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Hot Tubs- Novelty or regular use

66 replies

quicklybeingdrivenmad · 29/05/2021 17:29

Never really thought about having one, but DH seems to fixated on the idea, can see its appeal as will not being going abroad etc for a while. If you have one is it used regularly (and glad you bought it) or just occasionally (and wish you never had) currently having garden done so need to make a decision before they start back Tuesday as it will need to be factored into the design. Any help greatly appreciated.

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Knitwit101 · 29/05/2021 17:54

Novelty. We've got an inflatable one, we tend to put it up for a week or so then pack it away again for a while.
Ds15 would go in it every evening for 15 minutes, I quite like it in the morning for 10, 15 minutes. Dh pretty much never uses it, ds14 doesn't care one way or the other, ds9 is in it for 4 hours on day 1, 2 hours on day 2, then 10 minutes here and there by day 3 or 4. Some days he's in and out 5 times a day with 5 different towels which drives me insane.

We had it out for the bank holiday weekend at the start of May and its now in the garage. No-one has asked about it or missed it since.

quicklybeingdrivenmad · 29/05/2021 18:09

Its not an inflatable will be a permanent feature in the garden, thats what worries me, might look at inflatable ones

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purplecorkheart · 29/05/2021 18:13

I always wonder about filling and emptying a permanent one? How often do you fill it and how often do empty it? And what are the health implications?


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Waveafterwaveslowlydrifting · 29/05/2021 18:16

You need to work out how much a permanent one costs in heating and chemicals.

I'm not fussed but there is a big spa pool at my health club which I often use. Usually I get it to myself.

A friend's daughter had a bad ear infection after using theirs which also put me off.

Roodicus21 · 29/05/2021 18:16

We have a lazy spa and love it. Used it every day the first lockdown- kept me sane!. Recently moved house and got it all built in to the decking and it looks fab. We use it every weekend and school holiday and my dc loves to play in it in their own with toys and then when friends come round. It has been a great investment.

Jasmine245 · 29/05/2021 18:56

We have a permanent one. We bought it mainly for our sensory seeking autistic son but use it 3 or 4 times a week. We live rurally away from neighbours and I like using it in the early morning and evening when watching the bats and the stars. I check the chlorine daily and it gets drained and refilled monthly. We always shower before using it and have never had any health problems from it.

quicklybeingdrivenmad · 29/05/2021 19:00

That is good to know about permanent ones thanks @Jasmine245

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Wegobshite · 29/05/2021 19:30

I have a big 8 seater one even has a Tv that links up to the Tv in the house so we can watch Netflix and Prime films 😂
We drain it generally every 6 months
Treat it every day with chemicals
We use it more in the winter than in the summer
It’s our 3rd one in 14 years , we started off on a 4 seater then 6 seater and now the one that we have now
We upgraded them like houses & cars

toastofthetown · 29/05/2021 20:28

There are companies which you can hire hot tubs from for a week or so. I wouldn't want a permanent hot tub, but have considered hiring one for a week. That way, I don't have to deal with ongoing treatments and maintenance and the novelty won't wear off. If could be a good way to test drive the idea.

LemonRoses · 29/05/2021 20:32

We use ours most days. We’ve had one for about seven years.
It doesn’t use chlorine, but is enzyme controlled. It probably costs about five pounds a week to run.
It is brilliant for talking, planning diaries, difficult conversations, aching joints, stress, muscle fatigue.

lljkk · 29/05/2021 20:32

I grew up with one (redwood, 1970s-80s, southern California).

It was used on average by at least one person/day.

We kids loved it :).

Abracadabra12345 · 29/05/2021 20:35


I have a big 8 seater one even has a Tv that links up to the Tv in the house so we can watch Netflix and Prime films 😂
We drain it generally every 6 months
Treat it every day with chemicals
We use it more in the winter than in the summer
It’s our 3rd one in 14 years , we started off on a 4 seater then 6 seater and now the one that we have now
We upgraded them like houses & cars

Obviously you have no near neighbours?
Russell19 · 29/05/2021 21:50

I got a 6 seater one in January. Used it every other day since then. We love it.

Fairyfalls · 31/05/2021 15:40

Anyone with a water meter got at hot tub? Just thinking how much it would cost to fill if had to drain it and refill on a regular basis

Yellow85 · 31/05/2021 15:48

Novelty. Friend of mine just bought a 10k fixed one. Has subsequently had to spend about 4K re-decking and reinforcing for the weight of it. Filled it literally weighs a ton - without people in it!

Aroundtheworldin80moves · 31/05/2021 16:11

DH loves ours. I'm fussier on temperature. DDs like it too.

He has an hour commute by motorbike, so likes to ease his muscles.

quicklybeingdrivenmad · 31/05/2021 16:13

cheers we already have place for it concrete with patio on top, and thats why DH wants it, his muscles, so now just ordered one

OP posts:
Wegobshite · 31/05/2021 16:18

Yes on one side and they have never had an issue with it
When the neighbours kids were smaller they were in and out of it with my kids all through the holidays .
I don’t think Hot tubs are actually that noisy when compared to regular city noise plus we have a pub at the back of our houses so if anyone is going to complain about noise it will be about the pub 😂

Babyroobs · 31/05/2021 16:21

Never been in one since catching a horrible case of folliculitis from going in one . My daughter also had it after going in one at a kids birthday sleepover type thing. Took 2 years to get rid of it. If you do get one do make sure you are rigorous in the cleaning process.

LemonMuffins · 31/05/2021 16:24

Horrible things. Your neighbours likely won't thank you either if you have any remotely close by.

wonderpants · 31/05/2021 16:25

My neighbours have one nearly under my bedroom window (smallish terraced houses). Does not bother me one bit! Live and let live!

rookiemere · 31/05/2021 16:28

Make sure they can get it in. Neighbours ordered one - they told us as needed communal driveway for a while - and it's had to go back as they can't get it up the side of the house.

We have an inflatable one - it's ok but a lot of faff and gets dirty quickly. Our neighbours with a real one say they use it more often.

blue1000 · 31/05/2021 16:37

We've got an inflatable and have just got it filled and ready for this weekend. Been in it lots already. Daily chemical check is essential as it cleaning the filter but it's not difficult. Change water approx every month. I'd like to say everyone showered before they get in but they don't. Do insist on washing feet though! This is our second year or use and I haven't seen a huge increase in our electricity bill but I do use the timer to control the heater which I think helps. The best thing about it is that we don't use phones or iPads whilst in the water so it leads to more conversations which I like


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quicklybeingdrivenmad · 31/05/2021 17:37

thanks for all your help arriving mid july x

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Chickoletta · 31/05/2021 17:46

We love ours. DH was keener than me in the first instance so I bought it for his bday in Feb - a decent inflatable one which cost around £400. He is in charge of looking after it and is meticulous with cleaning, chemicals etc which is quite a faff but, as he does it, that’s fine!

We have used it most days since we got it apart from that long period of rain a couple of weeks ago. We tend to go in it at 9.30/10.00pm ish for 40 mins or so and I always sleep better when I have - something to do with core temperature dropping afterwards apparently. The kids use it 2 or 3 times a week and always want to when they have friends round.

We’re in the middle of a self build at the moment but will probably get a big, permanent one when finished.

As long as you are prepared for the upkeep and keeping it safe, I’d say go for it.

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