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School uniform summer dress shrinking

12 replies

soapboxqueen · 24/05/2021 11:24

Last year I bought two M&S gingham summer dresses for dd. They shrank in the wash but I assumed I'd accidently put them on too hot a wash. Silly me. Bought two new ones for this year.

I've been really careful and followed the wash advice to a T but they've shrunk again. Fabric has gone waffley and the zip has gone wavey (iyswim) because the fabric is pulling it.

Has anyone got any ideas as to where I'm going wrong?


OP posts:
Seeline · 24/05/2021 11:28

DDs used to go like that but were fine after an iron. Have they actually got smaller?

AbsolutelyPatsy · 24/05/2021 11:32

take them back to m and s, this shouldnt happen

soapboxqueen · 24/05/2021 11:32

I think they are actually smaller.

The zip still isn't sitting right even after ironing

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soapboxqueen · 24/05/2021 11:35


take them back to m and s, this shouldnt happen

I've had them for half a term now and she's been wearing them. They've not gone small over night, it just seems they get slightly worse everytime they get washed.

Which is why I'm assuming it's me doing something wrong.
OP posts:
onemouseplace · 24/05/2021 11:39

M&S quality is rubbish now. I bought DD two of the cotton gingham dresses in the same size but different colours. One is at least 8 inches longer than the other one.

Idontknowanymore05 · 24/05/2021 12:06

My DD has the same dresses but not the same issue. How strange! She's been wearing them on and off last two months, plus beginning of school year.

LagneyandCasey · 24/05/2021 12:15

I stopped with M&S uniform years ago. The expense isn't reflected in the quality.

I'd recommend Matalan. My niece age 10 is now wearing the dresses I got for my dd15 5 years ago. Excellent quality and don't need ironing.

AbsolutelyPatsy · 24/05/2021 12:40

you can still take them back if they are shrinking op

BeansOnToast56 · 24/05/2021 12:43

I find they grow as you iron them.

RainingZen · 24/05/2021 12:45

Do you stretch them after you wash them? Maybe that would help.

Ilovemaisie · 24/05/2021 12:46

Almost everything I have bought from M&S over the years has shrunk. The quality is pants.
(Well actually except for some actual pants I bought which seem ok Grin)

soapboxqueen · 24/05/2021 13:17


Do you stretch them after you wash them? Maybe that would help.

No I haven't. Might try that
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