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Talk to me about center parcs

22 replies

hogu · 21/04/2021 15:28

I've been toying with the idea of booking centre parcs for a while now, DS is over 2 and I've heard it's great for families... however I'm struggling with the idea of parting with almost £800 for just 3 nights 🙈
Is it worth it?

OP posts:
brokengate · 21/04/2021 15:37

I love center parcs. However, I would leave it till next year. I have 2 under 2 and have paid 720 for a week in January. When lockdown lifting was announced I looked for this year and couldn't believe prices. Holidays are usually high but now everything is high.

Other problem at moment is pool closed till may, then only operating a slot basis, so many per break. Usually you can go whenever you want.

Soft play is closed at moment, again great usually great for wee ones.

In normal times though I'm a huge fan. They make it so easy. Everything is just there.

ColinSupporter · 21/04/2021 15:39

Depends what your other options are - most self catering is extortionate this year, if it even has any availability. Personally I think with a child that young, for that money, no CP isn’t great value. The pool is great but at that age they won’t get much more out of it than you’d get from a swim at a local leisure centre. The “beach” is naff and there’s woods, playgrounds and restaurants everywhere. It’s ok if you can get it cheap during term time (I took a two year old for a couple of hundred in winter and it was ok, if not something I’d repeat) but suspect it’s just very popular this year and there is no cheap. Once kids are old enough to enjoy the sports, go off cycling, eat out nicely, use the full potential of the pool etc then I think it’s better value - I now go with older ones and they love it. At two they couldn’t have cared less - I should have just driven to the next village from us for a new/ unfamiliar playground and they’d have been just as happy!

YankeeDad · 21/04/2021 15:40

Some of the activities are nice, but the restaurants are generally horrific and overpriced. Strongly suggest self-catering, and buy your food offsite, not at the Centerparcs shop, for better selection and probably better prices as well.


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Pootles34 · 21/04/2021 15:40

I loved CP when my kids were younger - it is super convenient, and normally a bit more affordable when you're not tied to the school holidays.

I wouldn't bother this year - it looks like covid has pushed the price up, and as Brokengate says, the pool which is the main attraction won't be fully available. One thing to check out after covid is the CP's in Europe - they're much cheaper than UK ones.

TheProvincialLady · 21/04/2021 15:43

I’m afraid I loathed it twice and would never go back. You can have much nicer family holidays for the same money and PPs are right - it’s wasted on very young children anyway.

emmathedilemma · 21/04/2021 15:44

It's like middle class Butlins! I'm not a fan. I think it's over-priced and you can get nicer accommodation elsewhere. If you want to fill every minute of your holiday with activities that someone else organises then go for it but i like going out n about!

BuggerBognor · 21/04/2021 15:46

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JamesGetIn · 21/04/2021 15:55

Lol at some of the responses!

CenterParcs has always been extortionate but people return time and time again and are willing to pay. If it truly was how previous poster describes it they wouldn't possibly still be in business.

We're fans, this year will be our 11th and 12th times there, summer and October hols. There is a limit on the swimming just now, 2 sessions for a 4 or 5 day stay and 4 sessions for a week. It was very clean and well organised when we went last year.

The restaurants can be hit and miss at times but I think this is true for many places. We bbq a lot.

I'm looking forward to the reduced capacity for our stays this year as pretty much everywhere else in the UK will be mobbed.

It generally attracts a decent type of person. No yobs or party animals. There's a price to pay if you want to keep the riff raff out.

nomorespaghetti · 21/04/2021 15:59

I really like it, but it’s probably not for everyone (well, as you can see from some of the responses!)

I just love that it’s so easy to do with kids. Mine are 5 & 2 now, and we’ve been going for the last 5ish years. There aren’t loads of activities for under 3s, but there’s the pool, which is great, and while the restaurants are pretty chain-y (although the curry house at whinfell is fabulous), they’re very child friendly.

TulipSandwiches · 21/04/2021 16:01

I think it's a waste for a two year old as well. It's good when they are about eight and can ride around on bikes safely and spend hours and hours in the pool.

Hdiebfhs · 21/04/2021 16:02

Last time I went to CP I went out of season with a friend for a week relaxing. Out of season it is very reasonable prices. I certainly wouldn't be paying £800 for 3 nights MUCH better alternatives.

