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Best laundry hamper setup?

6 replies

Yotrotro · 08/05/2022 21:33

Ok I need a new system for laundry and wondering if there's a better way??

I currently have a few of the IKEA canvas laundry bags which I use in bedrooms to collect piles of washing, then once full take the bag downstairs and wash, then back into the bag to take it out to the line, then same pile once dry goes back into that same bag and heads back upstairs to be put away. In the meantime, there's a gap where a bag should be and clothes start piling up in places.

The canvas bags worked well pre DC when laundry was manageable! They've also now seen better days so it's time to upgrade...whats the best solution? A hamper that stays in place and a big plastic laundry thingy to transport it...or something else?

Please help me!

OP posts:
Nutellaspoon · 08/05/2022 21:35

I recently suggested to dh that we just have a laundry chute in the landing and then get rid of the wardrobes and the whole family just dresses from a huge trough in the utility room downstairs. I am that hacked off with the constant washing baskets and putting away of washing.

carefullycourageous · 08/05/2022 21:35

We have one big bag in a, everyone brings their stuff each morning, and a big basket for moving the wet washing/dry washing. No young children now so they bring their own.

KindergartenKop · 08/05/2022 21:35

Two laundry hampers, one on each floor. One gorilla tub to transport to washing machine.


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Datsandcogs · 08/05/2022 21:45

Laundry hampers upstairs. They’re brought down each weekend and whenever else they’re full. I keep one in the main bathroom and sometimes the children choose to have one in or close to their room. Downstairs I have a laundry sorter where dirty washing is sorted into different loads. Clean stuff is folded and put on a pile per person, everyone is expected to take their own upstairs and put away.

Yotrotro · 08/05/2022 22:14

@Nutellaspoon laundry chute! Now there's an idea! It's the putting away that's worst at the moment, especially with toddler DD who likes at least 3 outfit changes a day and pulls her full wardrobe out to examine before choosing what to wear.

OP posts:
wonkygorgeous · 09/05/2022 09:10

I pick up a bathroom towel that the longest in use, put it down on the floor and tip the individual bag of laundry into it.

Laundry bag gets hung up straight away in the child's bedroom.

I grab the four corners of the towel and carry the whole lot down and into the laundry.

We use about 6 bath towels a week so this works for a load a day.

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