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Blackpool with a toddler, two nights

17 replies

Treesjustturninggreen · 08/04/2022 19:10

Any ideas? Wondering about the zoo, maybe a donkey ride on the beach or the aquarium?

OP posts:
Saucery · 08/04/2022 19:12

Stanley Park is nice, across the road from the Zoo.

Saucery · 08/04/2022 19:13

I wouldn’t have a donkey ride. They aren’t treated well at all, poor things.

Lollypop701 · 08/04/2022 19:14

Zoo is great, if it’s raining the water park is lovely.

jesusmaryjosephandtheweedonkey · 08/04/2022 19:16

Firstly I would stay in Lytham rather than Blackpool

Treesjustturninggreen · 08/04/2022 19:16


I wouldn’t have a donkey ride. They aren’t treated well at all, poor things.

Really, how awful Sad you’d think they’d sort it out in this day and age. Thanks for the Stanley park recommendation.
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Treesjustturninggreen · 08/04/2022 19:16


Firstly I would stay in Lytham rather than Blackpool

Go on, why?
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insancerre · 08/04/2022 19:17

The zoo, Stanley park and the model village are all very close and would take a whole day
There is a new peter rabbit attraction next to Madame Tussaud’s

insancerre · 08/04/2022 19:18

Don’t stay in Lytham, there really isn’t much there, unless you want a charity shop

beenaroundtheblox · 08/04/2022 19:22

There's a premier inn a few miles out and we always stay there. zoo is great. Madame Tussaud's is great too. Look round arcades and park if it's nice.

jesusmaryjosephandtheweedonkey · 08/04/2022 19:26

@Treesjustturninggreen because it's quieter at night with lots of cafes and a nice seafront walk.
And Blackpool is not it's best post pandemic so it might be better to stick to doing activities during the day .

Treesjustturninggreen · 08/04/2022 19:27

Well, we’ve already booked a hotel. I know Blackpool is a bit seedy for a night out but it’s just a fun day trip with a little one. I don’t think we’ll catch Poor Confused

Thanks for the Peter rabbit recommendation. That sounds like something we’d enjoy Smile

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Treesjustturninggreen · 08/04/2022 19:27

Oh seriously @jesusmaryjosephandtheweedonkey did you miss we are going with a toddler Grin

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jesusmaryjosephandtheweedonkey · 08/04/2022 19:28

@Treesjustturninggreen I know you won't catch poor !
But I don't think you realise what a rundown shit hole it has become.

Saucery · 08/04/2022 19:33

[quote jesusmaryjosephandtheweedonkey]@Treesjustturninggreen I know you won't catch poor !
But I don't think you realise what a rundown shit hole it has become.
Alright, Blackpool Tourist Board, keep your hair on Grin

OP, it will be a nice trip for a full day, I’m sure you will fill it with a combination of the Zoo/Park/Potter exhibition.

FelicityPike · 08/04/2022 19:44

Definitely the zoo.

Nat6999 · 08/04/2022 19:45

Get a hotel with a pool, I've always stayed at The Doric which has indoor & outdoor pools & has entertainment each night which includes things for Children during the earlier evening.

Treesjustturninggreen · 08/04/2022 19:47

We’ve already booked the Big Blue … it seems one of the best for children.

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