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Would you recommend your washing machine?

6 replies

MrsMaiselsRedCoat · 11/11/2021 13:34

Ours has stopped spinning, this happened before and I was able to fix it myself, thanks Google, but I can't seem to do it this time. Given that it's 10 years old, and we didn't spend a fortune in the first place (its a Zanussi) I think we've done pretty well.

I'm looking for an A or at least B rated machine, but there's so much choice. I don't need hundreds of cycles, I usually do a 30 degree for everyday stuff, 60 for towels. Some I'm looking at have dozens of cycles which seems unnecessary, but maybe I'm missing something.

Budget is below 500 (why do these things always happen before Christmas?!)

Thanks 😊

OP posts:
Tabbypawpaw · 11/11/2021 13:59

Oooh I’m in the same boat so will follow this thread if you don’t mind! I’m hoping there may be some Black Friday bargains.

Runningincircles · 11/11/2021 14:07

We have this it is great. Washes well, takes a big load and has a great warranty.

ppan4454 · 11/11/2021 14:17

Siemens are a good brand


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Frogsareflyinginfromthewest · 11/11/2021 14:21

We have a cheap and cheerful BEKO 10kg. After the 1st year I got a insurance Cover with D&G, for about £4 per month. Its been fine - we had the same problem as you, our old Bosch went bang and we just didn't have the money to replace it. We wash 'builder' work clothes no problem, it's on everyday. Had no problems so far - 3 years on.

Hope you get a good bargain what ever you get!

Journeyofthedragons · 11/11/2021 14:24

I had a Miele for seven years which we absolutely hammered for 7 years with no problems and was still going strong when we left (changed countries so left for new owner).

MrsMaiselsRedCoat · 11/11/2021 20:45

@Runningincircles that's the one I was looking at, good to hear that!

Although I am tempted to buy a bargain one and see how it goes.

Urgh I hate buying domestic appliances!

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