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Washing machine recommendations - one with a 'quick wash' facility. Any suggestions?

43 replies

PunishmentRoundupWithJoon · 14/09/2022 19:40

Can anyone recommend a reasonably priced washing machine? My old one is done for. Preferably with a good energy rating, and the ability to do a quick wash of about 30 minutes. My current machine allowed a 20 minute wash but only at 20 degrees.


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OP posts:
BertieBotts · 14/09/2022 19:41

I have an AEG that does a quick wash but it is only designed for a half load. You can do the quick wash at 30 degrees for 20 minutes or 40 degrees for 30 minutes.

BertieBotts · 14/09/2022 19:45

Do be aware that the quick washes use more energy.

SeasonFinale · 14/09/2022 19:49

I have a Miele with an express wash that is 32 minutes.


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PunishmentRoundupWithJoon · 14/09/2022 19:50

@BertieBotts - thanks for that. Didn't realise they used more energy! Good to know.

OP posts:
Pootle40 · 14/09/2022 19:52

I have a Siemens and I can do a 15 min wash at 20c, 30c or 40c.

Sallyandsam · 14/09/2022 19:54

I have a Miele with a quick wash, it has been growing strong for 12 years now despite a lot of use. It was expensive, but I really rate it.

AndAnotherOneJoinsTheQueue · 14/09/2022 19:54

I have a Bosch that does a quick load. As pp's say, it uses more energy than a normal load.

mnahmnah · 14/09/2022 19:56

aaagggghh sorry for such a long link!!!

Alfiemoon1 · 14/09/2022 19:57

Samsung eco bubble

PunishmentRoundupWithJoon · 14/09/2022 19:59

One thing I've noticed is that many of the wash times stated are incredibly long. Just seen some wash times - 285 minutes, 228 minutes - what?? That's 4 hours and over! Current machine has a few cycles of over two hours but I always used the 1 hour 45 mins programme or similar. How can wash cycles be that long??

OP posts:
drkpl · 14/09/2022 20:00

I have a Samsung that can do a quick wash in 15-30 minutes depending on the setting you choose

Longdistance · 14/09/2022 20:01

My Hoover washing machine has short washes. It comes out warm too.
I’ve had a Beko (mine lasted 14 years) and that had short washes. I think they still do a quick wash facility.

PunishmentRoundupWithJoon · 14/09/2022 20:02

@mnahmnah - thanks for that, looks good. I like the option for short washes.

OP posts:
supertedious · 14/09/2022 20:02

I have a Beko with a quick wash from 20-30 mins max. Really pleased with the results.

ChonkyDonkey · 14/09/2022 20:02

My Samsung does a quick wash too, but not at full spin (1200, not the full 1400).

I think the longer cycles include some 'soak time', so it sits there brewing, but not using energy.

ASmallCat · 14/09/2022 20:39

I’ve a beko too and it’s fine

(but would appreciate the option of a basic machine that just does delicate, quick, & ‘boil to fuck’ which are the only 3 types of wash needed in my house)

worriedatthistime · 14/09/2022 22:27

I have a hisense has a quick wash and you can also time save on longer washes or power save ( which seem longer)
Nice and easy to use has a steam wash as well, which i use for dogs stuff

BammBamm · 14/09/2022 23:24

I have a Miele and a beko and both have quick wash functions but I don't use them unless I have to as you can't put as much in the load and it's inefficient.
Both wash well. The Miele is better but is a lot pricier so I'm hoping it outlives the beko but the beko is absolutely fine (only 18 months in to that one though).
I asked the repair engineer who was out for the 4th time in a year to my Samsung (avoid at all costs!) what he would recommend and he said you couldn't go wrong with beko!

echt · 15/09/2022 05:15

Miele has 20/30 minute washes. I use cold setting.

lochmaree · 15/09/2022 05:27

we have a Samsung eco bubble, it can do a quick wash in 15 minutes but with max 4kg washing. it has an 8kg drum capacity. most (all?) machines only take half or less capacity for short washes.

we had a Bosch before and I loved that (had to return as faulty but I think that's rare!)

many washes are very long for energy saving reasons and/or very dirty items. e.g. we wash cloth nappies and use the cottons cycle at 40 but select the intensive function which takes it up to 4.5 hours.

Numbat2022 · 15/09/2022 05:28

I have a not hugely expensive Bosch which does short washes. Also the wash time for a normal cycle is long, but you can just press the clock button and it speeds up so a load takes around 1 hr 20, which is fine and everything is perfectly clean. I actually found the long washes makes clothes feel weird.

Clicky link

Numbat2022 · 15/09/2022 05:32

Well that's annoying, they don't do it anymore. It was SMS24AW01G.


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BertieBotts · 15/09/2022 06:57

The eco washes have been really long on new machines for about 8-9 years now. It's because they can use less water that way by incorporating periods of soaking. Heating water is the most energy intensive thing the machine does so it costs less to run these long cycles.

See if you can download the manual before you buy to check the cycle details and options. On mine, the eco cycle is 3h 45m but I can press time save and it goes down to 1h 45. The normal wash is 3h 05 but I can press time save and it goes down to 2 or 1 hour. The times are always approximate. Mine takes a little bit longer than it says it will but I can do a full sized wash in about an hour and a half which works fine for me.

elizaregina · 15/09/2022 07:14

My bosh eco wassh is 45 says eco

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