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Quiet hot tub

11 replies

queenofthenorthwest · 16/03/2021 14:22

We are thinking of getting a hot tub.

It will be in the garden under a gazebo type thing that we are going to build.

Can anyone recommend a quiet one?

Or do you buy a hot tub and then replace the pump with a quiet pump?

Does anyone have one and can offer any advice on the do's and dont's please?

Any recommendations etc are really welcome.


OP posts:
Popcornbetty · 16/03/2021 14:29

The noise of the actual hot tub never bothers me but adnittedly the ones near me are alittle away. What annoys me is when people blast their rubbish music because they can't hear it above the hot tub/drunkenness or combo of the two(yes I'm looking at you across the road) Hmm when they're in there and forget it seems quieter to them but everyone else can hear it with their windows shut. It's def more the loud accompanying music that bothers me.

GenderApostate19 · 16/03/2021 14:32

Best hot tub I ever sat in was a wood fired one, no bubbles but no noise. You can get wooden ones or steel ones.

queenofthenorthwest · 17/03/2021 20:31

Has anyone got an m spa one?

It's not fixed in its inflatable but I think it's what I want

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windymillertheecowarrior · 17/03/2021 20:35

Have to agree it is not the hot tub itself that makes the annoying noise.

HappyAsASandboy · 17/03/2021 20:36

We have a lazy spa inflatable hot tub in a large open space. The pump isn't noisy, but the bubbles are! So I'm not sure that finding a "quiet pump" will fix the problem.

I quite often sit in ours without the bubbles on so it is quiet.

Chasingsquirrels · 17/03/2021 20:38


Have to agree it is not the hot tub itself that makes the annoying noise.

I got an mspa one last summer, this one.
Quiet hot tub
Chasingsquirrels · 17/03/2021 20:39


Has anyone got an m spa one?

It's not fixed in its inflatable but I think it's what I want

Should have been this quote!
Chasingsquirrels · 17/03/2021 20:42

The pump is in the wall, rather than a separate pump like the lazy spa.

Agree its the bubbles which make the noise.
I was chatting to my neighbour the other day and asked if she'd heard it last summer (it's on the back patio on their side, their bedroom window is probably not much further away from it than mine). She looked surprised and said she didn't know we'd got one. Which reassured me!

queenofthenorthwest · 17/03/2021 21:04

Well my neighbor has racing pigeons so I don't want to piss his birds off or that will piss him off.

We are not noisy neighbors and I don't want to be the neighbor that everyone hates.

OP posts:
queenofthenorthwest · 17/03/2021 21:04

@Chasingsquirrels I think that's the same one I am looking at but it's got some lights in

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Chasingsquirrels · 17/03/2021 21:14

It's the Mspa silver cloud inflatable 4 person.

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