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Visiting Lisbon

8 replies

Ilovehatecleaning · 16/04/2022 17:00

I'm looking at Lisbon and thinking it would make a great long weekend destination. Has anyone visited with kids and could recommend it? Is it very far from a beach resort? Thanks

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Sorehandsandfeet · 16/04/2022 18:22

I think it is 20 mins from beaches, also nice parks and aquarium.

Lunificent · 16/04/2022 18:33

It’s a train ride from Cascais, which is lovely. Lisbon itself is beautiful. It’s also quite affordable compared to other European cities and Portugal’s time is the same as ours.
My only advice would be to watch very, very closely for pickpockets. There are a fair few in the tourist spots, on famous tourist trams e.g. the 28, on trains, at stations etc.
The men tend to operate on their own with a jacket over their arm to hide what they’ve taken.
The women operate in 2s or more. They tend to have scarves tied to their bags which they can use to screen what they’re up to. You can recognise them as they might be more warmly dressed than you’d expect for the weather. Also, at tourist spots, they’ll be facing in from the view because they’re scanning people.
So no rucksacks on your back unless you have nothing of value. Hold your bags tight in front of you. Leave valuables at the hotel.

MissAmbrosia · 16/04/2022 18:34

Graca Appt Haven't been with kids but can highly recommend this appartment.

ABitOfAShitShow · 16/04/2022 18:55

Haven’t been with kids and my post is pretty fucking useless in terms of what you asked but just wanted to say that I really loved Lisbon and you should definitely go at some point!

It’s great value for money compared to Paris, Rome, etc and has all the old European city charm - just really, really lovely.

I went for work and wasn’t expecting much but I’ll definitely go back - where I wouldn’t go out of my way to repeat Rome, for example.

IDontHaveAnOutingHobby · 16/04/2022 19:48

Love it and it is very cheap.
Much cheaper than the Algarve

Mls1984btc · 16/04/2022 19:52

Thanks for the information. Bookmarked this page for my upcoming trip end of this year x

MissyCooperismyShero · 16/04/2022 20:13

Lisbon is my happy place. The aquarium is great, get a cab there. Also love the pantheon, hippo/duck tours good for children. Sitting on the front by the water is lovely in the evening. Lots of places to eat and listen to music. Have never considered pickpockets like I might do in say Paris or Barcelona, tho to be fair, have never been robbed anywhere.

Ilovehatecleaning · 16/04/2022 21:11

Thank you for all the responses. Sounds great!

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