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What are the best period pants?

9 replies

GoldStarAngel · 28/08/2021 16:53

I am going to invest. For me - grown up, size 18. So many brands I am not sure what to get.

OP posts:
Sausagis · 28/08/2021 16:56

Modibodi for slim pants with modern microfiber fabric, Wuka for cotton/natural fabric but thicker pants

dogaibu · 28/08/2021 16:58

I have a pair of black modibodi that I love, I was very sceptical but they're very good

PolkadotsAndMoonbeams · 28/08/2021 17:12

I bought a pair of Love Luna from Sainsbury's on a whim.

They do from 8–22, but in steps 10–12, 12–14, 14–16 etc which I think is good if you get a bit bloated on some days.

I've found them very comfy, and they stay feeling dry (I usually wear them as back up to a cup, but wore the pants on their own out of curiosity one day). They are lycra though, so no good if you want cotton. I mix and match with cotton knickers and washable pads though, so I like having a no-VPL pair.


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PolkadotsAndMoonbeams · 28/08/2021 17:14

These. I have the midis.

Saltnsauceta · 28/08/2021 17:17

I have the ones from cheeky wipes. They're very comfy and there is 25% off everything at the moment

YouCantBeSadHoldingACupcake · 28/08/2021 18:18

I didn't really like the cheeky wipes ones. After a couple of months they started to lose their elastic and fall down. I have some cheap ones from floweret that are lasting much better, but not as absorbent.

NannyR · 28/08/2021 18:26

I have some of the cheeky wipes ones and I initially loved them, they are so comfy compared to pads, but twice in the last couple of weeks I've had incidents where the elastic trim around the gusset has sort of wicked on to my jeans and stained quite badly and this was on a fairly light day. I'm not sure I trust them without some sort of pad now.

Moonlight22 · 28/08/2021 19:07

I use the ones from WUKA very comfy

GoldStarAngel · 28/08/2021 23:26

Thank you. I ordered some loveluna ones to try.

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