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Vented grumble driers? Are they out of fashion?

73 replies

Tumbl · 08/09/2021 19:17

Just lost a whole post so this will be a bit more brief than it was!

We need a new drier. I wanted to get a vented one but John Lewis no longer sell them it seems. Shock

Is there some reason for that? And should I get a very expensive heat pump one instead? I don't want a condenser.

Thank you for any light you can shed, advice or recommendations!

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OP posts:
Babamamananarama · 08/09/2021 20:12

As I understand it (doing the same research) vented driers use slightly more electricity, and are not as convenient as you have to have a hole in your wall to run one. The advantages are: clothes dry better, don't have to empty a drawer of water, cheaper. I'm planning to get one as we have a utility room which vents to outside so why not?

TheyreTheSamePicture · 08/09/2021 20:14

This is the brown and beige vented beauty that was left in the property we bought - circa 1982. It apparently did still work, although the people who left it said it ‘wasn’t child safe’ so it was removed.

Vented grumble driers? Are they out of fashion?
Babamamananarama · 08/09/2021 20:14

I think JL tend to concentrate on top to mid range everything. I looked at driers on and then on JL and couldn't believe anyone would pay £1k for a drier when you can get one for £170 but clearly people do.

Lsjdjfjdh · 08/09/2021 20:15

We have bought a new one from AO Beko and it's been great so far (not heat pump).
I love grumble drier - it's what my 1 year old calls it and it's so bloody adorable!

Tumbl · 08/09/2021 20:16


It will be to do with the energy rating on them as they are much less eco friendly than heat pump. As part of their environmental pledge they tend to not stock less eco friendly options if better options are available…


@DramaAlpaca - they don't make them any more! Shock I found this on the AO website (thanks @dementedpixie - new grumble drier being delivered Friday Grin ):

"Siemens phased out vented dryers about 5 years ago and Bosch a year ago, so the AEG is the next best option that may also disappear soon."

Fingers crossed my new AEG gives me as many years of good service as my old Bosch did.
OP posts:
Snugglepumpkin · 08/09/2021 20:17

I think vented dryers are supposed to use more energy.

I'd go back to having one today if I could as I think it takes far longer to dry things in any other sort & they have more electronic things to go wrong so are more likely to break.

My current tumble dryer has a stupid sensor in it which turns it off if one corner of a hankerchief seems almost dry so I have to put it on a gazillion times to actually have dry washing.

dementedpixie · 08/09/2021 20:25
TheVolturi · 08/09/2021 20:27

Condenser ones are evil though! I hate the whole rinsing the giant dust and fluff clogged bloody thing out. They never last long for me. My vented one is ace.

LaLaLouella · 08/09/2021 21:04

It's the energy consumption - vented use about three times the electricity of a good heat pump dryer. I'm in the process if replacing my once fab, now old and unreliable Bosch vented drier and I'm coming round to the idea of a heat pump one. I just think you have to do your research on which one to buy - some seem to be much quicker/quieter than others...

I went for this one in the end....

SirChenjins · 08/09/2021 21:17


It's the energy consumption - vented use about three times the electricity of a good heat pump dryer. I'm in the process if replacing my once fab, now old and unreliable Bosch vented drier and I'm coming round to the idea of a heat pump one. I just think you have to do your research on which one to buy - some seem to be much quicker/quieter than others...

I went for this one in the end....

If the vented ones last longer though - then isn’t it just a case of swapping energy consumptions (usage v production)? Confused
VexedofVirginiaWater · 08/09/2021 21:18

I've got a vented Bosch but am unsure - the washing always seems damp and woe betide if you get a kink in the venting tube thing.

PilatesPeach · 08/09/2021 21:45

I have a Beko vented dryer from AO got in a year ago it is in my garage and I open the back door of the garage when I want to use it to put the hose outside it is fab about £200 I think and takes up no space in the house!

