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Dishwasher Tabs

27 replies

Spurdog · 02/02/2021 10:13

To set the scene for a question.

So we all scrape food off the plate before putting it in the dishwasher (Stops the filter getting clogged). Then there's dried bits of gravy. I'm a bit lazy and therefore end up left to the next day

Which product "full name where poss" in your opinion, is the best at getting dried bits off. EG:-Does finish Quantum really work? Or do you have a better product that you buy?

OP posts:
3JsMa · 02/02/2021 10:42

I just use regular Finish tabs and never had problem with clean dishes.
It may depends what setting you are using,if there is enough salt in the salt compartment,rinse aid etc.

SusannaSpider · 02/02/2021 10:53

I don't rinse anything, I just knock off anything solid that will bung up the filter. I used to use Ecover, but they are so expensive, they worked fine though (but tbh I hated unwrapping them). Now I just use Tesco all in ones, they clean everything. I did get some of the fancy pants ones with the liquid squishy bit (think they were Finish) as a freebie, they did make things shinier, but not worth splashing out on.
It does depend on your machine and water quality though. I have a new machine which cleans brilliantly, my old machine didn't. Plus we have soft water, so I don't use salt or rinse aid.

Buzzer3555 · 02/02/2021 10:54

Aldi 3 in 1. Is great on dried on gunk


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Spurdog · 02/02/2021 11:44

Thanks for these, replies.

We have slight limescale prob though the water is pleasant to drink.

I have been using Finish all-in-one, but buy when they are on offer, to keep the price reasonable. Two bags left in the garage. It just seems silly to end up washing up, and then dishwasher, when the dishwasher should do all. I'm mentioning glasses as often a smear is left behind. Food isn't always so thoroughly cleansed.

OP posts:
campion · 02/02/2021 11:54

Magnum All in 1 tablets £2.49 for 40 from Aldi.
We've been through the lot over the years and these are the best! Unbelievably cheap compared to the likes of Finish,Fairy etc and definitely better. Our glasses actually improved when we started using them!

They are a Which? Best Buy too which counts for something, I think. That's how we first came across them.

Toomanycats99 · 02/02/2021 11:58

I like the fairy platinum ones

LIZS · 02/02/2021 11:59

Fairy 3 in 1 tabs

RaspberryCoulis · 02/02/2021 12:01

I think it all depends on your tap water to be honest. When we lived in a very hard water area, only the expensive Finish/Fairy were up to the job.

We now live in an area with really soft water and get just as good results with cheapy store own brand all in one.

BikeRunSki · 02/02/2021 12:01

We use Smol. We don’t rinse the plates, sometimes we don’t run the dishwasher the same day, plates always come out clean. We do have very soft water though, I don’t know if that makes a difference.

fussychica · 02/02/2021 12:01

I'm an Aldi washing powder fan but tried their top dishwasher tablets and wasn't impressed which was disappointing as they are very cheap.
I use Fairy Platinum plus Original not Lemon. They are brilliant but not cheap and the bigger packs are never on offer, it's always bloody Lemon on offer. Hard water area.

BikeRunSki · 02/02/2021 12:02

We now live in an area with really soft water and get just as good results with cheapy store own brand all in one. we’ve always found this.

cookiemonster5 · 02/02/2021 12:04

I've used finish, fairy. Aldi and Asda. One of the best ones were the Asda basics I got as a substitute one day. Really cheap and worked well. I usuallly use Aldi magnum though depending on where I'm shopping when I need some. I don't bother with the expensive ones because there is no difference in my experience.

Whathappenedtothelego · 02/02/2021 12:11

Personally I think Fairy platinum give a better result than Finish.

I tend to alternate between Fairy (when on offer) and cheaper brands - usually Astonish. We generally have a pack of each on the go at once, as I find I get slightly worse results when using the cheap ones over a longer period.

Sycamoretrees · 02/02/2021 12:17

Cleaning the filter regularly also makes a big difference, and how you stack the dishwasher.

PurpleBirch · 02/02/2021 12:18

I’ve also just signed up for a Smol subscription, so far so good!

username4214 · 02/02/2021 12:19

I use Fairy Platinum Plus which do the job.

greensnail · 02/02/2021 12:24

We use smol and find they work really well, we are in a hard water area. If things ever aren't coming up clean in the dishwasher (whatever tablets I'm using at the time) this is usually solved by running a dishwasher cleaner through - always seems to solve the problem.

BigSandyBalls2015 · 02/02/2021 12:25

Another vote for Aldi … cheap and brilliant. We don't rinse anything, just a basic scrape - if you're going to rinse your dishes under the tap you might as well wash up at sink!

redcandlelight · 02/02/2021 12:27

ecover tabs
plus extra salt & rinse aid.

sabrinathemiddleagewitch · 02/02/2021 12:34

You need dishwasher salt and you need rinse aid, most importantly you need the finish tablets linked.

I've tried all the other cheaply brands and they don't work, they leave a milky film on glasses.

I can Chuck whatever without rinsing into the dishwasher including trays that have had 3 hour baked meats in and they come out brand new.

Finish Quantum Ultimate Dishwasher Lemon Scent, Pack of 85 Tablets

Oh and clean your filter regularly!

redcandlelight · 02/02/2021 12:36

if you use the normal long programmes any special dishwasher detergent should do.

username4214 · 02/02/2021 12:39

I'm in a hard water area too but don't use branded salt/rinse aid. I use supermarket own brand. Finish don't work very well for me.

Mindgone · 02/02/2021 12:40

Does it depend on how often you run the dishwasher? Ie how many days the dishes have sat there for! Only two of us here now, so it might only go on after 3 days!


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Alongoldyear · 02/02/2021 12:42

I use Morrisons dishwasher tabs £2.00 for 40.

Every now & again I top up with Morrisons salt 99p & rinse aid 99p.

The dishes are always sparkling, I don't rinse and either run a normal wash or an eco wash.

I do rinse the filter for a few seconds under the tap every other wash.

Soboredofcorona · 02/02/2021 12:55

We buy a massive box of non-branded cheap tablets from amazon. As long as you have salt and your dishwasher is clean, cheap tabs are just as good.

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