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Moses basket recommendations

23 replies

blahblahblah1654 · 25/04/2023 19:58

Please can I have recommendations for a reasonably priced Moses basket? Baby due in a few months and our old Mothercare one isn't great.

OP posts:
Lalala0 · 25/04/2023 20:50

I never had one with both of my babies! They went in the next to me from the first night they were home! They grow out of the moses basket so qwickly!

EssexMamisoa · 25/04/2023 21:02

I’m the same use next to me upstairs and pram bassinet downstairs

blahblahblah1654 · 25/04/2023 21:41

Thanks but I do want another

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Conductpolicy · 25/04/2023 22:46

Baby markets.
People were so desperate not to take them home again I was being begged to take beautiful ones for 10 quid ( down from 60). I already had a different type of bed attachment cot.

TescoFinestMyArse · 25/04/2023 23:10

EssexMamisoa · 25/04/2023 21:02

I’m the same use next to me upstairs and pram bassinet downstairs

Same. Waste of money IMO

blahblahblah1654 · 25/04/2023 23:11

@Conductpolicy ah yes good idea! Haven't been to a nearly new sale since my before my DS was born 3 years ago. Already have a next to me crib but got a lot of use out of our Moses basket but it needs replacing.

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blahblahblah1654 · 25/04/2023 23:12

I know some people don't like Moses baskets but I used our last one a lot so would like another.

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Burpcloth · 25/04/2023 23:36

Lol-ing at the "waste of money" comment MN Moses Basket recommendation threads inevitably attract. (We also found having one handy).

I bought a Shnuggle classic + stand for £10 on FB marketplace. I recommend this plastic tub style (see also Tommee Tippee). Easy to clean (and disinfect for when buying 2nd hand too) and Shnuggle and Tommee Tippee have sold them for a while and still do, so easy to buy replacement mattresses (although they're probably standard size and can be bought anywhere). Really recommend a stand personally so you can lie on the sofa and have baby in easy view next to you.

SkankingWombat · 25/04/2023 23:41

blahblahblah1654 · 25/04/2023 23:12

I know some people don't like Moses baskets but I used our last one a lot so would like another.

It isn't so much that 'people' don't like them, more the babies IME. I was happy to use ours, but neither DC would entertain it awake or asleep.

Second hand basket and new mattress is the way to go. That way you haven't wasted much if you get a basket-refuser, plus whatever you pick up is likely to be in mint 'as new' condition - even when babies willingly sleep in them, they are quickly outgrown.

TescoFinestMyArse · 26/04/2023 01:28

Burpcloth · 25/04/2023 23:36

Lol-ing at the "waste of money" comment MN Moses Basket recommendation threads inevitably attract. (We also found having one handy).

I bought a Shnuggle classic + stand for £10 on FB marketplace. I recommend this plastic tub style (see also Tommee Tippee). Easy to clean (and disinfect for when buying 2nd hand too) and Shnuggle and Tommee Tippee have sold them for a while and still do, so easy to buy replacement mattresses (although they're probably standard size and can be bought anywhere). Really recommend a stand personally so you can lie on the sofa and have baby in easy view next to you.

It's not that I don't like them. I bought one. Plenty most of babies don't like them.


blahblahblah1654 · 26/04/2023 02:25

@Burpcloth I haven't seen the plastic types ones before! Thanks. I guess people are trying be helpful but I didn't ask if people thought I should get one. I already had one with my previous child and need a replacement. If they don't take to it then I'll get rid of it.

OP posts:
SunnySaturdayMorning · 26/04/2023 02:29

We bought the Aldi one and love it - nice and lightweight and easy to manoeuvre.

I have small babies… they need the snugness of the basket as the next to me is too big.

NewNormalLife · 26/04/2023 03:51

we had an aldi one that I liked as it had a hood to shield from bright light. If I was buying new I'd get one from little green sheep. They look lovely. We always buy kids mattresses from their too due to anti allergy/natural materials

RebeccaCloud9 · 26/04/2023 04:48

They're always going super cheap and even free on FB marketplace and gumtree. We have a great one and it just isn't selling even for £10, we may end up just giving it away.

89redballoons · 26/04/2023 06:07

I got a new Claire de Lune one in their sale for my DS2 last year. I think it was £30 or so and it came with a hood which actually stayed up. He slept in it until he moved to his cot at four months or so.

I had a Shnuggle one with DS1 and he hated it and never settled in there. I think the smaller, wicker ones with hoods are cosier for tiny babies.

89redballoons · 26/04/2023 06:08

...saying that, I did give my Claire de lune one away to a friend and her baby never settled in it. I may have just got lucky with DS2, who was and is a very easy baby.

Bellesjp · 26/04/2023 06:29

I had a Clair de lune one which was lovely. I know people say they didn't use it but we used it every day for the first 2 months, she wouldn't sleep in the next to me crib, think it was too open for her! I used to carry it downstairs in morning then back up at night, obv not with her in it!

blahblahblah1654 · 27/04/2023 10:08

Thanks @89redballoons and @Bellesjp I will see if I can get a second hand one. Little Green Sheep also looks like a nice one.

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blahblahblah1654 · 27/04/2023 10:09

@SunnySaturdayMorning The Aldi ones look good value but not in stock at the moment sadly.

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mindutopia · 27/04/2023 10:18

We got whatever from Argos, but honestly, I think we might have used it twice and I gave it away after my first baby. If you just want a place to lie them down occasionally, a play mat on the floor or carry cot will do the trick. Mine would never sleep in a moses basket. They slept in a sling/on us or we bedshared or they slept in a sidecar cot attached to our bed.

Caspianberg · 27/04/2023 10:24

Snuz baskit looks good and lightweight.

We had a next to me. Was rubbish. Awkward getting in and out, and couldn’t move to another room. Would buy a basket in future

SunnySaturdayMorning · 27/04/2023 12:27

blahblahblah1654 · 27/04/2023 10:09

@SunnySaturdayMorning The Aldi ones look good value but not in stock at the moment sadly.

Ahh fair enough, they still had some in my local last week.

I tried out the little green sheep one and that was good, it was just the price that put me off!

PollyMumsnet · 05/05/2023 16:30

Hi @blahblahblah1654 thanks for your thread! If you're still looking, check out our round-up of the best Moses baskets, as recommended by Mumsnetters. If you have any thoughts or feedback on the article, do let us know💐

Best Moses Basket 2023 | Mumsnet

Whether you're looking for a traditional Moses basket or a modern one, our round-up of the best Moses baskets for UK parents has you covered.


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