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Rotary washing line

27 replies

User97531 · 29/03/2021 15:45

Our reasonably new line has broken Angry so I'm hoping for some recommendations as I'm looking online and none of the reviews are helping me make a decision.

So.. if you have one, what brand is it, why do you like it and should I get the same one as you?

Thanks for helping with something so boring, but its such a vital thing to have so I really don't want to get it wrong again!


We can see this thread is quite old now so some of the suggestions may be out of date, but if you’ve landed here looking for recommendations, we’ve recently updated our best rotary washing lines page with lots of great options loved by Mumsnet users. We hope you find it useful.

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OP posts:
OldSpeclkledHen · 30/03/2021 20:49

@PollyannaWhittier sorry, I meant no offence to you 🙂

I just never realised washing lines could be so expensive! But you're right, you get what you pay for 🙂 cheap isn't always "cheaper " in the long run 😉

edoc · 30/03/2021 20:56

Brabantia 50m lift o matic, love it, 15 years and going strong. Also love their ironing boards

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