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Dublin, Glasgow, london, York for city break with tweens/teens

35 replies

Bbyt · 30/09/2022 11:41

Which of these do you think provide most fun activities for kids age 10 and 13? kids keen to do a city break and k am taking them myself while dh working

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OP posts:
lilyfire · 01/10/2022 07:21

The brown bread ice cream sundae at Betty’s in York is awesome. Ghost walk is fun too. York Museum is fab. It’s just a great place for short stay. I’ve taken my kids a few times - am sure you’ll have fun. We stayed at the YMCA which is really nice and a lovely walk along the river into the city.

IbizaToTheNorfolkBroads · 01/10/2022 07:28

We did 3 days in York at the end of the summer. We is me, DS(13) and DD(10). We only live an hour away, but went to do all the touristy stuff we never have time to do and had a blast!! We stayed in the Novotel, which has a pool, so et could pop back for a swim in the day.
We walked the walks, went to Clifford's tower, did wizard themed crazy golf (A Hole jn Wand), went the the York Chocolate Story, went to the immersive Van Gogh experience, had a boat ride, ate at Spark - lots of independent bars/food places in a shipping container community; are all you can eat world food at Panda Mami, checked out the art gallery, loooked at the minster, explored the medieval streets,.., there was so much more we could have done too.

devildeepbluesea · 01/10/2022 07:33

I went to York for the first time a month ago. Loved every second, it’s a fabulous city. We did Jorvik, Yorkshire Museum, Castle Museum, the walking tour with Mad Alice (sorry can’t remember the name). All of it was brilliant. Shambles is lovely too, I spent a fortune in the Harry Potter shop.

GoodVibesHere · 01/10/2022 07:39

Yey I'm glad you've chosen York. London might be tiring for your 10 yr old after such a long train journey, and it sounds like they'll have a great time in York.

Campervangirl · 01/10/2022 07:52

I live in York and it's a great experience for kids, walk the bar walls, it's free and you get a different view of York.
Boat rides, railway museum, museum gradens, Jorvik centre is great, York minster, The Shambles (Harry potter shop) York castle.

JaninaDuszejko · 01/10/2022 08:10

There's not that much for kids to see/do in either Dublin or Glasgow

Have you even been to Glasgow? There's masses to do. We took the kids there over the summer (9, 13 and 14). We just had a few days but they loved it. We had great fun at the science museum next to the river, the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, walking round the west end and the centre (love Glasgow city centre, it's got such a buzz about it and the University is in the west end so the teenagers thought it was very cool). The subway makes it easy to get around. There are loads of other museums and parks, you could easily spent a week being a tourist there and not see half of what there is to see and the countryside nearby is fabulous as well (Loch Lomond and the Trossachs are less than an hour away). Glasgow is the biggest city in Scotland and has the most museums, restaurants, theatres and parks. English people ignore it and prefer twee Edinburgh but Glasgow is much much cooler.

Anyway, OP, York is great as well (we live nearby) and has lots to do in a compact area so enjoy!

Bbyt · 01/10/2022 13:39

Thanks for the tips . Will look them all up

OP posts:
Holymotherforkingshirtballs · 01/10/2022 13:57

We stopped off in Glasgow on our way further north this summer and my teenager loved it and wants to go back. Riverside Museum, Kelingrove Museum & Art Gallery, the Science Museum is amazing! We stayed at the Premier Inn near by and could walk to all of these. City Centre is a bit further.

midsomermurderess · 01/10/2022 14:18

JaninaDuszejko · 01/10/2022 08:10

There's not that much for kids to see/do in either Dublin or Glasgow

Have you even been to Glasgow? There's masses to do. We took the kids there over the summer (9, 13 and 14). We just had a few days but they loved it. We had great fun at the science museum next to the river, the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, walking round the west end and the centre (love Glasgow city centre, it's got such a buzz about it and the University is in the west end so the teenagers thought it was very cool). The subway makes it easy to get around. There are loads of other museums and parks, you could easily spent a week being a tourist there and not see half of what there is to see and the countryside nearby is fabulous as well (Loch Lomond and the Trossachs are less than an hour away). Glasgow is the biggest city in Scotland and has the most museums, restaurants, theatres and parks. English people ignore it and prefer twee Edinburgh but Glasgow is much much cooler.

Anyway, OP, York is great as well (we live nearby) and has lots to do in a compact area so enjoy!

I lived there for several years, mate. Visit friends frequently. I’m fond of it but it’s not a patch on London. Look, there is no need, not utility, in taking different opinions personally.

midsomermurderess · 01/10/2022 14:28

And Edinburgh is not ‘twee’. Don’t be a tit.

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