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What do you cook well / easily in your slow cooker or instant pot?

66 replies

Ninjawannabe · 27/09/2021 18:01

I have an old rubbish spots cooker and a pressure cooker which gets used once every 6 months for one specific bloody amazing curry.

Many of my appliances are old and worn out, DH and I have both had recent pay rises, and I fancy splashing some cash.

What do you make in your slow cooker or instant pot? Should I get rid of my two and buy this combined one?

I only ever use the slow cooker to give things I've already made some extra stewing time. I tried chucking raw bits on but they always tasted horrible, of raw onion. Even after many many hours cooking.

If I have to soften the onions first then I can't be arsed I'm afraid, I might as well just cook properly.

What do you use the slow cooker for which makes your life better? Is the instant pot just as good? Does it make things itself?

I also want an airfryer but I'm not sure I can justify that as I supposedly bought a microwave with airfry capability but it didn't come with a frying basket and is too much hassle with preheating etc Confused

I want to get this one right!

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Ninjawannabe · 27/09/2021 18:01

Spots cooker = slow cooker

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iklboo · 27/09/2021 18:04

Bloody love our Instant Pot. We do everything in it from fondant potatoes, braised cabbage & seared broccoli & cauliflower to braised ox cheeks, stews & casseroles and a whole chicken.

I did chicken mole tonight and a lovely pork & cider casserole last night.

MavisMonkey · 27/09/2021 18:06

I don't have an instant pot but have considered it so interested to see the replies on that, but I do use my slow cooker loads. My "specialities" and the most often cooked are pulled pork- which is super easy and impressive, Irish stew and tortilla chicken soup.
I've also used it to do sausage casserole, takeaway diner kebabs (which were surprisingly lovely) and various curries.


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Ninjawannabe · 27/09/2021 18:06

Ooh thanks for replying.

How hard are they to use? Without trying to be too demanding, would you mind running me through the steps you go through to make a nice casserole? And any good cookery books?

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Ninjawannabe · 27/09/2021 18:07

Mavis thanks for your mouth watering reply too.

Would you mind giving me a quick rundown too of how much work it is getting from plugging the thing in to sitting down to eat something delicious?

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LoveFall · 27/09/2021 18:13

We use our Instant Pot all the time for stock, soups, stews, beans, and lots of other things.

The beauty of using it as a slow cooker is you can sauté and brown things in the same pot.

Last night I made chicken noodle soup in record time. We used our own stock (made in the Instant Pot). I was able to saute the onions, carrots, and celery first. The chicken thighs were pressure cooked in the broth and then shredded.

The Pot has lots of presets and you can also customize cooking. It looks intimidating but it's really not hard.

chickenhunter · 27/09/2021 18:13

To make beef casserole, you Chuck in the beef (can brown it first if you like, choice is yours, and you can do that in the pot so no extra washing up), Chuck in the veg, Chuck in 200mls beef stock. Put the lid on, press pressure cook and set the time to 35 minutes. Leave it (preferably several hours - it will cook then go to keep warm) and serve.

Iveputmyselfonthenaughtystep · 27/09/2021 18:15

We have not one, but 2 instant pots. One of them is also an air fryer. We do curry, rice, risotto, spag bol, jambalaya, pulled pork, all sorts.
Look at the two sleevers website for some good IP recipes

chickenhunter · 27/09/2021 18:16

Macaroni cheese is also brill. Pasta, garlic, milk, chicken stock, paprika and mustard powder. Lid on, set timer to 6 minutes. Let it cook, let it release for a couple of minutes (you don't need to be there), press the release button, add cream cheese and grated cheddar. Serve.

Whole chicken in the pot. 2l of cold tap water. Put lid on. Set timer to zero. Leave it (preferably a few hours but at least twenty five minutes from it reaching pressure and turning off) Take lid off, serve.

Ninjawannabe · 27/09/2021 18:16

IP-Air fryer?!? Which genius invented this? Curry and chips all made at once in one pot!

