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Has anyone been to Eurocamps?

15 replies

OneForTheRoadThen · 13/03/2022 17:34

I'm looking at booking a Eurocamp holiday in France next year as they're a fraction of the cost of Centre Parcs. My children will be 7 and 5.

Has anyone been on one? How did you find it?

OP posts:
RachelAshleyWasGuilty · 13/03/2022 17:41

We went to Beekse Bergen in The Netherlands and it was brilliant!

Eurocamp have their own accommodation, but its normally part of a larger site, so Google whichever campsite you are considering to get a better feel for it.

devildeepbluesea · 13/03/2022 17:41

Haven’t been myself but seriously considering it for this year. Everyone I know who’s been have said it is amazing.

Papertyger · 13/03/2022 17:44

Op just in case, you do know that there's a site Eg Berke began above. On the site several operators will have holiday homes Eg Eurocsmp , canvas and the places own accmd..

Euroccsmp Just rent's space for their caravans.
So I would choose where you want to go then Google they reviews of the operators there.

When I was looking a few years ago the reviews was not good.

We usually stay in the campsites own accmd.
Usually slightly better and more spaced out.

Jjacobb · 13/03/2022 17:45

We've been to many and they do vary.
As other poster said Beekse Bergen was brilliant and I would highly recommend.?

Papertyger · 13/03/2022 17:48

The spelling!!
Beekse Bergen is a Safari park, it's got it own range of accmd. .it then rent's out space to to other holiday homes operates so it's not a euro camp site.

ChittyChittyBoomBoom · 13/03/2022 17:48

Yes we’ve done a few in France and Spain and generally had a great experience. They do vary and we didn’t find the star rating very consistent so choose carefully. Get the best value accommodation you can afford as some of the basic units are quite old and tired.

The best site we visited was sanguli in Spain. Wouldnt hesitate to go back there! Our children were 12, 5 and 5 at the time.

Papertyger · 13/03/2022 17:52

One more thing, the Netherlands over all is extremely child friendly and has numerous fabulous site's for children. the safari park mentioned above is amazing, it's also got a water park area, swimmers lake with sand etc play area's.
It's close to the most beautiful charming theme park in the world the efterling. Stunning with beautiful on site accmd. People stay at both back to back or , visit one from the other.

Then North is the park duinrell, not as classy or charm as efterling but has fabulous water park, close to a beach and the Hague and Amsterdam.

Landal sites are the Dutch center parks and de kemperven is supposed to be a great site.

McScreamysGhostPants · 13/03/2022 17:53

We've done a few in France and in Italy. The Italy ones were the best, cleanest caravan sites I've ever seen in my life. They are owned by Human Travel and often their Site gets you much better accommodation and prices. The lagoon pools especially are amazing for kids. The pains are a foam padded foot covered with thick textured rubber for grip. Literally impossible to hurt yourself. Very highly recommended!

Gazelda · 13/03/2022 18:22

We've done loads of Eurocamp holidays. Also Al Fresco and Canvas. They all have units on the major campsites.

We've also stayed at some of the Les Castels sites which are a little smaller. Some of them have a larger eco-focus rather than fast and furious fun.

We like the freedom, the convenience of having an on-site supermarket (often quite small and expensive), the facilities such as pool, kids clubs, restaurants etc. DD loves being able to take her bike and explore (she's 14, so we're comfortable with her going for short rides out of sight).

I wish there was some sort of halfway house such as b&b, all inclusive etc. I'd love a little bit of time off from organising breakfast every day!

We tend to go to places that are either within walking distance of a nice town, or a beach.

I echo PP who recommended going for best accom you can afford. And if you can, get the beds made up for you before you arrive (I'd happily pay someone £1,000, 000 to do this for me - it's the worst job in the world).

You can fly, fly-drive or ferry-drive. You can generally use Tesco points to pay for ferry/tunnel. If you drive, you many need to stop overnight en route. Euro amp can suggest places or MN will always have ideas.

Jmaho · 13/03/2022 18:43

I would find a park on the Euro camps website then either book it directly or with someone like Canvas. We went on our first euro camps holiday about ten years ago to France and were under the impression it was a Euro camp owned park. In reality only a small number of the accommodations were Eurocamp and all the others either were owned by the park or by other providers. The Eurocamp caravans were the run down ones in the far end of the park.

FlorhamPark · 13/03/2022 19:26


We've done a few in France and in Italy. The Italy ones were the best, cleanest caravan sites I've ever seen in my life. They are owned by Human Travel and often their Site gets you much better accommodation and prices. The lagoon pools especially are amazing for kids. The pains are a foam padded foot covered with thick textured rubber for grip. Literally impossible to hurt yourself. Very highly recommended!

Agree with @McScreamysGhostPants , we went to loads of the Human Company ones in Italy and loved them. The lagoon pools are indeed fabulous!
AmbushedByCake1 · 13/03/2022 19:30

They are so much fun with kids. I've stayed in two different ones in France, one site several times and I'd really recommend it. It's not luxurious but it's great.

Eileen101 · 13/03/2022 19:33

We've done several, would highly recommend.
They're not luxury, but perfectly clean, well equipped, in nice locations and absolutely superb customer service from eurocamp.

SellFridges · 13/03/2022 19:37

We didn’t get on with Eurocamp.

We have done Center Parcs in France several times and really enjoyed it. Much better value than home.

Imissmoominmama · 13/03/2022 20:04

We used Eurocamp for many years. My son loved it so much, he repped for them for two years, post university.

One of the benefits for us, with a child who struggled with transitions, was that the tents looked the same wherever we went. As she got older though, we bought a touring caravan, so that she could have her own space, with all her familiar things around her.

I think we went with Eurocamp every year from 1998 to around 2016 (there’s a big age gap between our eldest and two younger kids), and had some fantastic holidays.

We always picked the smaller, quieter sites.

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