DramaAlpaca · 08/09/2021 22:14

They don't make them any more? Shock I'll have to hope my current one lasts over 20 years like my last one.

mim321 · 08/09/2021 22:24

I've just bought a vented dryer. My only advice would be to avoid a sensor dryer. We're perhaps unusual in drying clothes outside where possible and just finishing them off in the dryer. Plus using it to soften towels.

The new sensor (condenser dryer) only had a 10 minute cool program and all other programs were sensor determined. So I'd put in my slightly damp washing and the sensor would make it stop 30 seconds later. It drove me up the wall so the retailer accepted it back.

I now have a basic vented dryer with a simple dial and the ability to properly dry my washing again. Subsequently reading reviews, I don't think I'm alone in my complaint as there were lots of similar comments on various brands of sensor dryers. One chap wrote that he didn't mind hanging up the damp washing at the end to finish it off - for me, slightly defeats the purpose of a dryer.

VexedofVirginiaWater · 09/09/2021 09:22


YES - this is exactly my problem I think, but my washing is often damp although I don't both line dry and then tumble dry like you do. I only used it for bedding and towels in winter time and in fact I have given up with the 100% cotton bedding and I drape it all over the heated airer instead if I can't peg it out.

Sadly I have had mine too long to send back - dammit.

I got it from AO too.

mim321 · 09/09/2021 09:53

It's a conundrum! I only tumble dry if the odd item is damp when it comes off the line. But the sensor dryer was utterly useless for that and just stopped immediately.

My old tumble dryer was a Bosch with a timer and no sensor. I was really surprised by how much tumble dryers cost now, they were twice what I was expecting. It was a real hunt to find a non sensor option. Although I understand that they're more environmentally friendly for people that tumble dry straight from the washer so it stops automatically when it's nearly dry.

BluTangClan · 09/09/2021 15:35

I'd choose a vented if I could.
I'm sure all the environmental credentials of heat pump/condensers are negated by the amount of of scrap they produce when they break down or aren't economical to repair.

If something goes wrong with them, a lot of the time they replace the sealed unit which is pretty much everything bar the drum, metal outer and electric display.
I think I'm on my third machine in 10 years.

WhatAWasteOfOranges · 09/09/2021 15:54

Btw I have an LG heat pump dryer and it’s fantastic - would recommend and only uses about 10p on the smart meter. Everything comes out soft, not creased and bone dry

IsFuzzyBeagMise · 09/09/2021 16:00


Condenser ones are evil though! I hate the whole rinsing the giant dust and fluff clogged bloody thing out. They never last long for me. My vented one is ace.

Yes, I hear you. I have a Bosch condenser dryer. The grid below is a fluff magnet and because it's damp, it's impossible to clean out the fluff.
Joystir59 · 09/09/2021 16:03

Does my JRT class as a vented grumble drier? He can be windy and definitely grumbles. Grin

Joystir59 · 09/09/2021 16:04

Oh, he's available at the right price

Vented grumble driers? Are they out of fashion?
redgoesfaster · 09/09/2021 16:14

I have a vented indesit dryer from AO - very simple, just select high or low temperature and turn dial for drying time. Only used for sheets and towels but it's great. I agree with pp its the sensors that don't work properly.

Ringsender2 · 09/09/2021 16:29

our dryer just broke. It was a very old vented one, so I have no idea about newfangled things.

Can anyone give me the details of sensor-free vented driers that they like?

also, what is the difference between condenser and heatpump ones?

thanks! (and apols to OP for the hijack)


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BalloonSlayer · 09/09/2021 16:37

My ex used to use grumble as a euphemism for fanjo, it was rhyming slang "grumble and grunt," apparently.

mim321 · 09/09/2021 16:44

Can anyone give me the details of sensor-free vented driers that they like?

This is my new one. Cost £229 from AO (Hotpoint TVHM80CP_WH Vented Tumble Dryer in White). So far, so good.

Usually I buy Bosch appliances as they last for ages but couldn't find a non sensor model.

Vented grumble driers? Are they out of fashion?
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