OK I am aware that isn't possible but I'm having a wonderful daydream

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MavisMonkey · 27/09/2021 18:17

Pulled pork:
Combine 1 tsp each of paprika, oregano, sugar, garlic powder and 1/2 tsp of salt pepper and mil chilli and then rub into pork shoulder. Sit in the slow cooker and add 500ml of stock (any variety). Cool on slow for 6-8 hours. Remove, drain the stock, Pull it apart with two forks and then mix in a good bbq sauce. It can then sit in there keeping warm for a while.
Beef stew:
I use this recipe but can't always be arsed to sear the beef first and just Chuck it in raw, it's still lovely although marginally less depth of flavour.

This is the chicken tortilla soup. If you add less liquid and more tomato it's more of a Mexican stew.

Ohsugarhoneyicetea · 27/09/2021 18:17

Get a ninja foodie, you can saute in it then slow cook, or pressure cook and air fry etc. I just bought one to save on my electric as my oven uses so much. Its amazing - and I dont work them promise! My one does all this: Pressure Cook, Air Fry, Slow Cook, Steam, Bake/Roast, Sear/Sauté, Grill, Yoghurt and Dehydrate functions. I dehydrated a load of apricots last night, just because I could Grin

chickenhunter · 27/09/2021 18:17

The Modern Multi-cooker Cookbook: 101 Recipes for your Instant Pot®

The best physical recipe book.

Ninjawannabe · 27/09/2021 18:18

Macaroni cheese I understand, that sound ace.

However chicken+water => cook, what does that make?!

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chickenhunter · 27/09/2021 18:18


Macaroni cheese I understand, that sound ace.

However chicken+water => cook, what does that make?!

Essential poached chicken - serve with spuds and veg as a roast, or use for salads, etc. the chicken comes out really tender.
MavisMonkey · 27/09/2021 18:20

So I refuse to cook anything that's more than 10 mins of prep- I usually do it in the morning, put a time on the slow cooker plug so that it comes on at the right time to be ready for when I'll be home / want to eat then walk away and forget about it. Sometimes a few recipes need some bits added just before the end.
I do think it's defo a winter thing though- I barely use it in summer, but around once / twice a week in winter

Lyonesse2020 · 27/09/2021 18:22

Made a delicious curry the other day - diced lamb, mushrooms, broccoli, jar of curry paste, tin of tomatoes, carton of coconut milk, can of beans (not baked!). High pressure for 35 minutes, think I left it for 10 minutes, then let the pressure out. Was amazingly good.

MavisMonkey · 27/09/2021 18:24

Those with instant pots, can you use them on induction hobs? Very tempted by one seeing all the replies on here re them

MintJulia · 27/09/2021 18:29

Soups, casseroles, curries, pasta sauces.

But I sweat the onions and brown the meat before it goes into the slow cooker.

I work from home so I put the food on low at lunch time, it's done for supper, and cuts my electricity bill.

Ninjawannabe · 27/09/2021 18:30

You're all doing a very good job of persuading me. I think a recipe book is key, though I am on a fb sc group and enjoy looking at those, but never make them.

Ninja Foodi 9-in-1 looks great, I love that it can plug in rather than needing a hob. I am scared of my pressure cooker.

I think I could throw away my SC, PC, and deep fryer. The space I'd free up!

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Sunnysal · 27/09/2021 18:33

I'm following this with interest. My air fryer is on its last legs so I'm looking at a Ninja foodi. I can't decide on the size. There are only 2 of us, but I like to cook double and freeze. The 7.5litre looks pretty big and would only just fit in my storage drawer. I'm thinking of the 6 lire one. Any opinions?

Ninjawannabe · 27/09/2021 18:44

Lyon did you chuck it all in raw and less go after setting 35 mins?

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Ninjawannabe · 27/09/2021 18:45

Mavis I see your point but I'm a curry fan in summer too! In fact it's all I can think about right now...

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Ninjawannabe · 27/09/2021 18:47

Chicken I consider myself someone who has eaten well and widely during my adult life but I've never had poached chicken! I generally have chicken in something such as curry, or else either roast or tray baked.

I wouldn't have it in its own right as poached without crispy bits / spices iyswim.

Interesting thought Grin

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Blackmagicqueen · 27/09/2021 18:49

Absolutely love my multicooker/power pot. I do spag bol, chilli, pasta sauces, casseroles, stews, soups and more! Basically it is worth its weight in gold and i couldnt live without it!

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