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Lake Garda with kids

6 replies

E14Sparkler · 24/03/2022 16:52

I’m looking to book either Bella Italia, Cisano San Vito or Del Garda. Has anyone been to any of these and can offer any opinions? We won’t have a car so looking for somewhere nearby to restaurants and a bus stop for exploring nearby areas.

Any help would be much appreciated.

OP posts:
StrangeCondition · 24/03/2022 16:57

We went to Lake Garda a few years back, there's lots of stuff for kids to do, kayaking, sailing, nice beaches etc., there's plenty of bus stops but it's more fun going from place to place on boats. We stayed in Riva and visited Torbole, Malcesine, Limone, Garda, Bardolino and Sermione, we also did a day trip to Venice via boat/train.

We went in July and it was ridiculously hot, prior to going everyone said you get nice breezes from the mountains but it wasn't the case - some days it was unbearable, we only got relief on the boats or up in the mountains in Malcesine

mamma2013 · 24/03/2022 18:38

We have been to bella italia and loved it, would go back again one day I think.

Philandbill · 24/03/2022 18:41

We visited there from Verona, which is worth a visit if you are that end of the lake. Beautiful area, though I echo what the PP said about the heat. It was extremely hot every day.


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Whatwouldnanado · 24/03/2022 18:50

When we went Malcesnie had great ferry connections. There is a cable car to Monte Baldo. Check out the bus services. The GardaLand theme park at the south end of the lake is great fun.

Billybagpuss · 24/03/2022 18:56

We stayed near Salo.

The boat routes are really helpful and the hotel organised day trips

Pearlyqueen21 · 24/03/2022 18:57

We stayed in Bella Italia, definitely a good site. We did a train trip to Venice and stayed overnight there - our then 9 yr old loved it! But best of all was Gardaland, local theme park. You can buy slightly discounted tickets at Bella Italia - we had a hire car so I’m not sure of the public transport to the park, but I’m sure there are buses. Take swimming costumes for the kids - there’s a very welcome mini water park in Gardaland.

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