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Can you recommend a good hotel in london

46 replies

anotherdaynotanotherdollar · 25/05/2022 14:06

For 2 adults 1 child (6)? It's a bloody minefield!

We are looking to go 13th to 16th December so 3 nights with a budget of around 500..

There are thousands on but as it's a special trip I would prefer recommends if anyone can help?

OP posts:
BlueKaftan · 25/05/2022 14:08

The Bloomsbury in Great Russell Street. Might need to up your budget a bit but it’s lovely and in a great area.

anotherdaynotanotherdollar · 25/05/2022 14:14

Thank you I shall look at that now!

OP posts:
Icedlatteplease · 25/05/2022 14:14

St Giles at Tottenham court. Maybe not quite as "special" as you were hoping for but it is a good hotel at a reasonable price and walkable distance to just about everywhere and tube to everywhere


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Triffid1 · 25/05/2022 14:21

£500 per night or for all three nights? For all three nights, you'd need a budget hotel. There are loads of Premier Inns/Travel Lodge type places that are more expensive than in other parts of the country but will be perfectly fine.

If £500 per night, Park Plaza at Westminster Bridge is nice and very conveniently located with kids. Pay for the family room or an upgraded room.

A friend highly recommended the Hilton Hotel in Westminster, but I haven't stayed there myself.

clipclop5 · 25/05/2022 15:57

Brook Green Hotel in Hammersmith - great value, beautiful, unique rooms and located in a lovely neighbourhood with 4 different tube lines only 5 mins walk down the road so all the main tourist attractions are at your fingertips. We adore it and are on to our 5th stay!

Fivemoreminutes1 · 25/05/2022 16:21

For that budget, you couldn’t do better than the Z hotels. Try the one in the City, as I know they’ve got reasonable prices.

BlanketsBanned · 25/05/2022 16:24

Do you want a family room, be near the station you arrive to, be in a particular area.

mogtheexcellent · 25/05/2022 16:28

We stayed in a family room at the clermont hotel which is beside charing cross station. It was very close to trafalgar square so it was only a few minutes walk to some really good places to eat and visit. We drove and parked at the national theatre which is directly over the river.

Plus they gave my 7 yo a teddy.

Tryhard40 · 25/05/2022 16:33

The Z Hotel in Covent Garden is £428 for a family room on those dates - I've never stayed there (was coming on to suggest the radisson blu Edwardian in Covent Garden which is wonderful but it seems prices have risen since I stayed last year!) However you couldn't get a better location - assuming you want to be near the usual stuff.

GonnaGetGoingReturns · 25/05/2022 16:39

Agreed with @BlueKaftan - I work round the corner from the Bloomsbury and have stayed here a few times too.

The Landmark and Cumberland hotel are also nice ones too but probably not that cheap. I probably also prefer the Landmark for location (Marylebone).

GonnaGetGoingReturns · 25/05/2022 16:40

Ah sorry see you mentioned £500. Rules out the others I mentioned.

minipie · 25/05/2022 16:46

What are you planning to do while in London? I would aim to stay pretty near what you want to go and see, or at least a short tube hop away, as otherwise you can spend a lot of time travelling across London.

Have you considered air bnbs? I’ve never stayed in one in London as I live here, but I prefer them to hotels for city breaks with kids as you get more space, kitchen etc.

Countmeout · 25/05/2022 16:46

H10 Waterloo.
if you book on their website you can get a discount also free breakfasts which are rather yummy.

Countmeout · 25/05/2022 16:54

Seems to be expensive tho nearer Christmas. And a child may push it up.
going at the beginning of December for 3 nights for £402 ( but I did book in January and there’s just 2 of us)

anotherdaynotanotherdollar · 25/05/2022 19:46

Thank you!

To answer some questions £500 is for the 3 nights not per night (I wish) apologies for not being clear in the OP.

We are going to the London International horse show at the ExCel. Plan to arrive on Tuesday 13th and leave Friday 16th December.

We want to do all the sights that we can, but equally need a relatively easy journey to the show and back as it's the evening performance and finishes at 22.10 so will need to drag the 6 year old back with us.

I've found county hall premier inn near the london eye.. hoping that may work as it's one tube line from Euston and one tube line to Canning Town then we get the DLR. I sound like I know what I'm talking about but in reality I don't have a clue!

OP posts:
hennaoj · 25/05/2022 20:33

Stayed in the Premier Inn London St Pancreas in February with my 11 year old. It was actually really nice and quite a big room. Free left luggage too.

internetpersonme · 25/05/2022 20:38

anotherdaynotanotherdollar · 25/05/2022 19:46

Thank you!

To answer some questions £500 is for the 3 nights not per night (I wish) apologies for not being clear in the OP.

We are going to the London International horse show at the ExCel. Plan to arrive on Tuesday 13th and leave Friday 16th December.

We want to do all the sights that we can, but equally need a relatively easy journey to the show and back as it's the evening performance and finishes at 22.10 so will need to drag the 6 year old back with us.

I've found county hall premier inn near the london eye.. hoping that may work as it's one tube line from Euston and one tube line to Canning Town then we get the DLR. I sound like I know what I'm talking about but in reality I don't have a clue!

That would be a horrible journey back at that time of night.

I would suggest a premier inn in canary wharf much easier for excel and you can easily get to town on public transport from canary whaft.

SpotlessMind88 · 25/05/2022 20:58

The Holiday Inn in Stratford city is great! Its family friendly, right next to Westfield Shopping centre so there's loads of places to eat and shop without traveling. It has the DLR station right there, so you can get to the excel centre easily. It Also has the jubilee Line and Central line so you can get to all the sights you want to visit with minimal hassle.
Its not far from the Excel centre so you could even get an uber on your way back and wouldn't be too expensive.
Its next to what was once the olympic village so in December your DC will have lots to do including ice skating, Santa's grotto, swimming, roaming around queen Elizabeth park, Christmas markets and more
Here's the website

Kfjsjdbd · 25/05/2022 21:31

If you’re going to the Excel stay at the Good Hotel (the one on a boat). It’s brilliant. Great location. Rooftop bar overlooking Canary Wharf. Next to the cable car.

anotherdaynotanotherdollar · 25/05/2022 21:59

Thank you - I shall continue looking at the suggestions!

OP posts:
Chocolatelabradors · 25/05/2022 22:40

County Hall premier inn is a fantastic location and it's really close to Waterloo. Some great reasonable places to eat nearby too

tigerbear · 25/05/2022 22:53

It’s not a glamorous location, but the Premier Inn at Lewisham is literally right next to the station (mainline and DLR). It would be an easy journey to Excel on the DLR, and to get to central London, it’s only 10-15 min to London Bridge, Charing Cross, Victoria etc from Lewisham.
£328 for a family room on those dates.

AlecTrevelyan006 · 25/05/2022 23:03

Greenwich is ok for the ExCel - other side of the river but only 20 mins on the DLR


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AlecTrevelyan006 · 25/05/2022 23:09

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Blueuggboots · 26/05/2022 00:01 what about somewhere like this?

I've airbnb'ed a few times in London and always had good experiences.

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