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Can I use my road bike to attach a bike trailer to carry child?

2 replies

TinkerPony · 31/03/2021 12:01

Just that question above.
Wonder if I can use my road bike.
Us parents both have road bikes.
I also like to go jogging have seen the thurley that dual as a jogger and trailer.
Wonder if there is a budget friendly version.
Will only be used on cycle paths and Greenways.

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LunchWithAGruffalo · 31/03/2021 15:25

We've used ours on quite a range of bikes with no issues, other than a few paint scratches where the hitch fasten up. As far as I remember the only one we couldn't fit it to was a mountain bike with disk brakes, we would have needed a different hitch.

I'd say theres an element of you get what you pay for, some of the cheaper trailers are quite heavy. There are generally loads of used ones around so worth keeping an eye on your local selling sites.

Ours is a butley d lite, quite an old model since my children are both teenagers. Still handy for shopping trips though.

Never took mine jogging. I will say ours was a few inches wide than the side by side double buggy. Never found it a problem outdoors but I would not have wanted to use it as a buggy indoors.

TinkerPony · 31/03/2021 15:31

Thank you

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