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Dublin, Glasgow, london, York for city break with tweens/teens

35 replies

Bbyt · 30/09/2022 11:41

Which of these do you think provide most fun activities for kids age 10 and 13? kids keen to do a city break and k am taking them myself while dh working

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Fivemoreminutes1 · 30/09/2022 12:28

In London you’ve got the dungeons, Tower of London, musicals, science museum (The Wonderlab is excellent), London Eye, Shard, Thames cruise, Covent Garden etc… You could also do a day trip to Warner Bros studios or Thorpe Park.

Bbyt · 30/09/2022 12:55

I wonder if York is more manageable for me as it is smaller? Or do you think you can’t beat london experience? We are travelling by train from Scotland so it’s a longer journey for london

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randomsabreuse · 30/09/2022 13:10

Do you know what they're doing at school or have enjoyed? York is famous for Viking stuff obviously. Plus Harry Potter theme around the Shambles, plus the Railway Museum which is very interesting if you like trains, especially steam trains.

Depending on budget would they want to go to a concert or theatre? Then it would depend what they want and what's on...

London transport is very easy and well linked, Google maps has good instructions for the tube network too. Just avoid the high peaks for comfort - got caught by this forgetting that it wasn't a weekend 🙈 over the summer because I was doing an activity that is normally done at weekends!

Bbyt · 30/09/2022 13:18

Two boys. They love museums. Both not keen on shows really. I would probably try to do a boat trip wherever we want as they like them.

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emmathedilemma · 30/09/2022 14:11

York is great - railway museum, dungeons (might be too much for the 10yr old though), Jorvik, boat trip, Hop on/off bus, chocolate's a really compact city and everything is quite walkable. A bit like Edinburgh if you're familiar with Edinburgh (which would also make a great city break, unless of course you already live there!).
I would rule out Dublin, it's really expensive at the best of times without the current currency crash and I don't think it has that much to offer kids.

midsomermurderess · 30/09/2022 14:14

London. There's not that much for kids to see/do in either Dublin or Glasgow and York's sight can be got through quickly. London is a cool destination for those ages, hanging around Camden Market etc

Bbyt · 30/09/2022 14:14

Thanks. Yes we have done Edinburgh with them and love it there.

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Bbyt · 30/09/2022 14:15

We aren’t very worldly travelled so I think they will be quite easy to impress

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Bbyt · 30/09/2022 14:17

I will have to maybe give them the choice between York and london and see what they think. It’s 5 hours by train to York. But I guess only an extra 2 to london

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fallinover · 30/09/2022 14:18

If you are confident in London I would take them there it is a truly world class city.
York is great, compact and perfect if you would find London stressful as some do.

emmathedilemma · 30/09/2022 14:31

would flying to London be an option? 7+hrs on a train is quite a long time with kids if it's only for a short break. If you're willing to fly then I'd also consider Belfast which has loads to do and the historical things are more "modern" so there might be more they can relate to.

MaggieMagpie357 · 30/09/2022 14:35

We took our kids to Belfast for two days a few years ago, fantastic city to explore and they loved the Titanic museum. There's a Premier Inn right nearby and it's also walkable into the city.

ChampagneLassie · 30/09/2022 14:41

You should try Dundee too unless you live there. Has fantastic boat which went to antratic musuem and a V&A and a really good flax musuem which is surprisingly good

Bbyt · 30/09/2022 15:04

Had t thought of Belfast. We could fly to london but the prices are £££££ as we left it too late. Maybe flying to Belfast would be cheaper.

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MacaroniBaloney · 30/09/2022 15:07

Sounds like you'd get alot out of York, Jorvick etc and save London for next time?

tpmumtobe · 30/09/2022 15:13

I live in London with two boys and I'd still say York for a wkend break. I blooming love London but York is a perfect wkend break city, Railway Museum, Jorvik, Shambles, walk on the walls, Betty's Tea Room, job done. Not too overwhelming, compact etc.

Bbyt · 30/09/2022 15:25

Yay - decision made. Boys are excited for York

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YesILikeItToo · 30/09/2022 15:30

The food scene in York is excellent, if you’re excited about that sort of thing. I think the Dig attraction associated with Jorvik is good quality.

Bbyt · 30/09/2022 15:55

Oh that’s good to know . We like to try different places to eat

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yikesanotherbooboo · 30/09/2022 15:59

London or York.

mathanxiety · 30/09/2022 16:18


Museums aplenty, lots of guided tours, Dublin Bay boat trips and kayaking around Dalkey Island, hiking in Howth or Bray to Greystones coast walk...

The city is easy to get around, and trips north and south on the Dart are easy for access to coastal fun.

mathanxiety · 30/09/2022 16:20

Maybe try Dublin next time Grin

It was a big Viking town once upon a time.

Bbyt · 30/09/2022 16:21

Dublin was my first thought but I started to wonder if there wouldn’t be much to do. We won’t have a car so have to be able to walk or taxi around

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mathanxiety · 01/10/2022 06:49

Dublin is completely walkable, and there are bases and the Luas (tram) system, as well as the Dart.

No need for taxis at all really. My mum takes a taxi to her eye appointments as she can be dropped right at her door.amdnshes 88. I don't know anyone else who would consider a taxi necessary.

You can get all sorts of transportation to and from the airport.

mathanxiety · 01/10/2022 06:50

*buses, not bases.

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