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Vented grumble driers? Are they out of fashion?

73 replies

Tumbl · 08/09/2021 19:17

Just lost a whole post so this will be a bit more brief than it was!

We need a new drier. I wanted to get a vented one but John Lewis no longer sell them it seems. Shock

Is there some reason for that? And should I get a very expensive heat pump one instead? I don't want a condenser.

Thank you for any light you can shed, advice or recommendations!

OP posts:
dementedpixie · 08/09/2021 19:19

Judging by threads on here John Lewis is a place to avoid if you want good customer service

SirChenjins · 08/09/2021 19:21

Watching with interest - they’re available on other sites like Argos but I wonder why not at JL?

dementedpixie · 08/09/2021 19:21
TheyreTheSamePicture · 08/09/2021 19:22

We got a condenser a couple of years ago as our old house didn’t have the plumbing for a vented - our new house does though, so I was going to buy vented whenever this condenser needs replacing

We did get a heat pump condenser drier though, it’s lovely - very quiet and eco-friendly

ElliePascoe · 08/09/2021 19:23

No idea, but I love the idea of getting a vented grumble dryer Grin

Tumbl · 08/09/2021 19:27

Yes I know people hate JL (and that was in my post that I lost!). But I want to know why they don't sell them!

@TheyreTheSamePicture - same as you our old dryer (drier?) was a condenser (not heat pump) which we had to have in our old house. But this house has a hole for a venting hose and it seems to make sense to use it now that one has given up the ghost.

But now I'm worried there is a compelling reason we shouldn't get one! What do John Lewis know that I don't? Grin

OP posts:
SallyOMalley · 08/09/2021 19:27

Grumble dryer - love it! (That'll be my DS when I ask him to do the dishes ...)

Tumbl · 08/09/2021 19:28

Oh god I didn't even notice the grumble drier GrinGrinGrin

Or is it dryer?

OP posts:
dementedpixie · 08/09/2021 19:29

Could be a supply issue. Quite a lot of white goods have been in short supply

Onefelloutofthecuckoonest · 08/09/2021 19:31

I got a condenser recently but had it plumbed into the waste from the sink, so the water just goes down the drain and there's no need to empty it.

NotMeNoNo · 08/09/2021 19:36

We have a little White Knight vented dryer, British made. It's lasted 18 years so far. They stopped making them a couple of years ago sadly but there are a few nearly new around. There's hardly anything to go wrong on it !

legoriakelne · 08/09/2021 19:39

I have no advice, just here to learn more about grumble dryers. Grin

MulanIsChinese · 08/09/2021 19:41

Things get drier in the dryer.... I think!

Tumbl · 08/09/2021 19:48

This is going to be a SPAG thread and no one else is going to help in my GrumbleQuest Sad

OP posts:
dementedpixie · 08/09/2021 19:49

I linked to some on

Bearsbearsbears40 · 08/09/2021 19:51

Now I want a grumble dryer/drier!

popcornsong · 08/09/2021 19:52

I just bought this vented tumble dryer
Simple and cheap. Delivered on time. I have read some bad reviews of the heat pump types so I went for the tried and trusted vented type.

Tumbl · 08/09/2021 19:52


I linked to some on

I know! And thank you. Smile

And I will probably buy one from there. But I'm just curious as to WHY JL aren't selling them and I don't believe it's a supply issue as they're selling lots of different brands of condenser and heat pump style.

On the upside, vented dryers seem super cheap when you've been looking at heat pump ones!
OP posts:
AuntieJoyce · 08/09/2021 19:56

I bought a vented Candy dryer last year from AO. It lives in my garage happily so no need for the vent to be installed. Just pull the vent out when I use it then tuck it back

Was 200 quid, takes 10 kilos, dries beautifully in less than an hour what’s not to like

Can’t hear any grumbling due to its location Grin

DramaAlpaca · 08/09/2021 19:56

Vented dryers are becoming harder to get these days. I hunted high and low for one when replacing my very elderly tumble dryer, because I already had a hole in the wall. Eventually found a vented Bosch, which I'm very happy with. It's a few years old now so the model number won't be much use to you, but I'd recommend the brand if you can find one.

LittleMissNaice · 08/09/2021 20:01

I'm not having the best of weeks and could really do with a venting grumble.

WhatAWasteOfOranges · 08/09/2021 20:03

Is it so

WhatAWasteOfOranges · 08/09/2021 20:05

It will be to do with the energy rating on them as they are much less eco friendly than heat pump. As part of their environmental pledge they tend to not stock less eco friendly options if better options are available…


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Chillichillichilli · 08/09/2021 20:06

I was so sad when I had to say goodbye to my vented dryer (new dryer living in utility room with no option to vent outside). My eco heat pump dryer is rubbish- takes forever and things still come out damp and creased. I dry outside on the line whenever I can. Enjoy your vented grumble dryer, I am jealous Smile

pompey38 · 08/09/2021 20:10

I had them all, currently on heat pump, If I could I would buy vented without a doubt . Can’t comment on JL, never bought appliances from them .

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