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Washing powder eczema

63 replies

Justdowhatyouweretold · 22/04/2021 19:53

DD9. has me eczema. It has got worse recently.

I get a bit obsessed with nice smelling fabric softeners and also add in a capful of Zoflora to the drawer. So, of course this is the likely culprit.

I wash her stuff separately as she has her own washing basket so can use different detergent.

Any recommendations? I normally use fairy which I will use this weekend but will avoid the softner and Zoflora.

Also any good cream recommendations?

OP posts:
NotOnMute · 22/04/2021 19:56

I use Tesco non bio powder (less than recommended) and no fabric softener or conditioner. Also it sometimes helps to avoid drying clothes outside, as the pollen can stick to them and make them itchy.

UserTwice · 22/04/2021 19:58

Same as PP - I use less than recommended amount of Tesco non-bio with no softener or conditioner. Also make sure that the washing machine is not so full that items can't rinse properly. Or you might want to add an extra rinse anyway.

Justdowhatyouweretold · 22/04/2021 20:07

Thanks, I'll pop to Tesco this weekend.

I'm super lazy and have a tumble dryer so don't really dry outside.

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AlwaysLatte · 22/04/2021 20:08

Persil non bio and fairy conditioner always worked for my son.

iamthesandstorm · 22/04/2021 20:11

I use ecover washing powder and childs farm cream

Vanillaradio · 22/04/2021 20:13

Fairy massively sets ds's excema off. Persil non bio works for him. It's really individual though, you may have to do a little trial and error.

MotherOfGodWeeFella · 22/04/2021 20:21

It's the perfume that's the issue. I use supermarket own brand powder and usually tumble dry pretty much everything. You become nose blind to things you use regularly so it probably smells fine, you're just not noticing.

Jammysod · 22/04/2021 20:32

We use fairy non-bio & put the clothes on an extra rinse.
DS had a bad flair up recently, but couldn't figure out why. We finally whittled it down to the new washer - apparently the newer models use less water in a bid to be more economical, so the clothes aren't rinsed properly. Since we've started the extra rinse it's cleared up!

tilder · 22/04/2021 20:36

Yy to non bio and no conditioner. No bubble bath etc. Basically any chemical product needs to be non bio, non perfumed or no contact.

Cream wise, calendula cream works well on small patches. Small tube, herbal. You can get it in the supermarket. Unless it's so bad her skin has broken?

user1471504821 · 22/04/2021 20:43

Surecare from Morrisons- no perfume, unlike the supermarket non-bio ones, I find it much better.

Sadik · 22/04/2021 20:55

I can't use any perfumed powders at all (lot of the non-bio are still perfumed) - I use Bio-D or Faith in Nature liquid and if I ever do use a conventional supermarket type powder in my machine on someone else's clothes I run it through on an empty wash + extra rinse at least once before using it again.

Obviously that's a worst case scenario, but just so that you can be aware if swapping to a mainstream non-bio doesn't work it may still be the washing powder / liquid. Also remember that bedding & towels for your dd will also need to be non-bio/non-perfumed if that is her problem.

Sadik · 22/04/2021 20:57

Basically, if it is washing powder linked, brace yourself for the fact that unfortunately the options may be (a) eczema or (b) faintly grubby clothes. (Thankfully my dd went to a school with coloured polos rather than white shirts for school uniform! No whites in this house Grin )

FrankensteinIsTheMonster · 22/04/2021 20:59

The brand doesn't as much as whether or not you've rinsed it away properly. Extra rinses are what you need. You're aiming for clothes to come out as close to odourless as possible, because the contact dermatitis is a result of residue on the clothing.

RedMarauder · 22/04/2021 21:00

If you are using powder make sure you clean the drawer out very regularly.

BirdyBee · 22/04/2021 21:01

I use boots own sensitive washing powder for my ds and dd not much smell but no itchy clothes or skin, both use aveno cream and a prescribed steriod cream for really bad flare ups.

blue1000 · 22/04/2021 21:01

What about an Ecoegg?

Nsky · 22/04/2021 21:05

I’m with Sadkie use bio d liquid, very mild fragrance for both liquid and softener.
Not sensitive skin, everything else seems over powering smell wise

ArnottsUnderpass · 22/04/2021 21:06

Ok, I will put money on it being the Zoflora.

The active ingredient is benzalkonium chloride. It's the germ killer.

It's known skin irritant. It gives me raging dermatitis. It's not designed to be used on clothes or things which have long skin contact.

I'd go to a non bio and surcare is a good option whilst her skin settles then maybe go to person non bio once you find if it's ok.

GreenSlide · 22/04/2021 21:23


The brand doesn't as much as whether or not you've rinsed it away properly. Extra rinses are what you need. You're aiming for clothes to come out as close to odourless as possible, because the contact dermatitis is a result of residue on the clothing.

Yeah extra rinses all the way.

Oilatum junior is a good cream.
FrankensteinIsTheMonster · 22/04/2021 21:29

*doesn't matter as much, I meant.

Though of course some will cause more of a reaction than others. But which detergents are least irritating is a very individual thing, whereas minimising detergent residue will almost always help.

ElvisPresleysSideburns · 22/04/2021 21:30


Surecare from Morrisons- no perfume, unlike the supermarket non-bio ones, I find it much better.

This one. Definitely. It was the only one I could use to control DD's eczema. They make a fragrance free fabric conditioner too!
OnePotato2Potato · 22/04/2021 21:35

We use fairy non bio but I agree with previous posters that rinsing it out or using less and not overfilling the machine are most important.
Cream, we’ve been through so many! But I found epaderm ointment (the thick one in the tub) the best. It’s a great consistency. And vaseline for night time to lock in the moisture.

DinosaurDiana · 22/04/2021 21:38

I used to use Surcare, and no conditioner, for everything - clothes/towels/bedding.
Be careful of using anything in the machine for other washing as traces of it might still be in there.


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Notglam · 22/04/2021 21:40

I use Ecover Zero sensitive liquid. Highly recommend

Snugglepumpkin · 22/04/2021 21:41

I use Waitrose Essential Sensitive laundry powder.
It's £3 a box (does about 20 washes but I use less than a normal dose so get more washes per box)

Before that I used to use the Boots own brand one but never go to Boots anymore so no idea if it's still good.

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