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New forest

16 replies

TheChosenTwo · 08/08/2021 18:50

Was thinking about bundling the kids in the car tomorrow and taking a drive down to the new forest. Dh and I went a few times when we were first going out about 20 years ago, I’m about an hour away from Lyndhurst and Brockenhurst. I remember it being nice for walks and good for little pubs Grin
I’ll have a quick Google and have a proper hunt but does anyone have any recommendations for standout things to see or do? Dc are 9 and 15 and quite amenable to days out with me as long as food is involved Grin I have a third dc but she’s at work so declining my day out!

OP posts:
TobyLicious · 08/08/2021 18:56

*Beaulieu Motor Museum
*New Forest Water Park
*Highcliffe Castle

  • Paultons Park
TobyLicious · 08/08/2021 19:02

*Exbury Gardens

  • New forest wildlife Park
  • Bucklers Hard
  • Moors Valley Country park
  • Owl and reptile centre
SuperCooperMum · 08/08/2021 19:05

There’s an awesome water park near Fordingbridge

MMAMPWGHAP · 08/08/2021 19:12

re Beaulieu - have never visited without feeling completely ripped off.

actiongirl1978 · 08/08/2021 19:20

There's a water park at Lymington too.

Ice creams and scones in Lyndhurst, or if you are pushing the boat out, afternoon tea at limewood hotel.

TheChosenTwo · 08/08/2021 19:23

Oh god I was taken to Beaulieu when I was younger, never again! I wasn’t interested in cars, I’m presuming it’s still a motor museum type of place?
Thanks for the suggestions, some I found online and a couple I haven’t so will go back to have another look. Although the weather seems it may be atrocious (yet again 🙄) tomorrow so it may be pushed back to Tuesday!

OP posts:
Charley50 · 08/08/2021 19:30

There's a current New Forest thread on here already, in UK Travel.. can't link to it from the app..

TheChosenTwo · 08/08/2021 19:38

Oh thank you, I’ll go and have a look for it. Flowers

OP posts:
Tobebythesea · 08/08/2021 19:42

I’m currently in the New Forest. It’s so lovely but avoid Lyndhurst - the traffic is awful. Lovely tea shops in Brockenhurst and nice walks.

TobyLicious · 08/08/2021 20:21

It's all really busy this time of year😒
Yes Beaulieu is a car museum but also there's Palace House, the Abbey and other things going on.
It is expensive but its a national park so the prices are always hiked up..
How about Longdown adventure farm?
Or a walk round Burley village? Lots of interesting shops and pubs.

TobyLicious · 09/08/2021 18:15

Where did you end up @TheChosenTwo ?

TheChosenTwo · 09/08/2021 20:01

Well we drove to the coast today, tomorrow we are heading to hurst spit in lymington.

OP posts:
YogaLite · 09/08/2021 20:35

I walked to Hurst castle recently, good views of IoW, a bit of history.

I then walked the other way to Milford too where there were some eating places.

Didn't quite make it back to Lymington, maybe next time.

YogaLite · 09/08/2021 20:37

Oh, and if u are driving near Coombe Lane somewhere in the centre of NF, there were some very cute looking young donkeys roaming around.. I just had to stop for photo opportunity Grin

IndiaMay · 09/08/2021 20:39

The High Corner Inn for food

YogaLite · 09/08/2021 20:39

Open air seawater pool in Lymington was only open in the afternoon and needs booking when I was there.

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