've made!
Sadly they have got rid of the I Amsterdam letters now, we always liked climbing over them too!

LondonMummer · 15/05/2023 18:16

51Pegasusb · 15/05/2023 18:13

@LondonMummer what a lovely Blog you've made!
Sadly they have got rid of the I Amsterdam letters now, we always liked climbing over them too!

I know. We made the most amazing collage with the letters. We go incredibly often as my husband is Dutch and managed to get a shot of us by the letters each time we went from being engaged to having two kids - spelling out iAmsterdam Thank goodness we finished the set before they moved them.

The background at the airport isn't exactly the same!

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