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Best sunscreen for kids and why?

26 replies

SoFED · 02/04/2023 13:54

This really, I’ve always bought La Roche Posay Anthelios but it’s so expensive. What about Boots Soltan is it as good? What do you use?


If you’re short on time, here’s a summary of the best sunscreens for kids Mumsnetters are recommending on this thread:

OP posts:
AuntieStella · 02/04/2023 21:33

Asda own brand

Really cheap, but consistently high ratings on Which? tests (outperforming more expensive brands)

Kpo58 · 02/04/2023 21:38

Any suncream that you can actually get on the child is a win to me. Some prefer the spray on stuff.

Kranke · 02/04/2023 21:39

My baby has quite sensitive skin, the only one that hasn’t brought them out in a rash is the one you use.


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Bananasplit80 · 02/04/2023 21:47

Very fair, sensitive skin here & we use Soltan Kids Once 8hr Protect & Play Spray SPF50+. I actually think it’s better than the La Roche Posay one. Son insisted on being outside all day in full sun throughout that blistering heat last summer & didn’t go even remotely pink with this on.

Purplepepsi · 02/04/2023 21:59

Altruist spray from amazon or think sainsbury now stock it. Is cheap and great quality. My two have eczema and it works on them.

TheNoodlesIncident · 02/04/2023 22:25

We used Soltan for years without complaint, but we now prefer P20 spray for the water resistance and ease of application. DS has never burned, even abroad. (Although tbf we try to limit the hours of exposure and stay in cafes over midday, seems sensible!)

Like so many things, the price has increased a LOT this year. It ain't cheap. Not sure how it compares to the brand you mention.

Wouldlovetobeinthesun · 02/04/2023 22:31

We use Calypso once a day factor 40, or 50 if we can get it, and reapply a few times a day. Never burnt. It has always got great ratings in which.

SoFED · 02/04/2023 22:32

La Roche Possay is very expensive and one of the bottles (£18 each) failed on me last year!! It’s like an aerosol top and it broke!!

OP posts:
SoFED · 02/04/2023 22:33

I might go soltan this year as they prefer the roll on!

OP posts:
TruthsAndALie · 02/04/2023 22:36

Soltan or Nivea. Soltan water resistant kids SPF50 I just layer on liberally when swimming. Nothing’s getting through that stuff! Alternatively the Nivea spray is v good for something less thick and just walking around etc.

Soubriquet · 02/04/2023 22:37

I use anything that has a 5 star UVA and UVB rating. And most own brands do

Soubriquet · 02/04/2023 22:38

Blast! That hidden post contains a link to solar buddies. It’s what I use for my kids to take their sunscreen to school with

Identifyingasadolphin · 02/04/2023 22:41

Asda own brand kids, SPF 50 - preferably banana (or strawberry) scented. It goes the distance and keeps skin moisturised too.

Mumof1andacat · 02/04/2023 22:52

We used all sorts ones in the past. They all seem the same. We used Amber Solar in florida last year...I'm very fair and generally use either 30spf or 50spf. I never burnt wearing it. My ds is on the fair side too and he was fine.

cocksstrideintheevening · 02/04/2023 23:04

My kids and I are allergic to solan, Nivea or amber Solair is fine.

SlipperyLizard · 02/04/2023 23:04

Another vote for Calypso once a day, we get it from Home Bargains - it goes on like an oil then dries, without stickiness (which I hate as much as the kids). Don’t use it on my face, as it stings my eyes, but the kids don’t seem to have the same problem.

Mumof3teenagers · 02/04/2023 23:06

Always find lidl own brand excellent and very cheap.

secular39 · 02/04/2023 23:24

Colourscience body spf

JustCallMeWitch · 02/04/2023 23:26

Badger sunscreen

bakewellbride · 02/04/2023 23:32

Garnier do a good kids one.

SoFED · 05/04/2023 22:34

Gone for Soltan roll on and spray, they like the roll on and the La Roche possay not making the anthelos in the spray can we had - like a pressurised spray can

OP posts:
monkeyblonde · 05/04/2023 22:49

Ultrasun Wink


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shelbaba · 06/04/2023 15:00

I always swear by boots soltan range. Not just for the kids. It's 5star uva rated, smells lovely and we don't burn as easily wearing this. If I run out and I've stop get something else I need apply more often.

yummymmommy · 12/09/2023 15:08

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