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City break with DC - Prague - Budapest - Krakow

8 replies

Wouldrathergoonholiday · 16/09/2022 18:05

I'm looking at July dates to somewhere I can afford and these seem to be obvious options. Probably just 4 nights as spending money can be a lot in cities.

I wonder if anyone has been to these destinations with children?

I have been to Prague and Budapest and remember loving both but many many years ago did a lot of classical music/opera/art.

No idea if they work with children.

OP posts:
Wouldrathergoonholiday · 16/09/2022 19:08


OP posts:
DazedandConcerned · 16/09/2022 20:21

How old are they? Trying to gauge how much walking you’d be able to do.

Wouldrathergoonholiday · 16/09/2022 20:52

Do tire out easily walking in cities but not like little kids - they are 13 and 8. Good with museums, enjoy bustling squares with cafes, trying different food.

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DazedandConcerned · 16/09/2022 20:56

I’d do Prague then. It’s cheap to eat if you stick to Czech places off the main square. Loads of sites to see:

Old Town square
St Vincius cathedral and the castle complex
Charles bridge
two boat tours
The zoo is amazing (take the boat there)
the main museum in Namesti Republicki is now open
jewish museum as well

I usually stay in Smichov Praha 5 and get self catering. There’s a huge mall with supermarket and loads of lovely local restaurants which are cheap! The hotels are also cheaper than old town.

whiteroseredrose · 16/09/2022 21:16

I've not checked prices but Barcelona? It was very reasonable pre Covid.

There is the architecture, cable cars, Niro museum, beach, park with rowing boats.

I always wanted to take my DC but it never quite happened.

Gloschick · 16/09/2022 21:24

I went to Krakow at a similar age to your eldest and loved it. Beautiful place. It would be nice for you to experience somewhere new too.

Wouldrathergoonholiday · 16/09/2022 22:13

Thanks for replies. I'm torn between Krakow and Prague at moment. It would be good to go somewhere i haven't been before. Will do a little reading. I know very little about Krakow.

@whiteroseredrose I've been to Barcelona a few times but otherwise yes, I think young people would enjoy. Thanks

OP posts:
HereLiesBetelgeuse · 16/09/2022 22:22

My favourite out the three was Prague but the kids weren't there! They have been to Barcelona and loved it and I really want to take them to Valencia as I've heard it's great for kids.

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