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Goddamn headlice

31 replies

SequinsandStiIettos · 17/10/2021 21:29

Please don't say nitty bloody gritty. I have a nitty bloody gritty. Comb and conditioner. It's not bloody working. I must be missing one each time.
What's the best killing solution on the market atm?
Full marks too greasy.
Thanks in advance

OP posts:
glitterelf · 17/10/2021 21:30

Never used any over the counter products only what you've already done but have you been doing it every night to break the lifecycle?

xksismybestletter · 17/10/2021 21:30

We had nits for a full year. Only thing that worked in the end was two stints of 24h of the greasey stuff exactly one week apart. And she'd loads of it. We did it on holiday this year on travel days between campsites and then left it on over night. It was gross but did it.

Part of me thinks the bastards had just finally had enough and simply sloped off

xksismybestletter · 17/10/2021 21:31

My greasey stuff was Sainsbury's own
I have three kids and think it was just one in one childrs hair each time.


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Brollywasntneededafterall · 17/10/2021 21:36

The positive of Covid... Been nit free for a good while now

AutumnLeafy · 17/10/2021 21:37


Never used any over the counter products only what you've already done but have you been doing it every night to break the lifecycle?

Does it have to be done every night?! This explains a lot thank you!
Alk19 · 17/10/2021 21:38

With working in a nursery vinegar is great for killing them leave in overnight x

Bluntness100 · 17/10/2021 21:42

You might not be missing one, it could be other kids are infected, I used the proper 12 hour insecticide when mine was little two weeks apart.

Some parents rely on the combs or natural remedies and their kids end up infesting everyone else sign

dementedpixie · 17/10/2021 21:43

You dont have to comb every night but every 3 days over a period of 3 weeks should do it.

SequinsandStiIettos · 17/10/2021 21:44

I have been combing and conditioning twice a week not every night but for several weeks now.
Cannot do vinegar, mayo, greasy stuff...because my shower is piss poor and I cannot have me or the kids smelling or looking like Graziano Glitterball. Does the nice Hedrin mousse stuff still work? I can curling tong my hair and burn the fuckers but my son has shaven hair. Not seeing adults at all, just black pepper babies or poo
Dammit. Anyone used the electric combs with any success?

OP posts:
Bluntness100 · 17/10/2021 21:48


You dont have to comb every night but every 3 days over a period of 3 weeks should do it.

No t won’t because in ghr mean time they still have nits and infecting other kids
AutumnLeafy · 17/10/2021 21:51

Does burning them work? Seems like it would damage the hair.

dementedpixie · 17/10/2021 21:51

Not if you're removing the adults. You then remove the hatchlings as they come out over the 3 week period. It takes time for them to mature and be able to breed

ItsAllGoingToBeFine · 17/10/2021 21:57

Lyclear shampoo. But you need to use lots and lots (at least half a bottle on fairly short hair). You need the hair to be absolutely saturated. (It suffocates them, so they can't be resistant)

Then comb every few days.

And then Lyclear again after a week I think?

Bear in mind they may just be recatching them from other kids.

If you want the long scientific approach:

dementedpixie · 17/10/2021 21:58

This gives info about the life cycle

Or use something like hedrin but you may need to treat twice more after the initial treatment as some lice can still hatch after the 2nd treatment

Freetodowhatiwant · 17/10/2021 21:59

Gosh they’re awful these days aren’t they? They seem so resistant to treatment these days! When I was a child one treatment used to be enough. We had them (me included) for about a year it felt like. Every time I thought we had got rid of them they came back. In the end we had to go to a professional nit person. This was abroad so I am not sure if they have them here but worth looking into. It wasn’t cheap - about 75 euros per person, but it got rid of them completely.

BluebellsGreenbells · 17/10/2021 22:07

Try So soft by Avon - it’s greedy going on but washes out easily.

Then a few drops of tea tree oil in between washes and combing

Really works wonders

BluebellsGreenbells · 17/10/2021 22:08

Greasy !

Timeisavirtue · 17/10/2021 22:24

Use nitwits, we were at wits end with dd last year, tried everything... picked it up in Superdrug and lo and behold it actually worked. And worked again when she got it later on in the year too.. it’s £10 on Amazon right now...

Timeisavirtue · 17/10/2021 22:25
Goddamn headlice
CareerConcerns1999 · 17/10/2021 22:27

Agree with the tea tree oil suggestion. Daily spray onto the hair regardless of any outbreaks.

Nightmanagerfan · 17/10/2021 22:33

We had them for over a year. It was awful. Tried everything but with six people it was impossible to break the cycle.

In the end we paid an extortionate amount of money to go to a clinic in London that gets rid of them using a heat treatment that’s like a vacuum system, plus combing. They were so good and professional and we haven’t seen a nit since.

jellybe · 17/10/2021 22:34

We use vosine head lice shampoo it doesn't kill them, so we had to get that sorted out, but it is meant be a deterrent. my kids haven't had them since we started using it. Not sure if it is the shampoo of pure luck but it seems work. This has been well over a year.

ParkheadParadise · 17/10/2021 22:38

Cheap Vodka is your friend😂😂

When dd1 had headlice many years ago now the health visitor told me to rinse her hair in vodka. I did this and when the class all got re-infected dd never did.


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MissCreeAnt · 17/10/2021 22:45

Sorry, thorough Nitty Gritty combined with a wet combing programme like those above. The one we found was slightly less onerous, I think it's days 1 and 3 then every 3 days ish.

Nitty Gritty claims to remove eggs, the programme prevents any more being laid. Combining the two is belt and braces.

BluebellsGreenbells · 18/10/2021 06:24

We use vosine head lice shampoo

That’s just a bottle of expensive shampoo with tea tree oil added

Better buying the tea tree oil and adding it to normal shampoo or use neat or in a water spray.

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