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Another air fryer question

9 replies

georgedawes · 29/08/2022 09:33

Sorry I know there have been 1 million threads already...

Trying to decide whether to buy an air fryer or a microwave, as need to stop using the oven. Can I use an air fryer to heat things up - e.g. a pre prepared meal? Or is it not for that kind of thing? We eat at different times so use the oven a lot to reheat stuff, will have to stop doing this.

OP posts:
Cynderella · 29/08/2022 09:45

Yes. I have only had mine a week, but I have reheated pizza (takes a few mins) and one of my reasons for buying is so that I can batch make lasagnes etc and then heat up in the air fryer in half the time.

georgedawes · 29/08/2022 09:54

Thanks! Can you reheat from frozen?

OP posts:
pippinsleftleg · 30/08/2022 20:21

if I have something in a pot like lasagne do I just put the whole thing with the pot in the air fryer (as I feel like a lasagne would just slop around if I remove the pot!)


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Shannith · 30/08/2022 20:31

Air fryer - I was a skeptic as I love to cook but on the roast function it's a basically an oven.

And extremely efficient and cheap to run oven. I made a whole afternoon tea using it at the weekend. Scones/mini cupcakes /bruschetta.

Just toasted a chicken this evening in 45 mins.

So east your clean. I love mine and I really thought people were getting way overexcited about them

Yes you can cook/reheat from frozen.

Shannith · 30/08/2022 20:32

So exited I forgot how to spell. You get the gist...

LemonSwan · 30/08/2022 20:34

If you buy one with a bake setting and a large section.

We have ninja 4 in 1 foodie for the last year during house renovations and it’s just a instantly beatable mini oven. Has made me wonder what I actually need an oven for tbh.

BarbaraofSeville · 30/08/2022 20:57

georgedawes · 29/08/2022 09:54

Thanks! Can you reheat from frozen?

You might be able to do, but a good energy saving tip will be to let things defrost if you can.

I was thinking about that earlier on the batch cooking thread. A frozen lasagne portion probably takes about twice as long to heat through as one that's defrosted, so if you're able to organise things to avoid this, it will save quite a bit of energy.

But things like frozen sausage rolls/pasties etc cook well from frozen and are quite quick anyway.

Nibletmum · 30/08/2022 21:17

Glad you've asked this OP! I was, wondering the same! I only really use my microwave for heating things like baked beans / baby food or for making porridge. Really want an air fryer but the only place it can go is where the microwave is. Also have a wall unit above though - I'm guessing that's a no go!

Soontobe60 · 30/08/2022 21:21

pippinsleftleg · 30/08/2022 20:21

if I have something in a pot like lasagne do I just put the whole thing with the pot in the air fryer (as I feel like a lasagne would just slop around if I remove the pot!)


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