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What is your favourite hand sanitizer?

31 replies

Hairbrush123 · 16/04/2021 20:06

Quite random but I’ve tried many hand sanitizers and I found one that isn’t so drying and smells lush Grin

It’s from FatFace and it is divine. Maybe a bit OTT but oh well!

What’s your favourite?

OP posts:
MegBusset · 16/04/2021 20:07

I like the one they have on the door of my local Primark, it smells of ginger and doesn't dry my hands. No idea if they sell it though!

SheepPixie · 16/04/2021 20:22

On our retail park M&S are well known for having the best. Doesn’t dry your skin and smells lovely!

teaandcustardcreamsx · 16/04/2021 20:38

Carex moisturising one. Used it before covid and still bloody love it, doesnt dry out my hands and love the smell Easter Grin


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LubaLuca · 16/04/2021 20:42

My favourite one is from The Yorkshire Soap Co. I think it's called Goodnight Sweetheart or something similar.

Sparklingbrook · 16/04/2021 20:44

Love Hearts one from Home Bargains.

Love the M&S one they have at the door but they don't actually sell it. Sad

H1978 · 16/04/2021 20:47

I have the sanctuary spa one, smells lovely.

QueenPaw · 16/04/2021 20:47

This one. Smell of Main Street is really sweet like lush snow fairy

slightlysnippy · 16/04/2021 20:49

White Company's hand sanitiser smells amazing.

bookgirl1982 · 16/04/2021 20:53

Cowshed spray, smells divine and doesn't dry hands out

sanityisamyth · 16/04/2021 20:55

Clark's had a nice one yesterday! #sadlife

mizu · 16/04/2021 21:03

Purdey and Figg Star

Passthewinebottle · 16/04/2021 21:29

Ugh my local Primark one HONKS of tequila. Rank.

CrazyHorse · 16/04/2021 21:31

Fatface is lovely- I splashed out and bought some for DD to take to school. I always use it when I'm entering their shop.

waltzingparrot · 16/04/2021 21:33

The Range sell one made by Enliven "Cucumber & Garden Mint. Smells really fresh and clean. And it's made in the UK.

SirVixofVixHall · 16/04/2021 21:34

This Works. It smells lovely and doesn’t leave my hands like sandpaper.

StillRunningUpThatHill · 16/04/2021 21:34

Purdey and Figg original citrus. It’s gorgeous.

nixso29 · 16/04/2021 21:43

Agree with PPs that the one they have out for you to use in M&S is the nicest smell ever!Although at Xmas they swapped it for a Cinnamon scented one, my absolute worst smell ever bleurgh

Luckymummytoone · 16/04/2021 21:45

The Milton one!

PlumpAndDeliciousFatcat · 16/04/2021 21:50

Beauty Pie.

Rina66 · 16/04/2021 22:06

I've been using a gorgeous rose scented one since last year, keep repeat buying, that's attached to my bag, it's not sickly, it's smells just lovely and powdery......

Shmithecat2 · 16/04/2021 22:12

Fat Face for me. Loved it! Even at £4.50 pop Shock. Clark's was lovely as well.

Miranda15110 · 16/04/2021 22:26

Love the m and s hand sanitizer. I'd buy it if I knew who made it.

Crazycatlady202020 · 16/04/2021 22:29

I like Bath and Bodyworks ones but as they are an American company I have to buy them from ebay or a Facebook group I am in. They smell amazing.


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WeAllHaveWings · 16/04/2021 22:32

Carex aloe vera

stripeymonster · 16/04/2021 22:41

The Body shop have a coconut one and a mango one. Both have been better for daughters eczema than the awful school ones.

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