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Hotels in York

15 replies

Boglins · 22/02/2021 18:34

Looking for a fancy pants hotel for DH's 40th, budget fairly high as we're going all out for one night, would like it to be in the centre and have a decent restaurant (although we're not wedded to eating there if anyone has restaurant recommendations!).

Any personal favourites?

OP posts:
Raera · 22/02/2021 18:40

The Grand or Hotel du vin.

LemonMeringueThreePointOneFour · 22/02/2021 18:43

The Principal. Very handy for the station. Ginormous beds.

Go to the Railway Museum while you're there.

ChouetteMouette · 22/02/2021 18:56

Grays Court is lovely - beautiful building, incredible views of the Minster and although it’s in the centre, it’s quite tucked away.

(But I haven’t stayed overnight there, just had afternoon tea)


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Boglins · 22/02/2021 19:57

Thanks everyone, will have a look at all of these! Ginormous beds is a big plus point! We bought a super king size during lockdown 1 and I've got used to being outside of touching distance! Grin

OP posts:
Brogues · 22/02/2021 21:00

The Grand is lovely. Went for a joint birthday celebration with friends and I don’t know whether our rooms were standard or not but they were huge. Spa facilities and a pool too. Oh and the cookery school looks fabulous.

Flowersupnorth · 22/02/2021 21:15

Grays Court is gorgeous and very central, Hotel Di Vin nice and also The Lawrance Apartments are great, I booked that for my 40th and got one with three bedrooms and a kitchen/lounge.
If you like veggie food Roots by Tommy Banks is beautiful.

Isababybel · 22/02/2021 21:19

I stayed at the Grand a few years ago, it was lovely. One of the receptionists was quite snooty though and tried to charge us for a breakfast that we didnt have, and didnt believe me at first when i contested :S

refusetobeasheep · 22/02/2021 21:20

I loved The Churchill - it's more boutique and very handy location

ethelredonagoodday · 22/02/2021 21:24

Malmaison is opening soon, depending on when you are planning to go, might be an option?

cortex10 · 22/02/2021 21:25

We also like Grays Court - stayed there a couple of times - great location.

LadyofMisrule · 22/02/2021 22:07

I liked the Grand.

Thatwentbadly · 22/02/2021 22:08

I prefer Churchill over Hotel di vin.

Boglins · 23/02/2021 21:06

Thanks all, I have booked The Grand as it ticked all the boxes!

OP posts:
Thatwentbadly · 23/02/2021 21:23

Enjoy. I’m so jealous, I miss child free weekends. I can’t wait I until my girls are older and we have family weekends away.

Lekky12 · 23/02/2021 21:33

The Grand. 100%. Luxury. Excellent.

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