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Frog Bike or Something Else?

13 replies

ElspethBoomingHowsen · 03/05/2022 21:03

My son has a 14x Strider bike with pedals. We covered 25 miles over the bank holiday weekend and it’s very clear the bike is t suitable anymore. The seat and handlebars are fine, but the small wheels and crank mean his poor legs are spinning so fast!

looking for something new and Frog bikes seem suitable. The 16in bike has a 102cm crank and just looks more suitable. Only issue is it says from inside leg 48cm and his is only 45cm. He’s very confident cycling so I sure he will be fine.

Any other suggestions?
Thanks is advance 😊

OP posts:
Sleepeatrepeat · 03/05/2022 21:07

If you want decent and lightweight then Frog or Islabikes are your best bet but new they are £££

If they are a but pricey for your pocket look at Specialized or some of the Carerra ones.

If you have a local bike specialist locally to you it's worth having a chat with them.

sanityisamyth · 03/05/2022 21:18

My DS 8 has a Frog bike and it was one of the best things I've ever bought him. He is so happy and confident on it and he now cycles to school and back twice a day.

ElspethBoomingHowsen · 03/05/2022 21:34

We cycle everywhere and he lives his bike, he just looks a bit silly now as his legs go 100 miles an hour!
Im not worried about the price of a bike. I’d rather pay more for something light weight he can use daily and for longer rides.

do they sell Frog bikes in shops? I’d live for him to try one first to make sure he’s not too little for the 16in bike

I will Google Isla bikes too.

OP posts:
Twillseeker · 03/05/2022 21:35

We went from a strider balance to a squish 16” and have been really happy with it, it’s similar to frog but wasn’t quite as expensive. She was also a few inches off the size for it but she managed fine as she could reach the floor on her toes

dannyboyle · 03/05/2022 21:39

Frog or Isla bikes. Been through both and both worth their money. Whether you can afford it or not two bits of advice. They hold their money very well as very strong second hand market. To this end there are Facebook groups for both frog and islabikes. Good for advice and second hand sales!

User280905 · 03/05/2022 21:39

Big fans of Frog here. Our local bike shop sells them so you can definitely try them out.

3" isn't much, so long as he can get his feet on the ground when he stops.

There's a great Frog second hand Facebook group, can't remember exactly what it's called.

Sleepdeprived42long · 03/05/2022 21:40

My DC are really into cycling and both attend a local bike group. 7 year old has a frog bike. 8 year old has a giant bike. Both are great bikes. The giant one is slight lighter though and we’ll likely get another giant, rather than frog, when they grow out of their current bikes.

Sleepdeprived42long · 03/05/2022 21:42

Although have to say when they were younger, the Halfords carrera bikes were amazing-lightweight, not as pricey as frog etc. ideal at that age because they grow out of bikes so quickly at that age.

SarahWoodruff · 03/05/2022 21:44

Squish bikes are great; lighter than Frog but at a similar price point.

ElspethBoomingHowsen · 03/05/2022 21:51

So many options! I’ll have to take him somewhere to try some out

OP posts:
LittleMissLego · 03/05/2022 21:55

Have a look on facebook marketplace. Isla bikes are expensive second hand but hold their value well, same for other lightweight bikes, especially if you go for a slightly newer model

RosieBdy · 03/05/2022 21:59

There's a facebook group where people sell second hand frog bikes...
'pre owned frog bikes community'
We've just sold our daughter's frog bike on there this weekend.
They are expensive, but brilliant, and after 4 years, we've just sold her bike for 2/3rds of what we paid for it...

Sleepeatrepeat · 03/05/2022 22:01

Yes you cam buy frog in shops. We have a local chain in South Yorks called JE James who stock them.

I think their website has a stockists list.

Isla and squish tend to be more online but specialised certainly have shops too.

Frogs are worth their weight in gold (and hold their value to resell).

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