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Christmas Present for Newborn

36 replies

freezingmytoesoff · 13/12/2021 12:17

A family members baby was born last week and we would like to get the baby something for Christmas. However I am having a complete mind blank about what to buy!

Obviously anything we'll buy will either be a gift for the parents/something the child can't make use of yet but just wondering if anyone has any inspired ideas? He's a lovely baby boy, budget up to around £50...

OP posts:
GETTINGLIKEMYMOTHER · 13/12/2021 12:31

He won’t be a newborn for long - I’d go for some cloth books. The ‘Tails’ books by Jellycat are lovely for babies past the tiny stage.

A Ewan the Sheep is often popular, too - it’s supposed to help with soothing them to sleep - has a heartbeat sound or something.

NuffSaidSam · 13/12/2021 12:33

Ask them what they need. It's quite a big budget and you could really help them out with something.

freezingmytoesoff · 13/12/2021 12:42

I have asked them what they really need - but the answer was nothing really (they've been very prepared) so could be anything!

Will have a look at the cloth books :)

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MouseholeCat · 13/12/2021 13:44

We've got a 7 week old and a gift card to places selling nappies or baby clothes are extremely welcome!

Sensory toys are great for the early days- contrast cards, a tummy time mirror, crinkle toys/books, textured balls etc.

Tickly · 13/12/2021 13:46

Books, books and more books! Lovely to have variety. The board books are great as they last toddler chaos stages. "That's not my..." Series is good as it's tactile. Otherwise anything with rhyme is nice to read.

HalloHello · 13/12/2021 13:58

A subscription to little fawn box might be nice if you Have a bigger budget! I have had 1 box and it was full of lovely stuff, you chose Age and gender. Would be something a bit different!

StepAwayFromTheEcclesCakes · 13/12/2021 14:41

A really lovely bauble for the tree if they celebrate xmas. Engraved perhaps with a welcome to the world / first xmas sort of message? A photo frame?

Fivemoreminutes1 · 13/12/2021 18:26
MarmitesMyMate · 13/12/2021 18:29

Something personalised for them to keep?

I have a personalised crystal bauble with my dcs name and ' my 1st Christmas 2006' etc
Then things like books etc

pompomsgalore · 13/12/2021 18:34

If they like wooden toys and you are able to stretch your budget I'd go for a Grimms rainbow. (Mumsnet folk often hate them but we love ours). Looks good and will be an heirloom.

Sally872 · 13/12/2021 18:37

As they have everything they need maybe the fancier baby toiletries and a lovely soft hooded towel and/or some more up market baby grows would be lovely.

BertieBotts · 13/12/2021 18:43

Sophie la giraffe, or a Lamaze toy for the buggy, or some classic books or toys for later (the kind of toy they play with for years, e.g. wooden blocks, Brio train starter set, Duplo, etc)

A pack of nappies in size 2, some Weleda baby shampoo and some wipes!

Ohshitiveturnedintomymother · 13/12/2021 19:03

A nice thin bamboo/cotton blanket or giant muslins? I love mine and use them for everything!

Aden and Anais do lovely ones, as do online places like bumble baby etc. Good for floor time at baby groups, light covers for the pram, swaddles, towels when it’s hot after bath time…the list goes on and on

FolkSongSweet · 13/12/2021 19:09

I’d second the grimms rainbow. Bought it for my DD’s first Christmas. It just looked pretty in her room until she was about 18 months and since then, for the past 2 years, it’s been played with daily. It looks simple but is a really great toy.

Hopeful16 · 13/12/2021 19:27

What about an item of clothing in each of the next sizes. People are often drowning in newborn clothes gifts and then they run out.

MegsHollyJolly · 13/12/2021 21:39

Clothing in 3-6 months onwards, keep in mind the season that it will be by the time the baby fits into the clothes.
Vouchers for places that can buy nappies, wipes etc
Just eat voucher for parents (someone did this for us and it was such a great idea for those nights where couldn't be bothered to cook)

SickAndTiredAgain · 13/12/2021 21:52

Clothes in a slightly bigger size, we got given lots of 0-3 month clothes which was lovely of course, but my sister got us three things, one 0-3, one 3-6 and one 6-9 month, and they were picked to be weather appropriate for when DD would be that age.

There are all sorts of great toys, but it can be hard if you don’t know what they’ve got or what other people are buying. Again, a toy for a slightly older age can be good for avoiding this plus it’s nice to have some to look forward to, and if they get a lot of toys it’s nice to put some aside and get them out in a couple of months.

sageandbasil · 13/12/2021 21:54

I've got a newborn, I just brought her a folio book for Xmas, it was £50 and we're going to get her one every year. They're absolutely beautiful so you could get them something like that as ids something she can keep forever

pompomsgalore · 14/12/2021 06:18


I've got a newborn, I just brought her a folio book for Xmas, it was £50 and we're going to get her one every year. They're absolutely beautiful so you could get them something like that as ids something she can keep forever

What are they? I've looked them up and I still don't know what they are?
Festivesugarplum · 14/12/2021 07:21

I'd definitely get something like books so they can make use of them now and in future.

reluctantbrit · 14/12/2021 07:50

Some books, mix of cloth and board books.

A small Christmas ornament, I personally don't like the "my first Christmas" etc but we have a new one each year and love the way the tree tells a story. Some will go with DD when she moves out like I got some from my parents.

Clothing - it depends. We dressed DD in normal clothing as soon as she was out of newborn but I know several people who stuck with baby grows for ages. A good size blanket can be great, the pram ones are too tiny for long, we used 100x150 for tummy time on the floor and DD still has one and used it regularly until she was 8 or 9.

firstimemamma · 14/12/2021 07:52

On My First Years they do lovely personalised baby gifts. I once ordered a lovely dressing gown from there with my friend's baby's name sewn on.

Notbluepeter · 14/12/2021 09:49

I have a 9m old and honestly, most gifts just go to waste. They maybe get to wear the adorable outfit Granma gave them once, they maybe find the cloth book interesting once (if you are buying one 'babys very first farm' was the best one we received), they maybe like the chew toy, or maybe they hate it!
If I was spending that much I would ask if they would like a jumperoo. They are worth their weight in gold once they are old enough to use it.


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PussyCatEatingPigsInBlankets · 14/12/2021 09:58

ERNIE bonds start at £25.

KateInHappyland · 14/12/2021 10:03


He won’t be a newborn for long - I’d go for some cloth books. The ‘Tails’ books by Jellycat are lovely for babies past the tiny stage.

A Ewan the Sheep is often popular, too - it’s supposed to help with soothing them to sleep - has a heartbeat sound or something.

Not OP but thank you for this - I hadn’t heard of Ewan and he looks great! Only TTC at the moment but can guarantee we’ll be buying for any upcoming LO when the time comes.
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