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Pressure Cookers

23 replies

Idratherhaveacuppa · 06/03/2022 13:38

Sorry if this has been done before, I've had a quick search but couldn't find anything recent.
In light of the energy price hike I thought a pressure cooker might be a good idea. The ninja ones are out of my price range so I've been looking at the stove top versions. Does anyone have any recommendations? We are a family of 4, batch cook a lot of meals, cook things like curry, chilli, stew etc.
What size do you use? Anything that works well or really doesn't work in one?
Thanks in advance!

OP posts:
burblish · 06/03/2022 13:53

I have a 6 litre Kuhn Rikon duromatic stovetop pressure cooker - not the cheapest, but it’s excellent. Very energy efficient and durable, and the perfect size for a family meal with plenty left over. The model I have has side grips rather than a long handle, which makes it much easier both to pick up and to position on the stove (especially if you have other pans on the go at the same time, as no long handle getting in the way or sticking out). As I say, Kuhn Rikon are NOT cheap but they feel very safe to use, so the extra cost is worth it to me.

billy1966 · 06/03/2022 14:14

I have a standard stove top pressure cooket.
Absolutely fantastic.
Constantly in use.
I do stews and add potatoes towards the end for a one pot dinner.
I have gas and find a plate diffuser protects the bottom from burning.

AlwaysLatte · 06/03/2022 14:16

We got a multi pot but I must admit it often burns, especially when there are tomatoes, so I ended up sending it back for a refund!

Etolie · 06/03/2022 14:23

I love my stove top pressure cooker.I would definitely recommend it.
Get a stainless steel one .Make sure it’s big enough for your family,you can only 1/4 fill it.
I read the reviews on Amazon as research.
They aren’t as scary as they used to be 🙂

guessmyusername · 06/03/2022 14:23

I have had a stove top one for years but it has been mothballed since I got my Instant Pot. It is miles better. Programmable and doesn't need watched. Amazon sometimes does special offers on them.

HappyAsASandboy · 06/03/2022 14:30

I have a big Instant Pot (8 litre). It has an air fryer lid too, though I wouldn't bother with that again I don't think).

It is so much easier than the old stove top one I had (with a weight on top). Programme it and leave it to it. I do spaghetti bolognese in it regularly (everything in together, including the spaghetti, so only one pot to wash!) and I've never had a burn warning.

Amazon have their own brand of electric pressure cooker. If budget doesn't stretch to an Instant Pot then I'd get an Amazon one rather than switch to stovetop.

Idratherhaveacuppa · 06/03/2022 15:05

I think I'm swaying towards stove top. excellent point about the 2 side handles rather than one long one @burblish

We already have a diffuser @billy1966 - we use gas too and use it a lot.

Thanks for the replies. It helps!

OP posts:
ResearchQueen · 06/03/2022 15:10

I have a Kuhn Rikon one with side handles too, it is ten years old now. I love it, I'd buy another one if anything happened to it.

redferrari · 06/03/2022 20:03

I recommend the instant pot. I make big portions and freeze them. Been using for 3+ years now and I wouldn't be without it.

Namelessnancy · 06/03/2022 20:10

I've had a Tefal stovetop for years now. I did think about getting an instant pot but didn't want an extra thing to find space for and am not sure if really gain anything. I use it looks loads, at last once a week. Cooked a ham in it today which we've had for supper and I've got some dried peas soaking which I'll pressure cook in the stock tomorrow with leftovers for soup.

teaandbiscuitsforme · 06/03/2022 20:11

Love my Instant Pot! We have the 6l one. So easy to use and feels miles safer than a stove top one. At first I used to try to adapt my usual recipes but I've since bought two Instant Pot specific cookbooks and they're much better. Love all the pasta dishes with the pasta cooked in and the amazing flavour curries, love doing a whole roast chicken in it, cheesecakes and rice puddings are amazing... I much prefer to cook in it now!

JungleBungles · 06/03/2022 20:13

I have a sage fast slow pro and I love it!

Cooks a chilli in 20 mins and the meat it always really tender, I’ve cooked a roast chicken in 35 mins, it really is good!

WibbleWobbleWibble · 06/03/2022 20:16

Love my stove top pressure cooker, I grew up with my mum and gran using one. Soups, big pan of mash, root veg, boiling gammon joints, bolognaise etc
I currently have this one and would recommend it to a first time pressure cooker user.

Pressure Cookers
NatriumChloride · 06/03/2022 20:23

Not sure why everyone’s ignoring OP’s specific request to recommend stove top pressure cookers and pushing an Instant Pot. 🙄

OP I bought a Fissler 4.5L a long time ago and use it frequently. It’s brilliant. I just made slow cooked beef in it and it took 40 minutes on a very low flame.

They’re generally very easy to clean and use.

teaandbiscuitsforme · 06/03/2022 20:29


Not sure why everyone’s ignoring OP’s specific request to recommend stove top pressure cookers and pushing an Instant Pot. 🙄

OP I bought a Fissler 4.5L a long time ago and use it frequently. It’s brilliant. I just made slow cooked beef in it and it took 40 minutes on a very low flame.

They’re generally very easy to clean and use.

Maybe because Instant Pots are cheaper than some of the stove top ones recommended cost was the reason given for dismissing some electric ones (I think the OP specially mentioned Ninja ones).

OP my mum got a 6l instant pot on Amazon for about £55 a few months ago which is actually less than half what I paid it. You don't have to go for the newest, top of the range one.
Hunnybadger1 · 06/03/2022 20:39

Quick question as following this thread, I have thought of buying a pressure cooker but been put off as I never quite like the finished meal made in my slow cooker - the sauces never have the same depth / intensity as when cooked in a regular oven IMO. Is this the same as when using a pressure cooker?

EmbarrassingHadrosaurus · 06/03/2022 20:49

I have a big Instant Pot (8 litre). It has an air fryer lid too, though I wouldn't bother with that again I don't think).

Is it the standard model with the air fryer or the Pro (higher temperature), please? My MIL wants one but I wonder if it's a bit fiddly for her and if the cheaper Duo Crisp wouldn't be a bit too cool for the type of food that she likes?

Idratherhaveacuppa · 06/03/2022 22:12

Thank you everyone.

@NatriumChloride thanks. I had already decided that a stove top one was for us but people seem to really love their instant pots.

@Hunnybadger1 good question. Slow cooker meals have that slow cooker taste don't they? I have done a bit of research and pressure cooking locks flavour in so I would think meals will taste different.

I think with the risk in energy bills we need to find a more efficient way to cook. We use cheaper cuts of meat that need low and slow. Pressure cooking seems to be the answer.

OP posts:
piglet81 · 06/03/2022 22:21

I have a pressure cooker (stovetop) but only ever use it to make soup and stock. I’m not a big fan of slow cooker stews etc (they always seem to turn out watery) so haven’t thought of trying anything like that in the pressure cooker but maybe I should give it a whirl! Does anyone have any recipes to recommend?

Idratherhaveacuppa · 06/03/2022 22:24

@piglet81 your mission should you choose to accept it is to make a stew and report back!

OP posts:
piglet81 · 06/03/2022 22:28
billy1966 · 07/03/2022 08:49

The key is not too much water in stews.

I do the big pot of root veg, then potatoes, mash the lot with lots of hot butter and milk and store half in the fridge for a fast dinner later in the week.
So handy.

Pixiedust1234 · 07/03/2022 09:01

I have used both tower and prestige brands from argos. Both are very good. We tend to use it more for cooking the dinner veg as it saves time and amount of saucepans. I wouldn't go back to using just saucepans tbh.


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