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What is going to get hair off the carpets?

20 replies

burgundymaroon · 15/01/2021 10:12

Me dd and dh are hairy. This hasn't really presented too much of a problem until recently we have moved and for whatever reason these cream carpets seem to attract our hair like nothing before.
We've had cream carpets before and the hair doesn't seem to collect in the same way as it does on this carpet.

I'm wondering if there's a wonder product or some kind of broom that will get rid of it. Keep seeing it all around the house and it's not a good look, I have black hair and dh and dd brown.

OP posts:
TooTweeForMe · 15/01/2021 10:23

one of those rubber brushes, amazing. I also find my hetty hoover great on hair although its dog hair so a bit different.

RoganJosh · 15/01/2021 10:24

What hoover do you have? Our dyson picks up hair on.
I also used a squeedgy (can’t spew that) on the stairs, so think a rubber broom could be good.

WisestIsShe · 15/01/2021 10:25

Agree that a rubber brush is what you need. It's hard work but magical results.


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RoganJosh · 15/01/2021 10:25

*spell! I can’t spell ‘spell’ either! Grin

SmellyPooHead · 15/01/2021 10:26

A rubber broom or wet a marigold and brush it up that way 9

SoupDragon · 15/01/2021 10:27

Any rubber soled shoe will scrape it up from the carpets.

Obviously a broom is better but you probably have a shoe hanging about! Crocs are good, as are converse.

ExclamationPerfume · 15/01/2021 10:33

A squeegee.

MrsDThomas · 15/01/2021 10:52

Definitely a squeegee. Like a window cleaning one.

burgundymaroon · 15/01/2021 11:02

I have two Dysons and have just bought a new upright one because the other one died. This is partly why I want something else on top of the Dyson because it wrecks the vacuum unless I regularly sit down and cut it out the underneath of the Dyson dh does this but I pretend I do it all the time...
I've seen the rubber brushes good to know they work.
I'm currently in rubber soled slippers so perhaps this is too big a job for that. A squeegee?! Not heard of that, going to research this.

OP posts:
NekoShiro · 15/01/2021 11:13

I use my big brush to sweep up the top loose hairs and then a shower door squeegee to get all the trodden in human and cat hair out,it's not a quick job but it is very satisfying

Elieza · 15/01/2021 11:31

Rubber brush.

Why are you casting so much hair, I’d get that checked out first if it’s a lot! Perhaps dietary changes may help?

Tehmina23 · 15/01/2021 11:45

I have a cat who sheds a lot of fur.
I have a Miele Cat and Dog Hair Vacuum Cleaner which is very good but I also use a damp cloth on the rugs when I can't be bothered to get the vacuum out.

Rowgtfc72 · 15/01/2021 11:46

My rubber brush has bristles one side and a squeegee the other. Its brilliant!

Coriandersucks · 15/01/2021 11:51

I’ve got the shark anti hair wrap cordless vacuum and I no longer have to use my rubber brush it’s amazing

Smarshian · 15/01/2021 11:55

Shark anti hair wrap vacuum

OliveHenry · 15/01/2021 11:56

I've got one of the cheap triangular metal lint removers (from Amazon) and that's great for getting hair and fluff off anything! I wouldn't use it on delicate fabrics, but it's been fine on my carpets.

Not a quick job though as it's not very big.

Mine is something like this .

savanahnana · 15/01/2021 12:51

Rubber brush and shark Hoover will be your best friend.

sheslittlebutfierce · 15/01/2021 12:53

always used a squeegee and had a very good miele cat and dog but in the last week I purchased a shark anti -hair wrap! gamechanger!

Ohwhatllipick · 15/01/2021 12:57

I got the Miele cat and dog for this, plus dog hair. It was great at first but you have to buy replacement bags, filters and another thing I’ve forgotten the name of, which are all really pricey. Never again.

burgundymaroon · 16/01/2021 11:54

Good point re why am I shedding hair.
I don't really know but I have very thick black hair. So thick that when I'm in the shower I literally have to lift my hair up otherwise my neck doesn't get wet Grin
So shedding hair is not really noticeable on my actual head.

Only on the carpet. Perhaps I am shedding more hair than usual though as this is the first house we've noticed this to be a major issue and the last two houses had cream carpets as this one does.
I am going to get a squeegee and try this and my new Dyson is still in the wrapper so I will look into the shark one to see if it will be better.

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