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Car seat help! 360? Lie flat? Travel system

15 replies

Chip831 · 25/03/2021 02:05

Hi, I am due my first baby in 9 weeks and currently in panic mode as I’m yet to buy a thing 😅 iv started looking at car seats this week but I’m having trouble to find one. I really want one I can click in and out and onto a pram easily for when nipping out food shopping etc.I have been recommended the 360 ones as I have fibro and told they are easier on ur back getting in and out 🤔 I also travel 2-3 times a month a 2 hour journey which will prob include a couple of stops to begin with but a lie down car seat would be ideal!is there any such thing that has all 3?
1.lies down flat
2.isofix and attaches to pram

  1. 360 rotation

Any help and recommendations will be appreciated iv not even started to look at prams yet do the isofix ones fit all?
Thanks I’m advance 🙂
OP posts:
WednesdaySpinner · 25/03/2021 02:16

Yes, the Cybex cloud Z has all three and is what I decided to go for. The cloud Z will only lie flat when out of the isofix base though, not while travelling (not sure if that is what you were after?).

There may be other people who can recommend some others for you to compare with the cloud Z that I'm not aware of but I can highly recommend this one - my son is 4 weeks and we have already used the travel system element a fair bit and saved waking him up to transfer him to the pram!

WednesdaySpinner · 25/03/2021 02:18

Forgot to say, you will need some adapters to use the car seat with your pram chassis but they are easy to get hold of and really easy to slot in and out when you want to use the car seat.

Mochatatts · 25/03/2021 03:03

I've a Joie i level. It lies almost completely flat, even in the car. I do several hundred miles a week so it was my main criteria. It will fit on a pushchair with adaptors though I tend to take the pram with carrycot or a sling. Has an iso fix base but doesn't rotate. I'm sure they make one that rotates and reclines though possibly not flat. A Google search of lie flat car seats should give you a list of models and reviews. HTH


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ChocOrange1 · 25/03/2021 04:53

I don't think there are any which do all three. The maxi cosy jade lies flat in the car and buggy, however it does cost £400 including the isofix base and you would have to buy a compatible chassis.

They only last until 6 months (If they're anything like moses baskets or carry cots, they will only actually last the average baby for 3 or 4 months). Personally I wouldn't get a lie flat for 2 hour journeys, I would just take breaks.

As for the 360 car seats, these really are excellent. We have the joie 360 and its so much easier. With my first child we had a travel system and used the 360 from about 7 months. With my second we used the 360 from about 8 weeks as she hated the trav system car seat.

TimeIhadaNameChange · 25/03/2021 08:22

Jane do a system with a lie-flat crib (use seatbelts to attach), an isofix next size seat and a pram. The seat isn't 360 but it's not been a problem, and I'm moving her into a 360 one, at a year (when more wriggly).

All clip on to the pram base with no need for anything else. It's been brilliant, esp the cot,

TimeIhadaNameChange · 25/03/2021 08:24

(Sorry!) which can ben used through the night as well with a mattress (many can't).

Hoppythehippo · 25/03/2021 09:27

We used a infant carrier that clipped on/off a base in the car and onto a pram when DC were babies. They would have hated a lie flat seat from a few weeks old and we just weren’t doing long journeys with a newborn. By 12 weeks they absolutely screamed if they were flat in the pram. We chose a maxi cosi cabriofix for this stage on the basis that you could get converters to attach it to the pram we wanted. Some, like cabriofix, have a lot of compatibility, some only with a few pram brands. You need to check whatever seat you want fits on whatever pram you want, if that aspect is important to you.

When they got heavy enough I didn’t want to be picking up the infant seat with them in it at about six months we bought a 360 degree spin seat which was the absolute best kid related purchase I’ve ever made and made strapping them in and out so much easier. It did both mine until they were 4. It weighed a tonne though because it was attached to the base, it wasn’t something you lifted in and out the car a lot.

Chip831 · 25/03/2021 23:31

That’s the one I was looking at but would of worked out better if you could recline in the car 🤔do you know how long they can stay in this one for?also would you mind me asking what pram you got?there’s so many to choose from and I’m finding it confusing which car seats first on which prams 😂

OP posts:
Chip831 · 25/03/2021 23:34

Ah that’s good to know!6 months doesn’t really seem a long time I don’t think I’ll actually be travelling so much at first will prob be after the 6 months.the Joie is coming up in a lot of my searches as a popular one.can I ask did you have a pram that this fitted onto?

OP posts:
Chip831 · 25/03/2021 23:39

Ah yes I seen that one but I read it took up the 2 seats my car is so tiny I’m worried I’m not even going to fit my pram in’s the only one I have seen though that lies flat and really good it can be used for overnight.did you clip this onto a pram then as well when out and about?

OP posts:
Chip831 · 25/03/2021 23:44

Ah I never thought of that I prob won’t be able to pick them up after the 6month’s my first baby I’m trying to get my head around how it all works 😂I just kept thinking about the rain and getting them in and out from the car seat to a pram etc how easy it will be 🤔I’ll defiantly have a look at the cabriofix.the pram is next on my list to look at I figured a car seat would be easy I would start there 🤯 I think now the 360 is top of my list I wasn’t sure at first but I think that’s going to be more important the the lie down but for sure.

OP posts:
Doublechocolatetiffin · 25/03/2021 23:52

If you're not travelling much until 6 months then I wouldn't bother with the lie flat. They take up loads of space are very expensive and only last a short amount of time.

For the other two criteria, I'd recommend the Recaro Zero 1 Elite. It's an excellent car seat. It's expensive but takes you from newborn till 4.5yrs (which you'd normally need 2 seats for). It does a 360 spin, you can use it rear facing till 105cm (approx 4.5yrs) and it has a newborn insert that can clip into a travel system. The newborn insert is very light in comparison to most seats at only 2.9kgs so it's easy to carry around.

It's really easy to use and has very good safety ratings.

TimeIhadaNameChange · 26/03/2021 00:23


Ah yes I seen that one but I read it took up the 2 seats my car is so tiny I’m worried I’m not even going to fit my pram in’s the only one I have seen though that lies flat and really good it can be used for overnight.did you clip this onto a pram then as well when out and about?

It does take up two seats but unless you'll have someone else on the back seat you'll be fine. It was great for us as the hospital is 2.5 hours away and she had to go back the day after she came home (and a few more times in the first few months) and we could do the trip without stopping. It would have taken forever otherwise.

It was the only place she'd sleep overnight other than on us (though even then I soon gave up and brought her into bed with me). She lasted one minute in her crib!

And yes, straight from car to pram base. Was brilliant!
ChocOrange1 · 26/03/2021 06:28


Ah that’s good to know!6 months doesn’t really seem a long time I don’t think I’ll actually be travelling so much at first will prob be after the 6 months.the Joie is coming up in a lot of my searches as a popular one.can I ask did you have a pram that this fitted onto?

The joie 360 doesn't go onto a pram. It has an isofix base built in. I think most 360 seats just stay in the car, they're usually pretty bulky. But after 6 months you wouldn't want one which transfers onto the pushchair as it would be too heavy to lift about with them in it anyway, especially if you have back problems.
PurBal · 26/03/2021 06:31

We also went for the cybex cloud z. Everyone we spoke to wish they'd got a rotating seat so we are glad we have. Baby not due for a little while yet.

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