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Netherlands holiday parks - any tips?

26 replies

OldSkoolLikeHappyShopper · 19/02/2023 00:41

I’m in holiday planning mode. I am by no means committed to this as an idea but this is as far as I’ve got, open to other suggestions of other countries/places to go. It’s a bit tricky as guests include my boyfriend who is very fair skinned and Irish and doesn’t cope well with super hot, my dd1 (18) who also doesn’t cope with heat, and also has ME and has very limited energy, and also dd2 (13) who is a ball of energy and wants to be on the go all the time. And me who loves hot places and lying around by the pool.

Anyway, tonight’s internet rabbit hole has been exploring holiday parks in the Netherlands. I was thinking maybe 3 nights at Duinrell, which has a theme park and water park attached. And then 4 nights at Center parcs Het Meerdal, then home. I think driving over taking the euro tunnel would be the best option, and altogether with travel it comes to around £2k for a week in august.

Has anyone ever done this kind of holiday and do you have suggestions as to other places which may be better than the ones I’ve found? I’m thinking the main priority is keeping dd2 entertained, the rest of us are very laid back! But would it be too much in a week to do both duinrell and Center parcs and would I be better off just doing one of those and then booking somewhere chilled to stay for a few nights to make up the week?

Any feedback welcome! I only visited the Netherlands once over 20 years ago and I got so stoned I can’t really remember anything about it 😂.

OP posts:
converseandjeans · 19/02/2023 00:50

Duinrell is fab we have been 4 times. Best journey was Harwich to Hook of Holland. Dover Dunkirk also ok but longer drive.

Not done Center Parcs but they look great. Landal are also a good company.

Wassenaar is lovely & near a beach. I think 3 days would be a bit short as there's lots to do.

There is a FB page for Duinrell. Some people can be a bit negative on there.

DancingDaughter50 · 19/02/2023 00:50

Duinrell is not great quality but really good as a base. There are some lovely towns near there and of course Amsterdam.

However this year its change because much ammcd has been allocated for regugee. Where from I don't know.

I believe their center parks are very good.
Consider staying in bruges one night to break up the journey, novotel has an underground car park and it's cheap.

Check out efteling theme park loosnhxe land for quality etc it's miles better than Duinrell but no water park

ACynicalDad · 19/02/2023 01:59

Landal are great, worth looking at, great value.


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OldSkoolLikeHappyShopper · 19/02/2023 02:48

Thanks, some great tips! I looked into ferries but I live in SW England so the northern crossings would be a PITA, and the time on the boat would really add to the travelling time. Calais would be the easiest to get to for me.

Will have a Google of those other parks and theme park, thank you 😊

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IbizaToTheNorfolkBroads · 19/02/2023 05:49

Watching - I am thinking of similar, but sailing from Hull

idontevenknowanyonecalledblurb · 19/02/2023 06:05

We've booked to go to Holland in may- we've added a few days staying in Efteling - it looks really good fun

DancingDaughter50 · 19/02/2023 08:33

Op if your South go to Dunkirk, half hour more in ferry half hour less on road.

Please be aware its not what I would classify as a theme park at duinrell. It also closed at 6 or something like that? So even staying on site you couldn't access rides later.
Very occasionally they kept it open a tiny bit longer.
Efteling is a world class theme park with outstanding ammd. Durinell is a caravan park with some rides attached that are lower quality.

Please note the water park gets insanely busy and when people hurt themselves they didn't do anything about it.

However if you do efteling do it after the durinell.

RSintes · 19/02/2023 08:36

Would recommend Hof van Saksen which I think is a Landal park. Lovely houses, loads to do and huge water slide complex plus spa etc.

StillWantingADog · 19/02/2023 08:40

Hi we have just booked a similar holiday but my kids are a bit older
very excited!

we are staying in one of the landal parks for a week then two nights in a treehouse in Efteling.
I think they dcs will love the water park at duinrell so planning to do a day trip there.

we are getting the boat from harwich but if you are coming from the sw I can see how that’s not ideal.

QueenOfThorns · 19/02/2023 08:42

Efteling is an absolute must! The Efteling hotel is great value for a shorter stay - you get 2 days park entry and car parking with 1 night’s accommodation. If you wanted to stay a bit longer, there are a couple of holiday villages, but we haven’t tried them (yet!). Het Meerdal is good as well - you can be as active or relaxed as you like at Center Parcs Smile

StillWantingADog · 19/02/2023 08:43

Sorry I meant to say your kids are a bit older not mine
anyway we are staying here which is very central and near Gouda but easy reach of
almost everything else

plus 2 nights at Efteling

nancyglancy · 19/02/2023 08:50

Landal parks are good. Most Dutch campsites are incredibly clean and well organised. Some will do rent a tent options that come with a fridge and hob. Anywhere in the vicinity of the hoge veluwe national park is nice and central.

