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Rectangular trampolines

17 replies

HolidayThisYear · 13/04/2021 13:31

Hi, we're looking to upgrade our battered old trampoline for a new rectangular one.

Looking at 12ft x 8ft and the prices vary a lot. Just wondered if anyone had experience of quality? Argos / Smyths are around £300 but mixed reviews.

I'm drawn to the JumpKing but would be £600. Is this a stupid amount or better value for money in the long run?

Kids are nearly 5 and 8, very physical so will use it a lot! I've researched a fair bit and now baffled by the spring count thing (apparently less spring for light jumpers, more springs for heavier children - what is light / heavier?! Mine jump together anyway !)

Thanks in advance for any info / advice ☺️

OP posts:
HolidayThisYear · 13/04/2021 18:03

Bumpity bump just in case 😁

OP posts:
Mishmased · 13/04/2021 18:15

Mine are exactly the same age as yours so watching thread. Sorry I've got nothing to add ☺️

MasterFlamingo · 13/04/2021 18:30

We have a 12ft x 8ft zero gravity barrel shaped trampoline. Really pleased with it. Fits well, tucked away in the corner of the garden. Kids love it aged 13, 11 & 7. It seems safe & well constructed. It was around the £300 mark.


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AlexandroGomes · 13/04/2021 18:33

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Mishmased · 13/04/2021 18:46

@MasterFlamingo any pics will be appreciated, we don't have a big garden and I'm terrible at measurements 😊

Penny31 · 13/04/2021 18:52

I’m looking for similar but with the opening at the narrower end! If anyone has links it would be greatly appreciated.

Good luck in your search op.

luckymagnoliatree · 13/04/2021 19:02

We have literally just had our JumpKing rectangular trampoline delivered today! The boxes are huge and very heavy! We didn't have a trampoline to replace. Ended up going for the 13ft x 9ft version 🙈 yes it's expensive but the warranty on it is brilliant and hopefully it'll last our boys throughout their childhood. Plus with the decent weight limit us adults can go on it too. Obviously we haven't built it yet... will let you know how that goes! It won't be until the weekend though... hopefully it'll get built this weekend!

Mishmased · 13/04/2021 19:15

@luckymagnoliatree that sounds huge. What website did you get it from?

LucysSkyDiamonds · 13/04/2021 19:21

We got an 12x8 last Sept and it's one of the best things we've ever invested in. Ours is Jump Power.

luckymagnoliatree · 13/04/2021 19:24

@Mishmased - we ordered it from, this is the model we went for: on Friday and it arrived today. So fast shipping, we thought it wouldn't be here until maybe the end of the week. I think it's going to be the biggest trampoline our boys have ever seen 😂

Mishmased · 13/04/2021 20:29

@luckymagnoliatree that's amazing, I just looked on the website. Any chance you can post a pic of your one pls. I was looking at the 8ft but it says pics is of the 14ft.

Mishmased · 13/04/2021 21:53

Thanks so much @luckymagnoliatree no need for pics, I think I found what I'm looking for. @HolidayThisYear thanks for starting this thread, sorry I hijacked it 😊

HolidayThisYear · 13/04/2021 23:21

@Mishmased no worries 😁 just checked back to see and lots of useful comments to focus my googling!
@luckymagnoliatree I really like the look of the Jump King ones. Think that's the way we'll go.

Thanks all!

OP posts:
MargaretThursday · 13/04/2021 23:32

I have a Jumpking 8' circular one, which I won in a raffle about 12 years ago. It's been used a certain amount between 3 dc and friends. We did replace the netting and the padding a couple of years ago, but other than that it's lasted really well.

luckymagnoliatree · 14/04/2021 14:45

Oh wow, this is a beast guys! Build in progress...!

Rectangular trampolines
Mishmased · 14/04/2021 23:28


Oh wow, this is a beast guys! Build in progress...!

@luckymagnoliatree that's huge, it is almost the size of my back garden 🤣🤣
I decided on a slightly smaller square one, waiting for it to come back in stock. I've signed up for alerts as they said it is coming back soon.
luckymagnoliatree · 15/04/2021 00:04

@Mishmased sounds like a good plan! DH joked this evening we could have actually gone for one half the size (and he was the one who made the final choice on which one we bought haha) 😂

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