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Apprenticeships vs University

2 replies

Cinderss · 09/09/2021 22:13

I’ve been thinking about this a lot with the staff shortages in the NHS - paramedics, nurses Teachers etc

Why aren’t apprenticeships more common place for these sort of roles? Surely training on the job is just as valuable as going to universities? I think a lot of people would want to train in these roles but couldn’t take the hit of not earning and doing a degree. It could solve a lot of shortages?

OP posts:
Kite22 · 09/09/2021 23:53

It is how it used to be, until "society" decided that you couldn't possibly do a responsible job unless you had a degree.

However, in terms of teaching, they do now run a variety of different routes in - including the bribing of students who have no intention of ever teaching to do a PGCE in certain shortage subjects.

earlydoors42 · 10/09/2021 07:12

There is associate nursing, which is a bit more like a 2 year apprenticeship route to being a nurse without a full degree. I don't know any more about it. My friend happened to mention it yesterday.

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