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Extra special UK family hotel recommendations

28 replies

Tripforfour · 18/06/2022 07:24

Will go literally anywhere except London. Is for very special occasion, big birthday/celebration of beating the big C.

two adults and two children, long weekend. Thanks!

OP posts:
user30 · 18/06/2022 07:30

Gleneagles is lovely but very expensive

MindPalace · 18/06/2022 07:32

Luton Hoo - we’ve had a number of family celebration stays there. Pricey though.

womaninatightspot · 18/06/2022 07:36

Crieff Hydro is lovely might be a bit far North though.

Thecrystalempire · 18/06/2022 07:36

Port Lympne in Kent.

NLondondiva · 18/06/2022 07:40

@user30 Gleneagles gets my vote too. If you live in London or on that train line you can get a direct train almost to the door.

I’d love to go to Soho Farmhouse but sadly you have to be a member.

How old are your children?

Tripforfour · 18/06/2022 07:41

7 and 12

thanks All am looking at each link now!

OP posts:
mug2018 · 18/06/2022 07:45
Stay in a lookout & order picnics

Happy birthday & congratulations on beating the C 😘

catfunk · 18/06/2022 07:46

Port lympne!!!! It's brilliant. Even the cheaper camping pods will be great for the kids - camp fires in in the picnic area and you can hear the lions roaring all night.
Congrats ! X

PhoneyM · 18/06/2022 07:46

Congratulations 🎉

Another Place - in the Lake District 👌🏻

HairyToity · 18/06/2022 07:46

Another Place in Lake District is apparently fabulous.

Schools2023 · 18/06/2022 07:48

I was going to say crieff hydro, get a lodge in the grounds

fyn · 18/06/2022 07:48

Chewton Glen in Hampshire has amazing tree houses, they send picnic hampers up in a little pulley into the tree house and they are fully stocked. They also have masses of family activities like art classes, archery etc…, near the beach and have a children’s club house with different activities every day! Definitely special.

PhoneyM · 18/06/2022 07:49

HairyToity · 18/06/2022 07:46

Another Place in Lake District is apparently fabulous.

Cross posts! It is amazing - stayed in the cottage for my big birthday

pearandsausage · 18/06/2022 07:49

Watergate Bay, been once and would love to go back!

Yiayoula · 18/06/2022 07:51

Congratulations , OP ! 🍾🥂

Calcot Manor Hotel and Spa, near Tetbury .
My happy place .. …

Madcats · 18/06/2022 07:53

Firstly congratulations on beating C!

I've not made it up there, but i always fancied going to Another Place: The Lake

A friend took her kids to their sister hotel, Watergate Bay (Cornwall), and raved about it.

Lucknam Park near Bath is lovely (especially if you are horseriders).

motogirl · 18/06/2022 07:56

My kids loved bovey castle, it's much more expensive now though (they are now adults so might have changed) there's another one we went to on the Devon /Cornwall border that was good, choice or rooms or self catering. We also had good holidays up in aviemore, the hotel we used I think got taken over and isn't a Hilton now but the Mac Donald resort hotels are nice

easyday · 18/06/2022 07:57

Maison aux Quatre Saison (not sure i spelt it right). Raymond Blanc's place near Oxford. Next level luxury. Very pricey but so worth it. Once in a lifetime trip.

easyday · 18/06/2022 08:00

Ah just saw you are taking the kids (I read it you were not). Kids were there when I went but that makes it 'second hand car' expensive.

Madcats · 18/06/2022 08:02

Oops, all around the country we were typing similar advice!

Calcot Manor is nice (daughter was about 4 or 5 when we last visited a decade ago). I tend to associate it with lots of pre-schoolers.
It is probably at the cheaper end of what you are after.

I'd have a look on Mr &Mrs Smith (filtering for family accommodation).

Reekingpitofdoom · 18/06/2022 08:08

We loved Watergate Bay

Tripforfour · 18/06/2022 10:07

These ideas are all fab! Thinking about the next few big birthdays to come now 😂 thanks for the week wishes

another place is looking very good atm

OP posts:
Bells3032 · 18/06/2022 10:23

Four seasons in Hampshire is great with kids. Also done Port lymph and was great but need to book a long way in advance.


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Nw22 · 18/06/2022 10:29

The treehouses are the fish are good.

user30 · 18/06/2022 16:12

catfunk · 18/06/2022 07:46

Port lympne!!!! It's brilliant. Even the cheaper camping pods will be great for the kids - camp fires in in the picnic area and you can hear the lions roaring all night.
Congrats ! X

oh this is great

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