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How do you shave a jumper?

6 replies

Mysterian · 16/12/2021 18:53

It's gone bobbly. I don't have access to an electric one, just a Gillette razor with loads of blades in it. Any other way to remove bobbles?

OP posts:
Fatgalslim · 16/12/2021 18:59

I bought an aldi bobble remover, battery operated, best £5 I ever spent. I'd be worried about damage using a razor

AesopsMables · 16/12/2021 18:59

I bought a 'Steamery' and it is very effective. All my jumpers are now bobble free and look like new.
The manual combs just didn't work that well IMO.

How do you shave a jumper?
Mysterian · 16/12/2021 19:06

£5 seems a lot for something I'm going to use once every couple of years. I'm more of a fleece person than a jumper one. Maybe if I then let it be known I have a bobble remover I'll get requests to borrow it. Make new friends, etc.

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ArseInTheCoOpWindow · 16/12/2021 19:08

Wrap parcel tape round your hand sticky side out.

Ozanj · 16/12/2021 19:11

I have a Philips fabric shaver - use it all the time. It’s good for all fibres and I use it most on cotton

Mysterian · 16/12/2021 19:12

I do that for fluff. Is it strong enough for bobbles?

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