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Very excited, going to Craig Tara, top tips on places to go nearby.

13 replies

Damnyoureyes · 12/10/2021 17:42

I’ve obviously looked on trip advisor but wondered if anyone has been, found little gems worth visiting or things an absolute must nearby.

First holiday in years!! So looking forward to it.
Kids are 14 and 8, so anything that they can do too.

Thanks all. Flowers

OP posts:
BingBongToTheMoon · 12/10/2021 17:53

The Heads of Ayr farm park next door. More like an animal,park nowadays and can be expensive.
Culzean Castle and country park (NTS) is an option if you have a car.
Day trip to Arran (book well in advance though).
Robert Burns’s cottage & museum (NTS).
Dumfries House (grounds are free).
Largs & Kelburn Castle.
Dunure harbour was in Outlander.
The electric brae (maybe not for the 14 year old).
Woody’s ice cream shop in Mauchline.
I THINK there’s a “go ape” type place opened up near Kilmarnock, but I’m not sure.

Avoid Ayr town centre like the plague…..absolutely nothing in it.
The beach can be nice IF you go reasonably early and walk away from the beach park (swing park) area.

To be honest, there’s not much to do around Craig Tara unless you have a car.

BingBongToTheMoon · 12/10/2021 17:53

Oh meant to ask…..when are you coming?

Undervaluedandsad · 12/10/2021 17:58

Farm park is next door, though your kids may feel they are too old. Culzean is about a twenty minute drive. Burns Cottage is another national trust property in Alloway. Some nice beaches for walking down the coast. Shops in Ayr aren’t great. Some nicer gift type shops in Prestwick/Troon, nice beaches for walks there too.

Damnyoureyes · 12/10/2021 18:06

We have a car, don’t mind travelling out a bit.

OP posts:
BingBongToTheMoon · 12/10/2021 18:11


We have a car, don’t mind travelling out a bit.

Good. Loads to do and see then.
(Love your name btw)
Damnyoureyes · 12/10/2021 19:19

Huge Ghosts fan hence the name!

Where is good to visit farther afield??

OP posts:
Pompom2367 · 12/10/2021 19:25

If your going soon there is a sooktakular Halloween event at silverburn Glasglow

CatrinVennastin · 12/10/2021 19:31

You could have a day in Glasgow OP. Easy by train from Ayr station.

Or a bit of a drive but New Lanark is good.

Definitely second the Rabbie Burns museum and cottage. They are brilliant. Cafe is really pricey though.

There’s a brilliant castle at Portencross near West Kilbride. It’s run by volunteers I think.

gardeninggirl68 · 12/10/2021 19:51

its not the Haven site is it?

mil and sil and kids were there recently and left early as it was dirty, shabby and a lot of things closed!

mrsdavegrohl · 12/10/2021 20:24

It's not dirty or shabby and nothing is closed. It's a great site, we've been 3 times this year. The kids love it, cheap, cheerful and clean

The pool is also one of the best Haven have.
Plenty activities on site both free and paid for but be sure to book in advance for free ones.
Great advice earlier up thread about local places also Ayr has an indoor skate park if they are into that?

gardeninggirl68 · 13/10/2021 12:35
Damnyoureyes · 13/10/2021 17:18

First holiday in years!

OP posts:
lucyoldfield · 08/02/2024 14:10

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