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Recommendations for where is nice to holiday in North Devon please.

17 replies

Whatliesbeneath707 · 09/01/2022 12:59

Can anyone suggest which towns are nice in North Devon (or any to avoid)! Also, can you suggest any nice holiday cottages (or companies)with parking & that are near the coast please? We like Southwold & Wells next to the Sea, so any places like that would be great. Thanks.

OP posts:
ZenNudist · 09/01/2022 13:01

Not sure but posting for ideas.

Off to check out Southwold and Wells for a summer hol! Was thinking near Cromer but this could be a good alternative.

eagerlywaitingfor · 09/01/2022 13:06

We stayed in a holiday park near Woolacombe several years ago, and it was lovely.

Magnited · 09/01/2022 13:26

North Devon is different to East Anglia in terms of climate and topography.

Combe Martin and onwards round to Braunton is good. Further round and there are less beaches, so bear that in mind if that is what you are looking for. Morte Bay, Croyde and Braunton are west facing so you get the waves and that is really where the Atlantic starts compared to the Bristol Channel.

Classic Cottages and Hoseasons have a lot of choice. Clovelly is a nice day out but there is not a sandy beach at the bottom by the harbour.

CloseYourEyesAndSee · 09/01/2022 13:27

Ilfracombe, woolacombe, Combe Martin, braunton

Magnited · 09/01/2022 13:32

Just to add, although Woolacombe and Braunton have lovely long beaches (they have landed Hercules aircraft on Braunton Sands) they do not have the same wide expansive feel as Brancaster, Holkham and Wells. You do not get the same feeling you would get in Norfolk when you walk through the dunes, smelling the pine trees before sing that wide depth of sand in front of you and the sea in the distance. Like so much of the UK, the landscape is so very different in a short space.

loopylindi · 09/01/2022 13:32

Check out Lynton and Lynmouth for a day out. Also if you like bucolic walks check out Lydford Gorge - a bit like a mini Lord of the Rings landscape. I'd also check out Cottages4you. Whatever you do, where ever you go in Devon you'll enjoy it.

Invasionofthegutsnatchers · 09/01/2022 13:39

Croyde is very busy at peak times. Ruda holiday park is good

Sleepthief · 09/01/2022 13:48

We love Combe Martin - a really safe little bay for paddleboarding/swimming/kayaking and rock pools at low tide and easy access to Woolacombe for surfing/sand dunes. Combe Martin is right on the edge of Exmoor too, so gorgeous walks if you head out the other way. There's loads to do whatever the age of your children (mine range from 7-17 atm)

Sleepthief · 09/01/2022 13:50

It's also not as busy as woolacombe, mortehoe, Lee and croyde

Whatliesbeneath707 · 09/01/2022 14:05

Thanks for these, I will start looking. Your suggestions sound lovely 😊

OP posts:
BigMamaFratelli · 09/01/2022 14:15

We stayed here and the cottages were lovely:

The kids loved the pool. Westward Ho! is the nearest beach, but we also loved Ilfracombe and Woolacoombe

Vulcanodon · 09/01/2022 15:21

Instow, westward ho! Appledore area is lovely too. You can get to woolacombe/putsborough, lynton and lynmouth etc from there easily enough.
I don’t think Combe Martin is as nice but I haven’t spent as much time there as the other places.

MissyB1 · 09/01/2022 15:26

Croyde, Braunton (fantastic beach called Saunton Sands), Westward Ho!

We love all of the above.

PatriotCanes · 09/01/2022 15:28 We've used these loads of times.

Silkieschickens · 09/01/2022 16:23

We stayed at Watermouth Castle in their apartments and that had parking and was on the coast. Had a swimming pool shared between the 7 apartments which you got private use of an hour or two hours a day. From Ilfracombe which is close by you can get boat trips to spot dolphins, seals etc, around coast and over to Lundy - Ilfracombe Sea Safari is one which were very good. Also went to Lynton, pretty. Coombe Martin was pretty as well.

We went onto Dartmoor and did alpaca / llama trekking across Dartmoor and gorging in Oakehampton with Adventure Oakehampton but those are further away but pretty route over.

Whatliesbeneath707 · 09/01/2022 23:07

Great suggestions everyone. Just what I needed. Thank you.

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Whatliesbeneath707 · 11/01/2022 08:05

I didn't realise there we so many nice places! Spoilt for choice. The Helpful Holidays site has some great houses on - just what we were looking for Smile

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