Nutellanjam · 19/02/2023 09:01

just to add the harwich - hook of Holland overnight ferry Is brilliant ! I thought I would hate it but we managed to get cabins and not too expensive. Plus very little queuing at harwich, unlike dover. Then when you get off after breakfast you are already there

AngelsWithSilverWings · 19/02/2023 09:12

We've been to Duinrell twice and really enjoyed it. The town of Wassenaar is a 5 min walk away and has a great ice cream parlour. We used it as a base to explore the wider area. Agree about the Harwich crossing being great - we booked day cabins so it was a really relaxing way to travel but we live in Essex so it's an obvious choice.

BeanCounterBabe · 19/02/2023 09:15

We’ve been to Duinrell for a week twice and really liked the area. First time we did a day trip to Efteling and second time added in two nights after the week at Duinrell. Would probably stay at a site in the area close by next time as Duinrell is expensive. You need to book direct to get the swimming pool included for free. The pool is very loud and can get crowded but it’s amazing for anyone who likes water slides.

We live in the SW and took the Harwich ferry. Journey time is about the same as Dover for us. It’s a much more relaxed journey. Wake up at Hook of Holland and you’re there in under an hour.

EweCee · 19/02/2023 09:21

We go to Center Parcs De Kempervennen and then Efteling. Efteling is fab - we've stayed in one of the village hotels which was great. Amazing theme park! And the theatre show is great too. Its only an hours drive from De Kempervennen too. DK is great as it has all the usual Center Parcs swimming, slides and activities but also a ski dome so you can put your ball of energy in ski lessons!! My DD loves the skiing there - swimming in the morning, then slopes for the afternoon 😄
Its an easy drive from England too.

Playdoughcaterpillar · 19/02/2023 09:24

Another vote for NL center parcs. Its great and the ferry from Harwich is worth the drive as there are so very little queues compared to Dover and you are much nearer the other side. You get a good sleep and can be at your Dutch destination before lunch.

theresebb · 19/02/2023 10:56

We had a great time at Twee Bruggen - - last year. Its in Gelderland which is close to the German border. Its a really lovely quiet park with loads of space. Local town is a short distance and has everything you need, Arnhem and German cities such as Munster are a short drive/train ride away.

PaigeMatthews · 19/02/2023 11:02

One of our favourite holidays was flying into eindhoven and spending the night there in a hotel and seeing the city, then centerparcs De Kempervennen. Children had skiing lessons three days. Dh snowboarded. Kids loved the farm and the water activities on the lake. A frid used to gonevery other year to the NL and stay in one of the places menfined above, in a lodge, bike rides, water park and theme park.

Yfront · 19/02/2023 11:22

Duinrell was amazing. Not sure what some people are expecting when they go, but it was loads of fun for us. A mix of big and small rides, a great waterpark, close to loads of other things - it was a short drive to Den Haag (must visit!) and Rotterdam. We really loved it.

We're going to NL again this year and staying at Beekse Bergen which is a Safari resort. You stay on the safari overlooking the animals. It's close to Efteling so we'll be going there for 2 days.

We are based in the North so did the overnight ferry from Newcastle, it was brilliant. Such an easy, relaxed and fun holiday.

We absolutely loved the Netherlands, so many cool things to see and do, lovely people, such a good vibe.

LlynTegid · 19/02/2023 11:47

A few words of Dutch such as basic greetings goes a long way. As you will be having a car, once you are there, local day trips are worth considering.

Good luck in finding somewhere and have a lovely time.

OldSkoolLikeHappyShopper · 19/02/2023 11:47

Thanks everyone. Looked into the ferry just now but it would be over £600 😬 compared to about £230 for the Eurostar. Have got as far as booking CP, went for de kempenvennen, and I think perhaps we’ll go for Efteling rather than Duinrell, especially as there will be lots of swimming at CP so the loss of the water park won’t be a big deal.

How many nights would people recommend staying at Efteling? We will be able to get accessibility passes due to DC’s disabilities so queueing won’t be much of an issue. If it’s only 1 or 2 nights then maybe we could find somewhere else to stay for a night or two before CP, and recommendations of a nice chilled and pretty place to stay? I’m thinking maybe somewhere beachy or near water? And not too far out of our way as CP and Efteling are pretty close.

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PaigeMatthews · 19/02/2023 16:54

Price up flights as well. It wasnt worth driving for us and travelling around by taxi was easy.


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DancingDaughter50 · 19/02/2023 17:06

To relax and enjoy efteling at least 2 nights.

Probably 3.

I know your dc are much older but I think they would still enjoy the wood at the heart of efteling and if they don't you will! Even my dh thought it was utterly charming. That could take a good three hours alone.

OldSkoolLikeHappyShopper · 19/02/2023 20:02

I’ve had a look at flights and they’d be about £100 each, and that’s with just a small bag of hand luggage. And then car hire would be about €350 for the week. Flying could be an option if we didn’t need a car…but not sure how the public transport/taxis would work out cost wise, and I guess a car would be handy to go and do a shop at a supermarket before CP? Also with 2 ASD DC including one with ME, bundling them in the car when they’re tired is priceless.

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