Bul21ia · 21/04/2021 16:05

I had a booking for CP in March it was cancelled.. I now have Butlins booked for June... tbh it’s not my usual thing but it looks more value for money!

BigTipTop · 21/04/2021 16:07

We love CP, we have 3 under 5s...the pluses for this family is: easy to get to (under 3 hours), you can park up, unpack and then the whole week everything you need/ want to do is within walking distance of your lodge. So no packing children into the car, carting a heavy changing bag& children around a place of interest, small people falling asleep in the car on route home etc. We had days were dad stayed with the eldest at pot painting and I could nip back with the baby for his nap (and enjoy a coffee in peace!) Everything there is catered for kids- you can do as much or as little as you want.The staff are fab - we missed one of the song& rhyme time sessions as my then youngest fell alseep and they rebooked us on for that afternoon.The beach is small, but fine for little ones- it has sand and splashing opportunities. The playgrounds are clean and spacious, there's softplay in most of the restaurants, at whinfell during termtime they have a stay & play session for the under 5s and they used to pre covid have a special morning play session at the pool for the under 5s before it was open to the public...I'm not sure if that's still running though. Mostly for us we liked how quiet it felt even in term time... Smile

minniemomo · 21/04/2021 16:11

Depends on your tastes. Personally I couldn't think of anything worse at that age, they are so portable - you can travel anywhere. We did lots of backpacking when ours were that age, road trips, trains,

Anordinarymum · 21/04/2021 16:11

We went for the first time last year just before they shut down at half term.
We loved it. There were no queues as people had cancelled last minute so we could enjoy our activities without waiting around.
We especially loved the cycling together as a family.
The lodge we stayed in was fab and the swimming was ace but the food in the restaurants was not so good.
If we go again we will cook our own meals and only eat out once or twice as it was not good value.
The worst 'Indian' meal I have ever had the displeasure of was here.

Dowser · 21/04/2021 16:15

We are here now and it’s fab
Three bed villa, 4 nights £329
Absolutely perfect
Never missed the swimming.
There’s 20 of us here and we are all having a great time and is just what is needed.

Dowser · 21/04/2021 16:18

We do our own food anyway
All villas well equipped.
It’s not overly again all good.

Beebopawhop · 21/04/2021 16:19

Hi OP. We have been when we had kids under 2, under 3 etc and more recently went in the October half term when the children are now 5 and 7. The most benefit we found was when the children are now older can cycle and enjoy the swimming facilities! It was a shame we were restricted in terms of time in the swimming area but the children loved every minute of the two hours we had! Agree in terms of restaurants being pricey apart from American diner or whatever it's called Huck's bar and grill that was reasonable and ok food. I would wait until next year purely on the prices and your child will be a tad older and you can still go in term time as they won't be at school! If you do go enjoy I loved cycling and eating out etc bit of a treat after all the lockdown pandemic!

bullyingadvice2017 · 21/04/2021 16:24

They do bum sex there op, be careful!

reaching0ut · 21/04/2021 16:31


reaching0ut · 21/04/2021 16:31

Oh my 😂

EmmaStone · 21/04/2021 17:31

We've been going since my youngest was a tiny baby (he's now 13). Our nearest is only a 40 min drive away though, which makes for a useful proper long weekend - we used to be able to pack up early on Monday morning and still get them to school.

Pros for me when they were young - we could use the holiday club so we could actually have a few hours' respite, all facilities are child friendly (soft play areas in restaurants for example, plenty of high chairs), we could spend hours at the pool and playgrounds.

Now my children are 13 & 15, DS will tell you it's his favourite place in the world. We tend to go in January when it's at its cheapest (nice post-Xmas break too - we always do loads of exercise while there, so it's a good part of the January cleanse lol!). Do a mix of meals out and eating in the lodge (restaurants are quite basic - Cafe Rouge, las Iguanas type of stuff, although after a day's swimming, cycling etc, I can't wait to devour an enormous fat-laden burger!!).

We've never paid school holiday prices, but off-peak, and mid-week breaks aren't bad value for what you can get. However, with the current Covid restrictions, I'd personally hold off - although I suppose you wouldn't need as long in the pool with your DC as younger. The pool is the star attraction for us - DS could spend the day going round on the rapids on loop Hmm.

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