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Does anyone else’s baby sleep with soft music in the background

9 replies

Jadeleighh · 01/06/2022 01:33

Has it helped them sleep better than silence

OP posts:
CucumberCool · 01/06/2022 01:46

I mostly have some kind of background noise although not every night.

Usually radio or audiobook. I don't use white noise as it makes me feel funny....

I think it helps to blend in other noises I/my partner may make, especially when getting into/out of bed (she's in a next to me cot).

ImustLearn2Cook · 01/06/2022 01:50

My baby did. She’s 8 now and still has her favourite sleep cd.

She has liked guitar music, Bob Marley, Putumayo World Music: Women of the World Acoustic, a CD with ocean sounds and acoustic guitar playing.

She was never a fan of lullaby music or white noise.

When she was tiny she seemed to love the song You Sexy Thing by Hot Chocolate, while I held her and patted her bottom in time to the music. She would fall asleep so quickly. (Most of the time it would take soooo long to get her to sleep so as an exhausted parent I was so happy that I found something that worked for a few days).

TigerRag · 01/06/2022 07:03

I have a white noise machine and it foes help me sleep.


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MoodyTwo · 01/06/2022 07:13

I have Sound Sleeper app playing all night in our room for LO...when I did this with DS and he moved to his room I still played it in mine, it took me an age to start to fall asleep again without it x

Fizbosshoes · 01/06/2022 07:20

DD was a horrendous sleeper. But we were given a cd of baby lullaby (no words) music which did seem to help her get to sleep although it didn't stop her waking at night . She played it every night til she was about 10!Blush I used to dread it scratching or breaking and googled it to try and get a replacement but I never found one.

JudgeRindersMinder · 01/06/2022 07:25

We left a radio on Classic FM when ds was tiny, he was a great sleeper, but I don’t know if he was just a great sleeper or if it was the radio!

adagio · 01/06/2022 07:36

We use /used ‘classical music for babies’ or a (music only) lullabies cd that came with an usborne lullaby book.

DDs now 6&9 and still like the playlist when they can’t sleep/have a nightmare/feel poorly (it’s downloaded on an old phone so easy to play).

Not sure how much it actually helped but made me feel like I was ‘doing something’ during the non sleeping years lol

Gingermoth · 01/06/2022 08:19

Mine loved the Braveheart soundtrack.

Lemongrass9 · 01/06/2022 08:30

We use one 4min track on repeat all night long (just make sure there is no gap when repeating the song) it’s very slow and just music, no lyrics. We also play it during naps at home or in the car. He has been known to fall asleep in seconds when it is played in the car.

I feel it has helped, but at the very least it’s doing no harm and is nicer than white noise. DS was waking every 30min-1hr over night for weeks, and had only been going 2hrs prior to this. The first night we used this it stretched to 3hrs, which he is now routinely doing with some stretches of 4 or 5hrs. We do still have the odd night of 1-2hrly wake ups.

Of couse this improvement could just be developmental and could have happened without the music. DS is 9 months.

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