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Where to stay in Belfast?

23 replies

WiggleDiggle · 09/04/2022 15:32


Anyone got a recommendation for hotels with a family room (2 adults, 2DC age 10 and 8) in Belfast?

Usually stay at the Titanic but it's (unusually) already full for our July dates.

DD can't walk far so we will need to taxi everywhere it have places SUPER nearby (5 mins walk max). We'll want to be at W5 and the Titanic museum.


OP posts:
Heresme33 · 09/04/2022 17:43

The premier inn at titanic quarter is right by W5 and the titanic museum.

emmathedilemma · 09/04/2022 17:59

There’s a Hilton on the other side of the river not that from the titanic if I remember correctly. I’ve stayed at jury’s inn near the europa bus station which was good and there’s also the Fitzwilliam and Europa a few doors down which I think are a bit posher!

WiggleDiggle · 09/04/2022 19:32

Thanks. I'm keen to avoid the Premier Inn as have had a few poor experiences with the chain elsewhere - lots of hassle getting beds made up, not very clean bathrooms etc.

Will check out the others.

Do you think Belfast taxis are generally willing to do short distances? (Often a problem)

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percypig · 09/04/2022 19:36

Would you consider Air BnB rather than a hotel? I know there are quite a few serviced apartments in the Titanic quarter which might suit you better.

Jody21 · 09/04/2022 20:23

We normally stay in the Premier Inn next to W5 when we visit. I know you're not keen on the chain but just wanted to confirm I've never had any issues with cleanliness in either the rooms or bathrooms. Breakfasts are good and staff are lovely and helpful. I wouldn't rule them out because of bad experiences in other places.

WiggleDiggle · 09/04/2022 20:46

That's great to know @Jody21 - as it's looking like the best option location wise.

The Fitzwilliam looks great and very good value for July but not sure the location will really work for us.

Definitely want a hotel thanks @percypig - I hate cooking at the best of times but breakfasts especially (and all my family love a cooked breakfast).

OP posts:
RemusLupinsBiggestGroupie · 09/04/2022 20:50

Belfast taxi drivers are some of the friendliest and most helpful I've ever met.

We stayed in the Malmaison but I wouldn't really recommend it tbh.

harriethoyle · 09/04/2022 21:06

The Merchant is absolutely fantastic

WiggleDiggle · 09/04/2022 21:40

Looks lovely @harriethoyle but over £600 a night in July - 😬

OP posts:
SoItWas · 09/04/2022 21:45

"Do you think Belfast taxis are generally willing to do short distances? (Often a problem)"

That shouldn't be a problem.

harriethoyle · 09/04/2022 21:51


Looks lovely *@harriethoyle* but over £600 a night in July - 😬

It's not THAT fantastic @WiggleDiggle!
EisforEmergency · 09/04/2022 21:56

Don’t stay at The Malone. It’s truly hideous (think smells if vomit, stains over the carpet and furniture, rude staff).

Weelegs29 · 09/04/2022 22:05

There's a new AC Mariott just by the SSE which might suit you location wise. Fitzwilliam is a lovely hotel but a bit further away from Titanic quarter although still central to town and short taxi rides wouldn't be a problem

Jennywren1975 · 09/04/2022 22:13

The Premier Inn at the Titanic is your best bet as it's virtually next door to W5 and the SSE Arena.
It's only a few years old, so hopefully still in good condition. The Hilton would be about a 15 minute walk from the Titanic.
Taxis here are on meters and have a starting fee of around £2.50 plus journey time. I'd say you'd have no problem getting one to do short distances.
There's the Premier Inn in the Cathedral Quarter which is in the heart of the city. As well as the Ramada by Wyndham about a 5 minute walk in the town.

Jennywren1975 · 09/04/2022 22:15

Sorry, there's also the AC Hotel by Marriott which is brand new and on the river just across from the SSE.

loulou2021 · 09/04/2022 22:18

Fitzwilliam Hotel and Grand Central are both lovely.

Cottoneyejoeswifestampon · 09/04/2022 22:20

Absolutely recommend the AC Marriott, we stayed there in February with our two kids, walkable to odyssey and Titanic just across the bridge, w5 is over there too and a great new cinema, bowling might be open by July too. It's clean, food is fab and close to city centre as well, we wouldn't stay anywhere else tbh

ducktape · 09/04/2022 23:01

Glider bus route goes from city Hall area (near jury's, Fitzwilliam, grand Central etc) to titanic quarter which may be an option but taxi possibly cheaper for 4

ducktape · 09/04/2022 23:03

There's a taxi rank at the europa/entrance to great Victoria St Station which is handy to those hotels as well

WiggleDiggle · 10/04/2022 18:34

Right - have booked the Marriott!

Thanks all. Great to know on taxis - we'll need a lot.

Did you have breakfast at the Marriott @Cottoneyejoeswifestampon ?

OP posts:
cakeaddict · 10/04/2022 20:06

We've just come back from the Marriott - it was great, and breakfast was good!!

Jennywren1975 · 11/04/2022 12:56

Great that you've got something booked Wiggle. I'm sure the hotel will be able to order a taxi for you when you need it.

Enjoy your trip.

Cottoneyejoeswifestampon · 11/04/2022 21:49

Yes breakfast is superb! You can't beat an Ulster fry!!!


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