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Air fryers!! Please recommend yours!

121 replies

TankFlyBoss · 09/08/2022 15:25

Please recommend me your air fryers, for a family of 2 adults and 2 children - I am looking to be able to cook things in it instead of the oven


OP posts:
JudgeRindersMinder · 09/08/2022 15:26

I have the Ninja af400. It has 2 drawers and is amazing!

TankFlyBoss · 09/08/2022 15:37

Thank you @JudgeRindersMinder what do you cook in it?

OP posts:
Stickytreacle · 09/08/2022 15:44

I have the instan pot pro crisp, It has plenty of room and I'd recommend it. Does everything I need.


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JudgeRindersMinder · 09/08/2022 15:47

@TankFlyBoss everything you’d cook in an oven and then some ! Most successful/life changing has been a full roast dinner! Other than the occasional pizza I’ve not used my oven since I got it a few months ago.

whateveryouwantmetosay · 09/08/2022 15:49

Ninja all the way!!

TankFlyBoss · 09/08/2022 15:50

Can you get a whole roast chicken in it?

OP posts:
JudgeRindersMinder · 09/08/2022 15:59

TankFlyBoss · 09/08/2022 15:50

Can you get a whole roast chicken in it?

Yep, did an XL one at the weekend. Perfectly done in an hour!

Tiggy321 · 09/08/2022 16:06

Instant Pot Vortex. It's fab and can fit a whole roast chicken!

hilbil21 · 09/08/2022 16:08

Ninja AF400 definitely

Blueuggboots · 09/08/2022 16:12

I've got the ninja food 11:1 so it does loads other than just airfrying. It's amazing!!

boingy · 09/08/2022 16:18

I've got a ninja - it's great but I wish I got the double basket one.

PancakesWithCheese · 09/08/2022 17:17

I want to get a ninja but there are so many to choose from!

Marmite27 · 09/08/2022 17:19

JudgeRindersMinder · 09/08/2022 15:26

I have the Ninja af400. It has 2 drawers and is amazing!

Me too, only had it a week but I love it.

I've not graduated beyond freezer food, part baked bread pizza and some cubed potatoes but I love it.

oh we did some Berry Crocker packet buns that were lovely!

Roselilly36 · 09/08/2022 17:22

We have Cosori one, 5.5ltr, it’s very good and so easy to clean.

alwaysfactor50 · 09/08/2022 17:30

JudgeRindersMinder · 09/08/2022 15:47

@TankFlyBoss everything you’d cook in an oven and then some ! Most successful/life changing has been a full roast dinner! Other than the occasional pizza I’ve not used my oven since I got it a few months ago.

@JudgeRindersMinder I roast carrots, parsnips, the chicken and also have stuffing and Yorkshire puddings- can you get that all in in one go??

Chevyimpala67 · 09/08/2022 17:31

hilbil21 · 09/08/2022 16:08

Ninja AF400 definitely

Just ordered this one on your recommendation...

DonNotKeith · 09/08/2022 17:42

Ninja Foodi Max Pro, not used oven or grill since I got this six months ago!
Can roast joint, bake, grill, airfry and dehydrate.
Fits in a pizza - as good as our outdoor wood fired pizza oven.

SoupDragon · 09/08/2022 17:45

I've got the Ninja AF400 and love it. I love that it has 2 drawers.

we've used it mainly for freezer food but the fajitas from the booklet that came with it were brilliant so I plan to try more stuff.

I bought it to stop the DSs using the whole oven to heat up small stuff for lunch.

SoupDragon · 09/08/2022 17:46

It was great for heating up an almond croissant in 2 minutes 😂

TankFlyBoss · 09/08/2022 17:53

@DonNotKeith thanks - what size is yours please?

OP posts:
DonNotKeith · 09/08/2022 18:01

It's the biggest one, roast cauliflower and sweet potato today - But in stock elsewhere

dubyalass · 09/08/2022 18:49

Watching with interest - could do with one suitable for two people but haven't had a chance to do any research yet!

FatAgainItsLettuceTime · 09/08/2022 18:50

We have a ninja one, did chicken drumsticks and thighs in it tonight with chunky chips and it was brilliant. Moist chicken, crispy skin and lovely crispy chips.


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abigail225 · 09/08/2022 19:29

another one here for the ninja maxi grill, i don't even use my oven anymore except for baking cakes . i have an oven liner at the bottom, saves me cleaning the parts.

they also run promotions all the time so no need to pay full price. Amazon warehouse also stock brand new opened boxed ones which come with the warranty, literally new with a damaged box.

Zhx3 · 09/08/2022 19:34

I've got a Ninja, the AG301. It's a bit small for 2 adults and 3 children. Great for roast potatoes and we've made toad in the hole and pies in it too. Can't get a whole chicken in without spatchcocking it, but it cooked very nicely once I'd done that.


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