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UK city break - where to go

73 replies

Whattodonext2020 · 17/06/2022 11:07

Where would you recommend for a city break. Done London loads. I’ve heard good things about Manchester. We are after good places to eat and drink, shopping and some culture/places to see. Suggestions please :)

OP posts:
SausageRoll2020 · 17/06/2022 11:13

Manchester is great, I'd also recommend Edinburgh.

Both have great places to eat and drink, galleries, theatres, shopping etc.

AnAdultCat · 17/06/2022 11:14

Edinburgh or Bath!

Dreikanter · 17/06/2022 11:15

Belfast, Edinburgh, Glasgow.

AuntieMarys · 17/06/2022 11:16


Ilovechoc12 · 17/06/2022 11:48

Manchester, Leeds, Cambridge

Assanctamonioysastheycome · 17/06/2022 11:48

Second Liverpool or York. Manchester has loads of shopping but I don’t think matches the other two for cultural stuff like museums art galleries and mooching.

emmathedilemma · 17/06/2022 12:27

Edinburgh or York

balalake · 17/06/2022 13:40

Manchester has plenty to see and with the tram, better public transport than anywhere else outside London.

crimesagainstwine · 17/06/2022 13:41

Liverpool, Bristol, Newcastle, Belfast, York (in that order!)

BlancmanegeBunny · 17/06/2022 13:43

Cardiff has a lot to offer, a compact city center with new Malls and old quaint arcades. Nice selection of bars and restaurants, and the waterfront area at Cardiff Bay is lovely. Lovely castle to explore too.

PurBal · 17/06/2022 13:43

Bristol. Edinburgh.

AnchorWHAT · 17/06/2022 13:45

Edinburgh, Oxford, Manchester, Bristol, Bath, York all great in my opinion.

boxaround · 17/06/2022 13:51

Favourites are Edinburgh, Bath, Cambridge, Oxford. Smaller places like Winchester, Chester or Worcester are nice too (although Worcester shopping isn't as good as it used to be it has a nice pedestrianised high street, riverside walks and cathedral as well as a few other historical buildings.

Forgothowmuchlhatehomeschoolin · 17/06/2022 13:56

Liverpool all day long

IggyAce · 17/06/2022 13:58

Leeds, York or Edinburgh, Newcastle is nice too.

emmathedilemma · 17/06/2022 13:59

balalake · 17/06/2022 13:40

Manchester has plenty to see and with the tram, better public transport than anywhere else outside London.

I'm not sure I'd agree about the public transport!! £1.80 to anywhere on Edinburgh's frequent buses!

Takingabreakagain · 17/06/2022 14:07

Liverpool - loads of great food places, plenty to see and do and even a beach a short train ride from the city centre. The city is relatively small so you can see a lot in one day

thereisonlyoneofme · 17/06/2022 15:15

Ive just come back from Portsmouth, lots to see and huge shopping complex, ferries to IOW

Whattodonext2020 · 17/06/2022 15:53

Thank you everyone! Forgot to mention that we’ve done Bath and Edinburgh (both lovely). I’m veering toward Liverpool now!

OP posts:
Takingabreakagain · 17/06/2022 16:03

Good choice OP - There's been a couple of threads recently on what to do with teens in Liverpool but I think the ideas on there would be just as good for adults

carefullycourageous · 17/06/2022 16:06

Newcastle Smile

BinBandit · 17/06/2022 16:11

I'd definitely veer to Liverpool and I'm from Edinburgh (which I agree is lovely!)

Liverpool has such a great vibe and is very compact. Liverpool One for shops and chain eateries. Lots of places to eat outside of that and great museums all in the centre. Lovely down at the docks (also museums). And you need to go to the cavern club for a pint or so.

Dreikanter · 17/06/2022 18:15

thereisonlyoneofme · 17/06/2022 15:15

Ive just come back from Portsmouth, lots to see and huge shopping complex, ferries to IOW

Even better - take the hovercraft to Ryde!


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BonnesVacances · 17/06/2022 18:18

I'd say Liverpool too. I love Manchester, but Liverpool just had a vibe. Especially down in Albert Docks. I was very impressed. We stayed in the Radisson hotel in the docks and the room had a massive window and a lovely view of the Mersey. It was just fabulous!

darlingdodo · 17/06/2022 18:22

Newcastle or Liverpool.

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