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Camping Essentials with Kids

46 replies

BeingATwatItsABingThing · 11/06/2022 20:08

We’re going on a 2 night camp next month with our two girls (8 and nearly 2) at our local farm. We’ll have our car next to our tent and meals are included. Our tent has two sections and we’ve bought two double air beds with the intention of us sharing with a child each.

Anyone who has been camping with children, what are your essentials that you can’t leave behind? Both DH and I were in the scouts so have done our fair share of camping but never with children so tips will be appreciated.

If it’s truly awful with DD2, one of us will take her home. 😂

OP posts:
BeingATwatItsABingThing · 11/06/2022 21:04

No one else as daft as me to take kids camping? 😂

OP posts:
Cherry321 · 11/06/2022 21:05

Wet wipes, wee bucket with lid, wine and snacks.

Lizzieismagic · 11/06/2022 21:07

We kept ds in a travel cot until he really couldn't for in!! At least 3 but he was small!

BernadetteRostankowskiWolowitz · 11/06/2022 21:07

Crocs - perfect to slip on and off as you go in/out the tent, doesn't matter if they get wet.

Decathlon sell a brilliant material hammock. We always take ours and find a couple of trees to string it up between - the kids love to swing in it.

Those little round velcro pads with the ball for catching and throwing.

More torches/lanterns than you anticipated.

ChickpeaPie · 11/06/2022 21:09

Fire pit and marshmallows
Bucket with lid for emergency wees

SanFranBear · 11/06/2022 21:12

Plain notebooks and colouring pens... hours of 'fun' and they can always take them around the site and draw some of the sights.

Easy breakfasts like brioche or croissants.. I know meals are included but if they wake early - which they will - you can get something in them.

Squeeze squash in that teeny bottle - probably more for the 8yr old but makes water more fun.

Agree about torches! I bought a lantern which has two portable torches attached - so you've got a big one for the tent and then small ones for them to use and also to take to the loo in the middle of the night.

My two are older now but I loved camping when they were little - hard, HARD work but still a real joy. Good luck!

scrivette · 11/06/2022 21:14

Lots of snacks, a mini paddling pool to bath or have a splashing game in, flip flops for showers, quiet toys for the morning when they wake up early!

spotcheck · 11/06/2022 21:14

What beds do you have?

If blow up, don't underestimate how cold they get! So more blankets/ sleeping bags than you think you need for your bottom layer

Toomuch2019 · 11/06/2022 21:15

Electric hookup-then can take proper kettle, camping fridge and electric griddle pan to cook breakfast on!

Proper duvet and pillows, way comfier than sleeping bag.

Definitely the bucket for night wees

We take all cooking/usefully stuff in big plastic box which can then double up as something to put cups of tea on

Enjoy! I think you'll have a great time

Singleandproud · 11/06/2022 21:20

DD didnt get on with a sleeping bag so we always took a duvet. I'd take a flannel or fluffy Teddy bear material fitted sheet if possible for the air bed too as it makes a different.

Glow sticks to make a necklace to keep track of little ones in the dark and can double as a night light, I attach them to the lantern hook on the top of the sleeping compartments and to the zippers to make getting out of the tent easier.

Tiepose · 11/06/2022 21:22

Yes- duvet and pillows.

put glow sticks on your children - it gets dark suddenly and you want to be able to spot where they are!

Singleandproud · 11/06/2022 21:24

DD hated showering when little so I'd take stuff in a storage box with lid. You can put water in it in the AM and the lid with something heavy on top to prevent anyone falling in it and then in the PM it will be warm and double as a paddling pool/ foot wash/ bath for the toddler.

Flamingoose · 11/06/2022 21:29

Early morning breakfast snacks to keep them happy until breakfast (bag of supermarket croissants is good).
Warm clothes for the evening (incl big socks and beanies)
Books and colouring.
A ball.
Crocs or slides for loo visits.
Waterbottles for night time.
A very relaxed attitude to meals and bathing.

swedex · 11/06/2022 21:34

Thick socks
More blankets
Coloring books
Oh and more blankets!
It can get pretty chilly at night!

mamaduckbone · 11/06/2022 22:14

I agree with everything PPs have said, especially early morning snacks, lots of toys/colouring/comics, warm layers, cosy blankets and torches.
Depending on weather, an all-in-one puddle suit for the 2-year-old so they don't destroy all their clothes in the first 5 minutes, about 5 times more socks than you think you need, and did I mention snacks? Mine were constantly hungry when camping.

