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Hotels in london

39 replies

Cupcakeschocolate · 01/08/2021 09:11

Hi all, so we have decided to go stay in Central London for 3 nights. We don't do things like this very often but we need a much needed break. We have 4 kids aged 8,6,4 and 2. So we need a nice hotel that can accommodate 2 adjoining rooms but I just can't find a nice one that isn't sky rocketing fortune or an apartment or a hostel style (if that's the correct term) can anyone recommend a nice one. We don't mind spending some but not huge amounts. With a good amount of space with a nice TV for the evenings when kids sleep.

We stayed at a Hulton hotel for 2 nights when restrictions eased last year and it was horrible. It was dirty, breakfast was shockingly sparse considering how many people where there. The bedside table collapsed on my 6 years old foot without being touched. It was in its last hinges. Air con didn't work. Lifts didn't work when we needed one and they charged a fortune to park there. They didn't seem too bothered. They didn't fix or take the broken table away or offer to move us. We complained. They offered a small compensation so, we were happy but it ruined it for us really. First time we had spent away in 8 years and we where constantly worried the kids would hurt themselves.

Sorry bit of a rant!

Can anyone recommend a hotel please? Grin

OP posts:
mdh2020 · 01/08/2021 09:29

Any hotel in Central London is going to be expensive. Have you thought of staying out of the centre on a tube line/ bus into town? Look at Holiday Inns and Premier Inns. There is a Premier Inn or Travel Lodge near Kings Cross Station but I am not sure how cheap it will be.

Cupcakeschocolate · 01/08/2021 09:58

Thank you. We don't mind spending but I'm mean not spending thousands for 2 or 3 nights. But still a bit of a treat if you see what I mean

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Cupcakeschocolate · 01/08/2021 09:59

Maybe I'm being picky and unrealistic! There are quite a few I liked. But no adjoining rooms.

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DonLewis · 01/08/2021 10:02

The travel lodge at kings cross is grim. We've just stayed at Malmaison in London and it was lovely. No idea about the adjoining room thing because we left our kids behind!

We've also stayed in a great serviced apartment, but you said you didn't want that. But it could be worth a look? Nell Gwynn house.

Cupcakeschocolate · 01/08/2021 10:06

Thanks will take a look

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VladmirsPoutine · 01/08/2021 10:21

Can you not do a search on and input your location & room requirements then filter from cheapest first?

Cupcakeschocolate · 01/08/2021 10:23

Yes did that called the ines we liked but no adjoining rooms. We can have 2 seperate rooms and q each with 2 kids but that means being alone from 8pm

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Cupcakeschocolate · 01/08/2021 10:23

I meant we would both be alone from 8 pm but with 2 kids each

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budgun · 01/08/2021 10:25


I meant we would both be alone from 8 pm but with 2 kids each

This is what we always did. Just spent time with the kids each evening separately.
VladmirsPoutine · 01/08/2021 10:25

Then I reckon your best bet might be AirBnB.

Cupcakeschocolate · 01/08/2021 10:25

I will take another look. Thanks all

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Cupcakeschocolate · 01/08/2021 10:26

Mine are asleep at 8. Wanted to have an evening with my dh as we don't see other much due to working hours. But that parent life Grin

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boomchikawowwow · 01/08/2021 10:30

The Leonardo Tower is lovely, I'm not sure about the adjoining rooms but it is a lovely hotel. A minute or two walk away from Tower Bridge.

If I ever was going to stay in London again I would go back there!

Cupcakeschocolate · 01/08/2021 10:33

Ooo haven't seen that one.bwill have a look. Thanks

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ShebaQueen · 01/08/2021 10:35

I think Novotel have adjoining rooms OP plus quite a few kid friendly features. I know there's one at Tower Hill but I'm sure there are others elsewhere in central London

Cupcakeschocolate · 01/08/2021 10:36

@boomchikawowwow fully booked until September but loosm great! Thanks @ShebaQueen will have a look

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ChequerBoard · 01/08/2021 10:37

The Park Plaza hotels just across Westminster Bridge are usually good value.

There are two hotels opposite each other, but the county hall one is very child friendly and has family rooms. We stayed there many times when our DC were younger and they always had a blast. They even have a special kids check in area where they give them a welcome pack which includes 'money' to spend in the hotel.

If you call them they may be able to accommodate you interconnecting family suites.

Londontown12 · 01/08/2021 10:40

County hall premier inn very central on south bank ! I have no idea if they have adjoining rooms though xx

redmimi · 01/08/2021 10:41

I was just going to recommend Park Plaza County Hall as well. It's in a great location and was brilliant for the kids. The rooms were really big and although we didn't need adjoining rooms I'm sure they had them.

lurker101 · 01/08/2021 10:43

Have you looked at serviced apartments? I stayed at a Marlin one with work once and it was great and sounds like it would suit your requirements most are around £200/night on a quick search, you would have a living room for the adults to chill while the kids sleep.

Cupcakeschocolate · 01/08/2021 10:45

Brilliant. Thanks everyone

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Cupcakeschocolate · 01/08/2021 10:51

Damn Park plaza fully booked Sad

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Amaterasux · 01/08/2021 10:57

It's not central central, but it's an easy commute and they do adjoining rooms, plus it's in a beautiful area too.

Premier Inn Hampstead.

Also, try the Park Grand in Kensington?

Amaterasux · 01/08/2021 10:58

Also on you can select the Family Rooms option - it gives you room options for two adults and up to four children.

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