Lizzieismagic · 11/06/2022 22:17

Old clothes for dc.. I remember camping abroad. Taking dd 1 and an atire of new Holiday Clothes.
Dd spent a fortnight crawling like some feral animal and her older siblings rinsing her off under the campsite tap!!

Lizzieismagic · 11/06/2022 22:17

*dresses with matching hats and pants went home unworn...

Lizzieismagic · 11/06/2022 22:18

In reality we cut the feet off a few babygro's!!

fuckwhatshouldido · 11/06/2022 22:24

Like PPs have said…plenty of clothes changes and SO many socks! Inc fluffy socks for night time. Pillows, blankets to go over blow up mattresses and then more for over sleeping bags, it does get cold at night. Although - it’s a squeeze, but if you get in the sleeping bag with a small it’s toasty warm (I’m camping solo atm with my 9, 5 and 4 year old, me and 4yo are in a sleeping bag together and were lovely and warm last night - she actually ended up naked as she overheated!). Lots of snacks and lots of drinks if there isn’t easily accessible water (lugging it around the camp site is a right pain). Honestly for 2 nights I wouldn’t bother washing them, just throw them in the bath when you get back, but then I have low standards 😁 you definitely need a pretty chilled attitude but camping is brilliant, they love the freedom and I love the relative peace 😆

Fizbosshoes · 11/06/2022 22:40

Agree with PPs about duvets instead of sleeping bags and a relaxed attitude to bed time!
Also torches and crocs.
Also we have something to this in our tent:

😳that's a long link , sorry!
Basically lots of small pockets for small things you need to hand eg torches, car keys, tooth brushes, tissues, wet wipes/hand gel, hair brush etc

Savingpeoplehuntingthings · 11/06/2022 22:47

Layers for the bed, so groundsheet, rug or blanket, airbed, sheet, duvet, blanket. Also layer up yourselves when you go to bed, leggings, t-shirt under onesie.

Many snacks, torches, wellies or crocs, a wee bucket for night time.

Things to occupy them eg small toys, colouring books etc.

Waterproof spray. I usually rewaterproof the seams when I put it up as an extra precaution.
Masking tape, temperarily fixes broken poles/small tears.
Wine for you.

BeingATwatItsABingThing · 12/06/2022 06:25

Wow! So many good ideas! Thank you!

As it’s only two nights, I wasn’t planning to wash the children or even DH and I (not even sure there will be facilities for this). Just some good old wet wipes and then straight in the bath when we get home.

The small, quiet activities for the morning are definitely a good idea!

Duvets and blankets and pillows was my first thought so I’m glad you all agree. Both children are snugglers when they’re in our bed so they’ll be happy to cosy up for warmth.

I’d thought of snacks for throughout the day and for lunches (not included but food available to buy) but hadn’t thought about when they wake up too early for breakfast and claim starvation. I’ll add brioche to the shopping list!

DDs both only drink water and milk so will just make sure we have loads of bottles of that with us.

Crocs! Yes! I was planning for their wellies but crocs are quicker!

Amazing! Thank you all!

OP posts:
BeingATwatItsABingThing · 12/06/2022 06:25

Tiepose · 11/06/2022 21:22

Yes- duvet and pillows.

put glow sticks on your children - it gets dark suddenly and you want to be able to spot where they are!

Genius! I hadn’t even considered this!

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BeingATwatItsABingThing · 12/06/2022 06:29

Lizzieismagic · 11/06/2022 21:07

We kept ds in a travel cot until he really couldn't for in!! At least 3 but he was small!

We would put DD in a cot but she’s not even in one at home anymore. She can climb out now and always tumbles out head first so no luck with that. I think she was actually a monkey in a past life the way she can climb up anything. 🙄😂

Our tent has two compartments with a section in the middle. Each compartment zips up so I’m not too worried about her running away in the night. It’s during the day that’s the issue but we’ll take our reigns.

OP posts:
Singleandproud · 12/06/2022 08:30

@BeingATwatItsABingThing even if you aren't intending to wash them I'd take a small blow up paddling pool or box, if it's hot you'll all appreciate somewhere to sit/ put your feet in to cool down.

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